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China's theme parks increase in revenue and development

来源:中国日报    2023-11-22 14:51

        The eighty theme parks received a total of 75.74 million visits last year in the Chinese mainland with the revenue totaling 15.36 billion yuan ($2.13 billion), an increase of 15.29 percent from a year earlier, the news portal ThePaper reported on Sunday.        据澎湃新闻11月19日报道,我国大陆地区的80家主题公园2022年共接待游客约7573.61万人次,录得营业收入约153.59亿元人民币,同比增长15.29%。
        The news portal cited the latest report from Institute for Theme Studies in China, saying that the Chinese mainland has 82 theme parks that are within the standard of large or extra-large theme park in 2022; and 80 theme parks were included in the research report, an increase of ten from the figure in 2021.        澎湃新闻援引中国主题公园研究院的最新报告称,研究院的评价对象为大型和特大型主题公园,2022年全国共有82家主题公园符合条件,其中80家被纳入本年度研究报告中,同比净增加10家。
        The number of the theme parks in the Chinese mainland is showing an uptrend, and the proportion of domestic brand theme parks accounted for more than a half in 2022, said Lin Huanjie, president of Institute for Theme Studies in China.        中国主题公园研究院院长林焕杰表示,中国主题公园的数量呈现持续上升的态势,2022年国内系列品牌主题公园占比过半。
        The domestic theme park is forming an "industrial chain"; some domestic theme parks such as Fantawild, Happy Valley and Haichang Ocean Park have gradually paid attention to brand expansion and development, as well as gradually formed the connection between various theme parks in China's eastern, central and western regions to improve brand construction, Lin said.        林焕杰指出,国内主题公园正在形成“产业链”,以方特、欢乐谷、海昌海洋公园为代表的国内主题公园品牌已逐步注意到品牌的扩张发展,在东、中、西地区渐渐形成了各个主题公园间的构建连接,完善品牌建设。
        In addition, more newly domestic intellectual properties are appearing in the theme parks, and the shaping of the domestic intellectual properties will raise the upper limit for domestic theme park development, as well as increase the consumer re-visit rate to these theme parks, Lin added.        与此同时,林焕杰表示,更多中国本土化IP诞生,本土化IP的良好塑造也将提高国内主题公园发展的上限,提升消费者对主题公园的重游率。

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