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Tech in focus to push new industrialization

来源:中国日报    2023-11-21 16:42

        China will ratchet up efforts to cultivate leading global enterprises and unicorns in industrial internet — a high-tech frontier where major countries are all scrambling to establish a beachhead — the country's top industry regulator said on Monday.        工业和信息化部20日表示,将积极培育工业互联网新兴独角兽企业和领军企业。当前全球大国正抓紧在该前沿科技领域建立阵地。
        The move is part of China's broader push to advance new industrialization, which highlights the use of cutting-edge technologies such as 5G in industrial production and management. It is designed to promote the upgrade and digital transformation of the country's sprawling industrial economy, experts said.        这是中国为推进新型工业化部署的系列举措之一,新型工业化强调在工业生产和管理中应用5G等尖端技术。专家表示,此举旨在推动中国工业经济升级和数字化转型。
        Jin Zhuanglong, minister of industry and information technology, said at the 2023 China 5G plus Industrial Internet Conference in Wuhan, Hubei province, that more efforts will be made to carry out collaborative research on industrial chains and promote systematic breakthroughs in key products, such as industrial internet platforms, industrial software and industrial control systems.        2023中国5G+工业互联网大会在湖北武汉开幕,工信部部长金壮龙在会上表示,开展产业链协同攻关,推进工业互联网与工业软件、工控系统等重点产品体系化突破。
        Jin called for more work on leveraging China's edge in 5G technologies to accelerate the research and development of industrial-grade 5G products, and cultivate more leading enterprises and unicorns, or startups with a valuation of over $1 billion.        发挥5G领先优势,加快工业级5G产品研发推广,积极培育新兴独角兽企业和领军企业。
        Data from the ministry shows that China has built the world's largest 5G network, with around 3.19 million 5G base stations as of September. The market scale of the industrial internet industry has exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan ($167 billion) in the country, with more than 8,000 5G-plus industrial internet projects and over 89 million connected industrial devices.        工信部数据显示,截至(今年)9月,中国已建成全球规模最大的5G网络,累计建成开通近319万个5G基站,工业互联网产业规模已超1.2万亿元,“5G+工业互联网”项目超过8000个,连接设备超8900万台/套。
        "We will draft guidelines for the large-scale application of 5G-plus industrial internet technologies in different sectors, and encourage leading enterprises to play a vital role in driving the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries in industrial chains," Jin added.        金壮龙表示,将分行业制定规模应用融合指南,发挥龙头企业牵引作用,带动产业链上下游协同发展。
        Zhou Ji, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said, "Since last year, two breakthroughs have strengthened our confidence and determination to focus on intelligent manufacturing as our main strategy."        中国工程院院士周济表示:“自去年以来,两项突破增强了我们将智能制造作为主要战略的信心和决心。”
        One is ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot that has shown the potential of AI in empowering a wide range of sectors. The other is the rapid emergence of China's electric vehicle industry. "The cars are evolving at a fast pace that is way beyond our expectations," Zhou said.        其一是人工智能技术驱动的聊天程序ChatGPT显示出人工智能广泛的应用前景。另一个是中国电动汽车行业的迅速崛起。“汽车行业的发展速度之快远远超出了我们的预期,”周济说。
        Yang Jie, chairman of China Mobile, said AI has moved up from being an auxiliary means of assisting industrial transformation to an indispensable core capability to support economic and social development.        中国移动董事长杨杰表示,人工智能正由助力产业提质增效的辅助手段,加速成为支撑经济社会转型发展不可或缺的核心能力。
        "AI can not only write poetry, but also can solve practical problems," Yang added.        “人工智能不仅可以写诗,还可以解决实际问题。”
        Hu Houkun, rotating chairman of Huawei Technologies Co, said it used to be hard to connect industrial equipment to the internet, and even if connected, such equipment was difficult to operate or could only perform simple tasks.        华为公司轮值董事长胡厚崑表示,过去存在工业装备无法联网,操作不友好,只能执行简单任务等难题。
        To solve such problems, the company has come up with crucial technologies, such as industrial chips, or the "heart" to provide computing power, Hu said.        为了解决这些问题,华为已经开发了关键技术,如工业芯片,作为负责提供算力的“心脏”。
        Meanwhile, Huawei has developed industrial operating systems, namely the "brain "responsible for commanding equipment to complete real-time and complex work tasks, and network connectivity, which is the "meridian" to ensure access to data, Hu added.        同时,华为还开发了工业操作系统,作为负责指挥装备完成实时、复杂的工作任务的“大脑”,以及网络连接,作为保障数据访问的“经脉”。

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