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Airlines see significant recovery in bookings

来源:中国日报    2024-02-20 17:07

        The eight-day Spring Festival holiday that lasted from Feb 10 to Saturday, coupled with relaxed visa polices of several countries, has significantly boosted travel demand and fueled further growth of the air travel market.        长达8天的春节假期(2月10日-2月17日)恰逢我国对多个国家签证政策放松,不仅引爆了出行需求,也推动航空旅行市场规模进一步增长。
        During the holiday period, the total number of air passengers handled in China, including via domestic and international flights, reached 17.99 million. The daily average number of passenger trips handled hit 2.25 million, setting a new high, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China.        中国民航局公布的数据显示,春节假期全国民航(包括国内和国际航班)累计运输旅客1799.2万人次,日均运输旅客224.9万人次,创历史新高。
        Over the festival period, the total number of flights operated in China reached 137,000, up 4.9 percent compared with the same period of 2019, or before the COVID-19 pandemic. The figure jumped 33.2 percent year-on-year, the CAAC said.        民航局数据显示,春节期间,全国航班总数达13.7万班,较2019年同期(疫情前)增长4.9%,较2023年同期增长33.2%。
        "Domestically, Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an and Chengdu Tianfu international airports were the busiest airports during the holiday," said Zheng Hongfeng, founder and CEO of VariFlight, an aviation data and solution service provider.        飞常准(飞行数据及方案提供商)创始人兼首席执行官郑洪峰透露,广州白云、深圳宝安、成都天府是春节期间国内航班量最高的机场。
        For international and regional routes, the number of flights operated during the festival period reached 15,000, which rebounded to nearly 70 percent of levels seen in 2019, with the figure surging 364 percent year-on-year, VariFlight found.        飞常准的数据显示,国际及地区航线实际客运航班量1.5万班次,已恢复至2019年同期近七成水平;较2023年同期增长364%。
        During the period, a total of 13.52 million Chinese and foreign travelers entered or exited the country, an increase of 2.8-fold compared with the holiday period last year, and the number resumed to nearly 90 percent of 2019 levels, said the National Immigration Administration.        据国家移民管理局通报,春节期间共有1351.7万人次中外人员出入境,较2023年春节同期增长2.8倍,恢复至2019年春节同期的近九成。
        With more flights connecting China and Southeast Asia becoming available, an increasing number of passengers from Southeast Asian countries traveled to or transferred through China during the festival period.        由于中国与东南亚之间的航线增加,春节假期从东南亚国家前往或过境中国的旅客数量也增多了。
        Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines operated more flights to Southeast Asian island destinations to meet growing travel demand from China. During the holiday, the carrier operated more than 2,300 round-trip flights between domestic cities and Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok.        总部在上海的中国东方航空增加了中国对东南亚海岛目的地的航线,以满足出行需求。春运期间,东航执行国内至新加坡、吉隆坡、曼谷三地的往返航班量超2300班。
        "The visa-free policies of multiple countries and accelerated recovery of international flights have further stimulated Chinese visitors' enthusiasm for traveling abroad," said Fan Dongxiao, director of short-haul outbound tours at Tuniu Corp, a Nanjing, Jiangsu province-based online travel agency.        总部在江苏的途牛旅游门户网站出境短线产品负责人范东晓表示,中国与多国免签的政策和国际航线的加速复苏进一步刺激了中国游客出境游的热情。
        In addition, Guangzhou-based China Southern Airlines operated some 25,400 flights during the holiday, up 20.95 percent over the same period of 2019. The carrier handled 4.17 million passenger trips, up 23.25 percent over 2019.        总部在广州的中国南方航空集团春节假期累计执飞2.54万班次,同比2019年增长20.95%;承运旅客人次417.21万,同比2019年增长23.25%。
        For domestic flights, the number of passengers departing from Ningbo and Yiwu in Zhejiang province, Jieyang in Guangdong province, Changsha in Hunan province and Beijing showed a significant increase compared with the same period of 2019.        南航称,国内方面,宁波、义乌、揭阳、长沙、北京等城市始发旅客承运人次同比2019年增幅较大。
        Domestic tourism cities such as Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan province, Haikou and Sanya in Hainan province, and Changbaishan and Yanji in Jilin province were popular destinations, China Southern said.        部分旅游热点目的地城市如丽江、大理、海口、三亚、长白山、延吉等也有较为明显的增幅。
        Internationally, passengers departing from Frankfurt, Moscow, London, Tokyo, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur during the holiday showed an apparent increase compared with 2019, the airline said.        国际和地区方面,法兰克福、莫斯科、伦敦、东京、新加坡、吉隆坡等城市始发旅客承运人次同比2019年增幅较大。

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