民调称多数美国黑人认为他们遭到政府刻意打压 美记者:这是事实 而非“脑补”_OK阅读网
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民调称多数美国黑人认为他们遭到政府刻意打压 美记者:这是事实 而非“脑补”

来源:中国日报    2024-06-17 17:37

        There is a long list of reasons why Black Americans should be critical and suspicious of American institutions and believe the system is set up against them. Where do we begin, and do you have the time?        为什么美国黑人应该对美国的制度持批评和怀疑态度,并认为这个制度是针对他们的,原因有很多。我们从哪里开始,你有时间听吗?
        The trans-Atlantic slave trade, the reason many of us are here, is a prime example. The slave trade was most certainly a conspiracy by white elites to get paid through mass kidnap, trafficking, rape, torture and forced labor.        黑人奴隶贸易就是一个典型的例子,这也是我们许多人来到这里的原因。奴隶贸易无疑是白人精英通过大规模绑架、贩卖、强奸、酷刑和强迫劳工谋取利益的阴谋。
        In South Carolina — where over 40% of enslaved Africans entered America through the port of Charleston, and where my family has remained for over 300 years — the state department of education has eliminated the teaching of Advanced Placement African American Studies in high school. This move follows a trend across the country by white nationalists to criminalize or otherwise ban Black knowledge, history and books. Hide the evidence of the crime, and you silence the calls for justice and reparations or at least make the best effort to shut it down.        在南卡罗来纳州,40%以上的非洲奴隶通过查尔斯顿港进入美国,我的家族也在这里生活了300多年,州教育部取消了高中非裔美国人研究的进阶课程。此举遵循了全美各地白人民族主义者将黑人知识、历史和书籍定为犯罪或以其他方式加以禁止的趋势。隐藏犯罪证据,就能压制要求伸张正义和赔偿的呼声,或至少尽最大努力将其封杀。
        White supremacy and institutional racism have always involved regulating what and whether Black people can read and controlling the voting rights of Black people. That’s a conspiracy. Nearly 60 years since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, voting rights for Black people are under assault by red states, the Supreme Court and white nationalist lawmakers in the so-called land of the free. Voter suppression, disenfranchisement and purging of voter rolls are the name of the game, as Congress refused to pass The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, legislation that would have restored the protections of the Voting Rights Act.        白人至上主义和制度性种族主义一直都在管束黑人能读什么书、能不能读书,以及控制黑人的投票权。这是一个阴谋。美国《民权法》通过近60年来,在所谓的自由之地,黑人的投票权一直受到红州、最高法院和白人民族主义立法者的攻击。他们玩着选民压制、剥夺选举权和清除选民名册的把戏,国会拒绝通过《约翰·刘易斯投票权促进法案》,该法案本可以恢复《投票权法案》的保护。
        The Tuskegee Syphilis Study — a conspiracy and not a conspiracy theory by the federal government to withhold treatment to hundreds of Black men with syphilis and allow them to suffer in pain and even die — is an example of a long history of unethical medical testing on the Black community. Medical racism is real, from the gynecological experiments performed on enslaved Black women without anesthesia, to the present-day conspiracy that makes Black families suffer from the highest maternal mortality and infant mortality rates in America.        塔斯基吉梅毒研究是一个针对黑人的阴谋,而非所谓的“阴谋论”。联邦政府阻止数百名患有梅毒的黑人男子接受治疗,让他们遭受痛苦甚至死亡,这也是美国对黑人群体长期进行不道德医学试验的一个例子。从在没有麻醉的情况下对女性黑人奴隶进行妇科实验,到如今使黑人家庭遭受美国最高的孕产妇死亡率和婴儿死亡率之苦的阴谋,医学种族主义是真实存在的。
        And let us not forget the ongoing government conspiracy to shortchange land-grant HBCUs by billions of dollars compared to their white college counterparts over 150 years.        不要忘记,150多年来,美国政府一直在密谋减少赠地传统非裔大学的土地补助金,与白人大学相比要少数十亿美元。
        Remember, these racial disparities in education are not conspiracy theories because the conspiracy is real. And these crucial Black institutions and their students are struggling in the process. Black Americans do not need a report to tell them this.        记住,这些教育中的种族差异不是“阴谋论”,因为阴谋是真实存在的。这些至关重要的黑人机构及其学生在这一过程中举步维艰。美国黑人不需要报告来告诉他们这一点。
        “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a state of rage almost, almost all of the time — and in one’s work,” James Baldwin said. “And part of the rage is this: It isn’t only what is happening to you. But it’s what’s happening all around you and all of the time in the face of the most extraordinary and criminal indifference, indifference of most white people in this country, and their ignorance.”        詹姆斯·鲍德温说:“在这个国家,作为一个黑人,如果有相对清醒的认识,就会几乎时时刻刻都处于愤怒之中——在工作中亦是如此。”愤怒的一部分原因是:这不仅仅是发生在你身上的事情,而是发生在你周围的事情,而且是面对这个国家大多数白人的漠不关心和他们的无知而无时无刻不在发生的事情。
        And when Black people march and protest to change the institutions that oppress them — as they did during the George Floyd summer of 2020 — the response is kneeling Congressmembers in kente stoles and empty corporate promises, followed by a return to the 1950s racial hierarchy, the defunding of DEI programs, no venture capital for Black women-owned businesses and more police.        而当黑人为了改变压迫他们的体制而游行抗议时——就像他们在2020年乔治·弗洛伊德之夏所做的那样——得到的回应却是国会议员身着非洲服饰下跪和空洞的共同承诺,紧接着就是回到上世纪 50 年代的种族等级制度、取消“多样性、平等与包容雇佣计划”(DEI)资助、拒绝为黑人女性创立的企业提供风险投资以及更多的警察。
        While Pew has published many outstanding reports, no one asked for a study to inform us that Black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories that undermine us, much less a report that insults our intelligence and suggests it’s all in our heads and we’re making up all this stuff.        虽然皮尤研究中心发布了许多出色的报告,但没有人要求该机构进行研究,并告诉我们,美国黑人相信打压黑人的“种族阴谋论”,更不用说一份侮辱黑人智商并暗示这一切都是黑人在“脑补”的报告了。

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