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The world’s most expensive cities in which to live in 2023

来源:中国日报    2023-12-01 15:57

        According to the annual Worldwide Cost of Living Index that’s published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the average cost of living rose by 7.4% this year. Grocery prices increased the fastest.        根据经济学人智库发布的年度全球生活成本指数,今年全球平均生活成本上涨了7.4%。食品杂货价格上涨得最快。
        "Further escalations of the Israel-Hamas war would drive up energy prices, while a greater than expected impact from El Niño would push up food prices even further,” Upasana Dutt, Head of Worldwide Cost of Living at EIU, said in a statement.        经济学人智库全球生活成本部主管乌帕萨娜·达特在一份声明中写道:“以色列与哈马斯的战事升级将会推高能源价格,而厄尔尼诺现象超出预期的影响也会进一步抬高食品价格。”
        Inevitably, increasing living costs have meant that many cities have become more expensive to live in – but some get hit harder than others.        生活成本的上涨不可避免地会提高许多城市的生活花费,有些城市受到的冲击比其他城市更大。
        The city-state of Singapore and Switzerland’s Zurich were named as the most expensive cities in the world.        新加坡和瑞士苏黎世被评为全球生活成本最贵的城市。
        The rise of the latter, which jumped from sixth place on last year’s list, was attributed to the strength of the Swiss Franc along with the high prices of groceries, household goods and recreation. Singapore’s costly transport and clothing were also noted.        苏黎世从去年的第六名跃升为第一名,源于瑞士法郎的升值以及食品杂货、家居用品和休闲娱乐的高昂价格。新加坡的榜首之位则是拜其昂贵的交通和服饰所赐。
        Although New York tied with Singapore for first place last year, where prices have increased by 1.9% according to the study, slipped to third, tying with Switzerland’s Geneva.        尽管纽约在去年和新加坡并列第一,但今年却下滑到第三位,与瑞士日内瓦并列。研究显示,纽约今年物价上涨了1.9%。
        Hong Kong, the only other Asian destination in the top 10, was fifth, while Los Angeles was at No. 6, and Paris was named the seventh most expensive city in the world.        香港是除了新加坡外唯一一个跻身前十名的亚洲城市,洛杉矶排在第六位,巴黎则是第七名。
        Israel’s Tel Aviv shares eighth place with Denmark’s Copenhagen. However, it’s worth noting that survey was conducted before the October outbreak of Israel-Hamas conflict.        以色列的特拉维夫与丹麦的哥本哈根并列第八。需要指出的是,这项调查是在10月以色列与哈马斯爆发冲突之前开展的。
        Finally, San Francisco, one of three US cities in the top 10, came in 10th place.        跻身前十的三个美国城市之一旧金山排在第十位。
        Damascus, Syria, remains the world’s cheapest city. Tehran, Iran, and Tripoli, Libya, are also near the bottom, ranking in 172nd and 171st place respectively.        叙利亚的大马士革仍然是全球生活成本最低的城市。伊朗的德黑兰和利比亚的的黎波里也是物价几乎垫底的城市,分别排在第172名和第171名。
        Utility, domestic help and tobacco costs were highest in US cities, while Western European cities were some of the most expensive when it came to recreation, transport and household goods.        美国城市的公共服务、家政服务和烟草价格是最高的,西欧城市的休闲娱乐、交通和家居用品则是最贵的。
        Groceries and alcohol were most costly in Asian cities, according to the survey.        调查发现,亚洲城市的食品杂货和酒精饮料是最贵的。
        The 2023 Worldwide Cost of Living surveyed 173 major cities, comparing more than 400 individual prices across 200 products and services. It excluded Venezuela’s Caracas, where prices have risen by 450% since 2022.        2023全球生活成本指数调查了173个大城市,比较了200种产品和服务的超400项单价。不过调查并未包括委内瑞拉的加拉加斯,该市的物价自2022年以来已上涨了450%。
        The world’s 10 most expensive cities for 2023        2023生活成本最贵城市榜单前十名
        1. Zurich and Singapore (tie)        第一名:苏黎世和新加坡(并列)
        3. New York and Geneva (tie)        第三名:纽约和日内瓦(并列)
        5. Hong Kong        第五名:香港
        6. Los Angeles        第六名:洛杉矶
        7. Paris        第七名:巴黎
        8. Tel Aviv and Copenhagen (tie)        第八名:特拉维夫和哥本哈根(并列)
        10. San Francisco        第十名:旧金山

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