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China's profits continue to grow, economy continues stabilizing

来源:中国日报    2023-11-28 16:55

        Profits at China's industrial firms extended gains for a third consecutive month in October, pointing to further signs of a stabilizing economy.        10月份我国工业企业利润连续3个月实现正增长,表明经济进一步企稳向好。
        Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday that industrial enterprises with annual revenue of at least 20 million yuan ($2.8 million) each saw their total profits increase 2.7 percent year-on-year in October after a notable 11.9 percent rise in September.        国家统计局11月27日发布的数据显示,10月份全国规模以上工业企业(年主营业务收入在2000万元及以上的工业企业)利润同比增长2.7%,9月份规上工业企业利润同比增长11.9%。
        Yu Weining, a statistician at the NBS, attributed the continued recovery in industrial profits to the steady rebound in industrial production and improved corporate profitability with a series of macro policies taking effect gradually.        国家统计局统计师于卫宁将工业企业利润持续恢复向好归功于宏观政策效果持续显现,工业生产稳定增长,工业企业营收加快回升。
        For the January-October period, industrial firms' profits fell 7.8 percent year-on-year to 6.12 trillion yuan, narrowing from the 9 percent drop in the first nine months, the bureau said.        统计局称,1—10月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额61154.2亿元,同比下降7.8%,降幅较1—9月份(9%)收窄。
        Among the 41 major industrial sectors surveyed, 30 saw improvements such as accelerated growth, narrowed profit declines, or year-on-year growth in their profits during the first ten months.        1—10月份,在被调查的41个工业大类行业中,有30个行业利润增速较1—9月份加快或降幅收窄、由降转增。
        During the January-October period, profits recorded by industrial firms that offer a supply of electricity, heat, gas and water grew by 40 percent year-on-year, up from the 38.7 percent rise in the first nine months.        1—10月份,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业利润同比增长40.0%,相比1—9月份(38.7%)有所上升。
        Meanwhile, profits recorded by mining firms and manufacturing companies shrank by 19.7 percent and 8.5 percent, respectively, in the first ten months, compared to the 19.9 percent decline and 10.1 percent contraction in the first nine months.        1—10月份,采矿业和制造业利润总额同比分别下降19.7%和8.5%,相比之下,1—9月份采矿业和制造业利润总额同比分别下降19.9%和10.1%。
        Notably, profits of raw materials manufacturing firms surged 22.9 percent in October amid continued recovery in downstream demand.        值得注意的是,随着下游需求不断恢复,10月份原材料制造业利润实现大幅增长,增速达到22.9%。
        Profits of consumer goods manufacturing enterprises increased by 2.2 percent in October with policies on expanding demand and boosting consumption taking effect gradually, witnessing profits rise for a third consecutive month.        随着扩内需促消费政策逐渐生效,10月份消费品制造业利润增长2.2%,连续3个月增长。
        During the January-October period, profits at equipment manufacturing enterprises rose by 1.1 percent on a yearly basis, NBS data showed.        国家统计局的数据显示,1至10月份,装备制造业利润同比增长1.1%。

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