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Convenience store offers relief for mountain climbers in Hunan

来源:中国日报    2023-11-13 12:21

        Climbers in Pingjiang, Hunan province, don't have to imagine this. For them, such a store built on a cliff is a reality.        在湖南省平江县,悬崖上的便利店变成了现实。
        The Shiniuzhai scenic area is famous for its towering cliffs, deep canyons and unique rock formations. It is also known for its glass-bottom bridge, one of the longest and highest glass bridges in the world.        石牛寨旅游区以其高耸的悬崖峭壁、深邃的峡谷和独特的岩层而闻名。这里还拥有世界上最长、海拔位置最高的玻璃吊桥。
        Song Huizhou, general manager of Shiniuzhai, said the 2-square-meter convenience store there is built on a mountainside about 120 meters above the ground.        石牛寨旅游区总经理宋惠州说,这家2平方米的便利店建在离地120米的山坡上。
        It was constructed in 2017 and opened a year later. Visitors coming to experience the scenic area's rock climbing program are usually amateurs, so they often get hungry and thirsty along the way. The park authority decided to build the store as a refreshment center for them.        于2017年建成,2018年开业。前来体验景区攀岩项目的游客通常是业余爱好者,他们一路上经常会感到又饿又渴。景区管理机构决定打造一家便利店作为攀岩者的休闲中心。
        It generally takes the climbers nearly one-and-a-half hours to make it to the top.        攀岩者通常需要将近一个半小时才能登顶。
        The drinks and food at the store are carried up by staff members every day. Despite the location and laborious delivery of the products, the prices are similar to those at ordinary stores, Song said.        商店里的饮料和食物每天都由店员运上来。宋惠州说,尽管商店位置险峻,配送辛苦,但这里的商品售价与普通商店相近。
        The climbers are allowed to take one free bottle of water, he said.        他说,每位登山者可以免费领取一瓶水。
        Some netizens joked that it is the "least convenient convenience store", while others said they found it "adorable" and that it would be "very cool" to work in the store.        一些网友戏称这是“最不方便的便利店”,还有人评价,他们觉得这家便利店“很棒”,在店里工作会“很酷”。
        Song said all the buzz online has attracted people from various places to the area.         宋惠州说,便利店的网络热度吸引着不同地方的人前来景区。
        The store opens at 8 am and closes at 5 pm. A sole cashier is on hand if the store has many customers; if not, the visitors can scan a QR code with their phones to pay for their items, he said.        这家商店早上8点开门,下午5点关门。如果顾客很多,会有一名收银员在场;如果顾客不多,可以用手机扫描二维码自助购买商品。
        Safety is also a top priority, and employees routinely conduct maintenance and inspect reinforcements at the store, he added.        宋惠州说,安全也是头等大事,员工定期会对便利店进行维护和检查固定装置。
        "The store is so cool, as you do not come across such a store easily in your daily life," a tourist said. "I will definitely recommend my friends to go rock climbing here. It is challenging and also brings a great sense of achievement."        一位游客说:“这家商店太酷了,因为你在日常生活中不会轻易遇到这样的商店。我一定会推荐朋友来这里攀岩。很有挑战性,很有成就感。”

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