OpenAI:阿尔特曼将重返公司担任CEO 组建新董事会_OK阅读网
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OpenAI:阿尔特曼将重返公司担任CEO 组建新董事会
OpenAI restores Sam Altman as CEO after his tumultuous ouster

来源:中国日报    2023-11-22 17:25

        OpenAI on Tuesday said it reached an agreement for Sam Altman to return as CEO days after his ouster, capping frenzied discussions about the future of the startup at the center of the artificial intelligence boom.        在山姆・阿尔特曼被免职几天后,22日OpenAI表示,已达成协议由阿尔特曼重新担任首席执行官,结束了这家超级独角兽上演的“宫斗”大戏。
        In addition to Altman's return, the company agreed in principle to partly reconstitute the board of directors that had dismissed him. Bret Taylor, formerly co-CEO of Salesforce, and Larry Summers, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, will join Quora CEO and current director Adam D'Angelo, OpenAI said.        除了阿尔特曼的回归,公司原则上同意部分重组解雇董事会。OpenAI表示,Salesforce前联合首席执行官布莱特·泰勒(Bret Taylor)、前美国财政部长拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)和Quora首席执行官兼现任董事亚当·德安杰洛将组成新的董事会。
        Altman said in a post on X, "i'm looking forward to returning to openai."        阿尔特曼在X上发帖说:“我期待着回到OpenAI。”
        In a statement on X, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella welcomed the changes to OpenAI's board.        在X的一份声明中,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉对OpenAI董事会的变动表示支持。
        "We believe this is a first essential step on a path to more stable, well-informed, and effective governance," he said.        他说:“我们相信这是迈向更稳定、知情和有效治理的第一步。”
        Altman's return also caps a tumultuous weekend that saw him agree to head a new research team at Microsoft (MSFT.O), which has invested billions of dollars in OpenAI and given it the computing power necessary for its technology.        阿尔特曼的回归也为这个动荡的周末画上了句号,他同意领导微软的一个新研究团队,该团队已对OpenAI投资数十亿美元,并为其技术提供了必要的计算能力。
        That followed a rejection by OpenAI's board of his first attempt to return to the startup, on Sunday, by naming ex-Twitch boss Emmett Shear as interim CEO.        此前,OpenAI董事会于19日拒绝了他重返该公司的协商,任命游戏流媒体平台Twitch前管理者埃米特·谢尔为临时首席执行官。
        Altman's dismissal had brought uncertainty for OpenAI and Microsoft alike, which had moved quickly to control damage over the weekend by vowing to hire him and Greg Brockman, president of the startup.        阿尔特曼遭解雇给OpenAI和微软带来了不确定性,他们在周末迅速采取行动,力争让阿尔特曼和OpenAI总裁格雷格·布罗克曼重返岗位,以控制损失。
        Brockman, who had quit after Altman was ousted, said in a post on X that he was "getting back to coding tonight."        布罗克曼在阿尔特曼被辞退后宣布辞职,他在X上的一篇帖子中表示,他“今晚将重新开始编码”。
        Nearly all of OpenAI's over 700-strong staff on Monday had threatened to leave unless the board stepped down and reinstated Altman, according to a letter reviewed by Reuters.        路透社消息显示,21日OpenAI的700多名员工几乎都威胁要离职,除非董事会下台并恢复阿尔特曼的职务。

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