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Specialists offer peek at the future of AI

来源:中国日报    2023-11-10 16:50

        At the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit on Thursday, top executives of China's biggest internet and technology companies called for accelerated efforts to develop AI infrastructure and an open AI ecosystem.        11月9日,在世界互联网大会乌镇峰会上,来自中国的互联网巨头和科技公司高管们呼吁加快发展人工智能(AI)基础设施和开放的AI生态系统。
        At the conference, industry experts also called for more coordinated international efforts for AI governance, believing it is the only way to harness AI for humanity amid rising global economic uncertainties.        行业专家在会上呼吁国际社会协同发力推动人工智能治理,专家称在全球经济不确定性不断增加的背景下,这是利用AI为人类服务的唯一途径。
        In a WIC session involving top executives of Baidu Inc, Alibaba Group and JD, the topic that received emphasis was the need to build a more open AI ecosystem.        在一场由百度、阿里巴巴和京东的高管参加的大会分论坛上,与会者强调建立一个更加开放的AI生态系统的必要性。
        Wu Yongming, CEO of Alibaba Group, said: "The key to developing AI is to create a strong infrastructure and an open ecosystem. AI and cloud computing will become Alibaba's two-wheel drive for future underlying capabilities and the company will insist on building a more solid infrastructure base and a more open and prosperous AI ecosystem."        阿里巴巴集团首席执行官吴泳铭表示:“发展AI的关键是创建强健的基础设施和开放的生态。‘AI+云计算’的双轮驱动,是阿里云面向未来、支撑AI基础设施的底层能力。公司将坚持打造更加扎实的基础设施底座,不断加大开放和开源力度,营造繁荣的AI生态。”
        With around half of the country's AI large models running on Alibaba Cloud, Wu disclosed that Alibaba will soon "enable its large model with 72 billion parameters to be in open source", which is expected to become the largest open-source large model in China.        目前全国一半AI大模型跑在阿里云上,吴泳铭透露,阿里巴巴即将开源720亿参数大模型。这将是国内参数规模最大的开源大模型。
        Robin Li, chairman of Baidu Inc, emphasized that current large models and computing power cannot generate value themselves and the key is to use large models and other technologies to build a prosperous AI native ecosystem.        百度董事长李彦宏强调,目前大模型和算力本身并不产生价值,利用大模型等技术构建繁荣的AI原生生态才是关键。
        Guo Kaitian, senior vice-president of Tencent Holdings, said in a separate session that the company has developed technologies related to large models, including model algorithms, machine learning frameworks and AI infrastructure, all by itself.        腾讯集团高级副总裁郭凯天在另一场会议上表示,腾讯混元大模型已经掌握了从模型算法到机器学习框架,再到AI基础设施的自研技术。
        "Tencent also pays more attention to the effectiveness of applying large AI models to real business scenarios," Guo said, adding Tencent Cloud has offered more than 50 large model solutions to 10 major industries, including finance, cultural tourism, media, government affairs and education.        郭凯天表示:“腾讯也更注重将AI大模型应用于真实商业场景的有效性。腾讯云已为金融、文旅、媒体、政务和教育等10余个行业提供了超过50个大模型行业解决方案。”
        At the same time, Tencent has been beefing up efforts in technological ethics and will strive to make AI "knowable, controllable, available and reliable", Guo said.        他说,与此同时,腾讯一直在加强科技伦理建设,并将努力使AI“可知、可控、可用、可靠”。
        In another session, Yang Yuanxi, co-founder of Kuaishou, disclosed that the company is developing its own large language model and a video recommendation system based on large models.        快手联合创始人杨远熙在另一会议上透露,快手也正在研发自己的大语言模型和基于大模型的视频推荐系统。
        Since the company has a portfolio of more than 10 billion short videos, it is difficult to use human power to enable users to find content that matches their interests. So, AI is expected to help in this regard, Yang said.        杨远熙说,快手有大概100多亿的库存视频,让每个人能够找到自己想要的内容,这通过人力是解决不了的。AI有望在这方面发挥作用。
        Last month, China launched the Global AI Governance Initiative with the avowed goal of creating an open, inclusive and fair approach for the development, security and governance of emerging AI technologies and services.        10月,中国发布《全球人工智能治理倡议》,就人工智能发展、安全、治理提出开放、包容、公平的中国方案。
        Xuan Xingzhang, an official from the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies, said that countries across the world have been strengthening their use of AI, especially large model technology, and China, the United States and the European Union have all explored and boosted AI governance.        中国网络空间研究院党委副书记宣兴章表示,世界各国都在加强人工智能应用,尤其是大模型技术,中国、美国和欧盟都在探索和推动人工智能治理。
        Francis Gurry, vice-chair of the WIC and former director-general of the World Intellectual Property Organization, said: "The future of the internet and the future of AI are closely connected with each other. Realizing the potential of AI also requires international cooperation, just like promoting the continued development of the internet."        世界互联网大会副理事长、世界知识产权组织前总干事弗朗西斯·高锐表示:“互联网的未来和人工智能的未来是紧密相连的。实现人工智能的潜力也需要国际合作,就像促进互联网的持续发展一样。”

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