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Foreign financial institutions upbeat on China's economy

来源:中国日报    2024-07-22 17:14

        The Chinese economy's comparative advantage largely comes from research and innovation, said Wu Yibing, head of China for Singapore's state investment company Temasek. In the past, China's strength in manufacturing was usually attributed to its abundant labor force and high production efficiency, said Wu.        新加坡政府投资公司淡马锡中国区主席吴亦兵称,以往外界将中国制造业的强大归功于丰富的劳动力和较高的生产效率,如今中国经济的比较优势很大程度来自创新研发。
        In the first half of the year, the country's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, increased by 6 percent year on year, according to the NBS data.        国家统计局数据显示,上半年,全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长6.0%。
        The high-tech manufacturing industry also posted strong growth, with its output up 8.7 percent in the first half, according to the NBS.        上半年,高技术制造业也实现了强劲增长,规上高技术制造业增加值同比增长8.7%。
        The country's production of service robots, smartphones and new energy vehicles surged 22.8 percent, 11.8 percent and 34.3 percent, respectively, in the first six months.        上半年,服务机器人、智能手机、新能源汽车产量增速分别为22.8%、11.8%和34.3%。
        Bloomberg said in a report on July 16 that China's long-term quest for high-quality growth is starting to bear fruit.        彭博社7月16日发表的文章指出,中国对高质量发展的长期追求已开始获得回报。
        "Advances in electric vehicles, solar panels and other high-tech industries have helped keep economic expansion within reach of its targeted pace of around 5 percent," said the report.        文章称:“新能源汽车、太阳能电池板和其他高科技产业的发展有助于中国实现全年5%左右经济增长目标。”
        Apart from industrial output and high-end manufacturing, investment and exports are also seen as the highlights of China's economy by the institutions.        除了工业产出和高端制造业,投资和出口也被外资金融机构视为中国经济的亮点。
        The effects of large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-in of consumer goods continue to manifest, driving effective investment along with the issuance of local government special bonds and ultra-long special treasury bonds, said Ji Mo, chief China economist of DBS Group Research.        星展中国首席经济学家纪沫表示,大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新政策效应不断显现。前期发放的专项债、超长期特别国债,有力带动了有效投资。
        Data shows that China's investment in infrastructure construction during the January-June period rose 5.4 percent from the previous year, while manufacturing investment increased 9.5 percent.        数据显示,今年上半年基础设施投资同比增长5.4%, 制造业投资增长9.5%。
        The country's net exports of goods and services drove GDP growth by 0.7 percentage points in the same period.        上半年,中国货物和服务净出口拉动GDP增长0.7个百分点。
        China has become increasingly important as a major global supplier of goods and has continued to expand its market share despite trade restriction measures, said Liu Jing, chief economist for Greater China at HSBC.        汇丰银行环球研究大中华区首席经济学家刘晶认为,尽管从世界范围来看贸易限制措施有所增加,但中国作为世界重要商品供应国的重要性日益凸显,市场份额不断扩大。
        The accelerated development of new quality productive forces, the continuous release of policy effects and the recovery of external demand have supported China's economy, but further reform and opening-up is needed in the face of challenges such as insufficient effective demand and a complex external environment, multiple experts from the overseas financial institutions have said.        多位外资金融机构专家表示,新质生产力加速发展、政策效应持续释放、外需有所回暖等因素对中国经济形成新支撑,但面对有效需求不足、外部环境日益复杂等挑战,仍需进一步全面深化改革、扩大开放。

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