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Chinese companies' brand strength sets new high: report

来源:中国日报    2024-06-24 17:48

        The overall brand strength of Chinese companies increased by 17 percent year-on-year, reaching a new high in history, according to the Kantar BrandZ 2024 Chinese Global Brand Builders report.        根据《2024凯度BrandZ中国全球化品牌50强》榜单,中国企业的整体品牌力同比增长17%,创下历史新高。
        Jointly compiled by the international market research firm Kantar and Google, the report, released on Thursday, surveyed global consumers from 11 international markets on their opinions about Chinese global brands. The brand strength scores were calculated, taking into account three major factors: meaningful, difference, and salient.        该报告由咨询机构凯度联合谷歌于6月20日发布,通过分析品牌的有意义、差异化、活跃度三项关键指标,报告调查了来自11个国际市场的全球消费者对中国全球品牌的看法。
        The significant increase in the overall brand strength of Chinese companies highlighted the vitality of Chinese brands in the global market, said Doreen Wang, CEO of Kantar Greater China and global chair of Kantar BrandZ.        凯度集团大中华区CEO暨BrandZ全球主席王幸表示,中国企业整体品牌力的显著提升,彰显出中国品牌在全球市场的发展活力。
        Wang also noted that the combination of China's industrial chain ecosystem and innovative technology has become a new competitive strength for Chinese global brands.        王幸还指出,中国产业链生态优势叠加创新科技成为中国全球化品牌的新竞争力。

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