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24 Solar Terms: 7 things you may not know about Major Heat

来源:中国日报    2024-07-22 17:28

        The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Heat, the 12th solar term of the year, begins this year on July 22 and ends August 6.        中国传统二十四节气的第12个节气是大暑,今年的大暑从7月22日开始,8月6日结束。
        During Major Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year.        大暑期间,中国大部分地区进入全年最热的时节。
        The following are 7 things you should know about Major Heat.        一起来了解关于大暑的7个小常识。
        A season of harvesting and planting        收获和种植的季节
        During Major Heat, the sunshine, high temperatures, and heavy rainfall are good for agricultural crops. But like Minor Heat, many natural calamities such as floods, droughts and typhoons also happen during Major Heat. Therefore, it's important to harvest and plant in time to avoid setbacks caused by natural disasters.        大暑期间的阳光、高温和大雨有利于农作物的生长。但是和小暑一样,洪水、干旱和台风等自然灾害也发生在大暑期间。因此,及时收获和耕种以避免自然灾害带来的损失是很重要的。
        Sending the Major Heat ship        送大暑船
        Sending the Major Heat ship is a folk tradition spanning hundreds of years in Taizhou, Zhejiang province.        送大暑船是浙江省台州市流传了几百年的民间传统。
        The ship is filled with various animals for sacrifice such as pigs, sheep, chicken, fish, and shrimps. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they march through the streets. Drums are played and fireworks are lit. Both sides of the street are filled with people praying for blessings.        这艘船上装满了猪、羊、鸡、鱼和虾等各种用于祭祀的动物。伴着锣鼓喧天、烟花爆竹齐鸣,50多名渔民轮流抬着船在街上巡游,街道两旁挤满了祈福的人们。
        After a series of ceremonies, the ship is finally carried to the wharf. Then, the ship is pulled out of the fishing port and burned at sea. People carry out this ritual to pray for good harvests and health.        经过一系列仪式,船最终被抬到码头,拉出渔港,并在海上焚烧。人们送大暑船是为了祈求丰收和健康。
        Cricket fighting        斗蟋蟀
        Major Heat is a season with the largest number of crickets that can be found in the fields along the countryside. Cricket fighting is a popular pastime for some people in China during this period. The custom dates back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907).        大暑是蟋蟀在乡野田间出没最多的时节。斗蟋蟀是中国人在这个时期流行的消遣方式之一。这个习俗可以追溯到1000多年前的唐朝(公元618-907年)。
        Eating litchi and mizao        吃荔枝和米糟
        On the day of Major Heat, there is a custom of eating litchi, Mizao in Putian, Fujian province, as a celebration of Major Heat.        在大暑当天,福建莆田人有吃荔枝、米糟来庆祝大暑的习俗。
        Litchi is a nutritious fruit containing glucose and vitamins. People usually soak litchi in cold well water first and eat it. It is said that litchi during Major Heat is as nourishing as ginseng.        荔枝是一种营养丰富的水果,含有葡萄糖和维生素。人们通常会先把荔枝在冰凉的井水中泡一泡再吃。据说大暑时节的荔枝营养价值可与人参相媲美。
        Mizao is made of fermented rice. On the day of Major Heat, people cook them with brown sugar. It can reinforce the vital energy of the human body.        米糟是用发酵的米制成的。在大暑当天,人们会用红糖煮米糟,食之可以增强人体的元气。
        Eating pineapples        吃菠萝
        There is a saying in Taiwan which goes, "eating pineapples in Major Heat." During the period of Major Heat, pineapple tastes best.        中国台湾有“大暑吃菠萝”的民间说法。大暑期间的菠萝最美味。
        Drinking mutton soup        喝羊肉汤
        There is a custom in southern Shandong province where people drink mutton soup on the day of Major Heat. Many people go to local restaurants to drink mutton soup, which is called "summer mutton soup."        鲁南地区有在大暑当天喝羊肉汤的习俗。许多人会去当地餐馆喝羊肉汤,这被称为“喝暑羊”。
        Eating grass jelly        吃仙草冻
        Grass jelly, Xiancaodong in Chinese, is made with a special grass whose stems and leaves can be made into herb jelly after being dried in the sun.        仙草冻是用一种特殊的草制成的,其茎叶晒干后可以制成草本果冻。
        With the amazing ability to quell the summer heat, grass jelly is described in a popular saying in Guangdong province that goes, "eating herb jelly in Major Heat will make you stay young like the immortals."        仙草冻具有惊人的消暑功效,在广东省有句流行的谚语说:“大暑吃仙草,活如神仙不会老。”
        The herb jelly looks and tastes like another jelly-like Guilinggao, or called Turtle Jelly, but without the bitter taste!        仙草冻的外观和味道都像果冻状的龟苓膏,但没有龟苓膏的苦味!

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