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In a Worldwide War of Words, Russia, China and Iran Back Hamas

来源:纽约时报    2023-11-06 01:40

        The conflict between Israel and Hamas is fast becoming a world war online.        以色列和哈马斯之间的冲突正在迅速演变成一场网络上的世界大战。
        Iran, Russia and, to a lesser degree, China have used state media and the world’s major social networking platforms to support Hamas and undercut Israel, while denigrating Israel’s principal ally, the United States.        伊朗、俄罗斯和相对没那么积极的中国利用官方媒体和全球主流社交网络平台支持哈马斯,批评以色列,并诋毁以色列的主要盟友美国。
        Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq have also joined the fight online, along with extremist groups, like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, that were previously at odds with Hamas.        伊朗在黎巴嫩、叙利亚和伊拉克的代理势力,以及基地组织和伊斯兰国等此前与哈马斯不和的极端组织也加入了网上的战斗。
        The deluge of online propaganda and disinformation is larger than anything seen before, according to government officials and independent researchers — a reflection of the world’s geopolitical division.        政府官员和独立研究者表示,网络上的宣传和虚假信息比以往任何时候都更加泛滥,反映了全球地缘政治的割裂。
        “It is being seen by millions, hundreds of millions of people around the world,” said Rafi Mendelsohn, vice president at Cyabra, a social media intelligence company in Tel Aviv, “and it’s impacting the war in a way that is probably just as effective as any other tactic on the ground.” Cyabra has documented at least 40,000 bots or inauthentic accounts online since Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza on Oct. 7.        “全世界数以百万计、数以亿计的人都看到了,”位于特拉维夫的社交媒体情报公司Cyabra的副总裁拉菲·门德尔松说。“它对战争的影响可能不亚于任何一种地面战术。”自10月7日哈马斯从加沙袭击以色列以来,Cyabra查实了至少4万个网络机器人或虚假账号。
        The content — visceral, emotionally charged, politically slanted and often false — has stoked anger and even violence far beyond Gaza, raising fears that it could inflame a wider conflict. Iran, though it has denied any involvement in the attack by Hamas, has threatened as much, with its foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, warning of retaliation on “multiple fronts” if Israeli forces persisted in Gaza.        这些账号传播的内容——这些非理性的、情绪化的、带有政治倾向且往往是虚假的信息,在加沙之外的地方激起愤怒乃至暴力,引发了关于其可能点燃更广泛冲突的担忧。虽然否认与哈马斯的袭击有任何牵连,但伊朗已经发出威胁,外长阿卜杜拉希扬警告,如果以军继续占领加沙,伊朗可能进行“多方面”的报复。
        “It’s just like everyone is involved,” said Moustafa Ayad, executive director for Africa, the Middle East and Asia at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. The institute, a nonprofit research organization in London, last week detailed influence campaigns by Iran, Russia and China.        “就好像所有势力都参与其中了,”战略对话研究所的非洲、中东和亚洲事务执行主任穆斯塔法·阿亚德表示。这家伦敦的非营利研究组织于上周详细介绍了伊朗、俄罗斯和中国的影响力活动。
        The campaigns do not appear to be coordinated, American and other government officials and experts said, though they did not rule out cooperation.        美国和其他国家的政府官员及专家表示,这些行动似乎并非经过了协调,但也不排除存在合作的可能性。
        While Iran, Russia and China each have different motivations in backing Hamas over Israel, they have pushed the same themes since the war began. They are not simply providing moral support, the officials and experts said, but also mounting overt and covert information campaigns to amplify one another and expand the global reach of their views across multiple platforms in multiple languages.        尽管伊朗、俄罗斯和中国支持哈马斯而非以色列的动机各不相同,但自战争开始以来,他们一直在推动同样的主题。官员和专家表示,它们不仅提供道义上的支持,还开展了公开和隐蔽的信息宣传活动,放大彼此的声音,并在多个平台上以多种语言扩大其观点的全球影响力。
        The Spanish arm of RT, the global Russian television network, for example, recently reposted a statement by the Iranian president calling the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Oct. 17 an Israeli war crime, even though Western intelligence agencies and independent analysts have since said a missile misfired from Gaza was a more likely cause of the blast.        例如,俄罗斯全球电视网络RT电视台的西班牙语频道最近就转发了伊朗总统的声明,称10月17日发生在加沙阿赫利阿拉伯医院的爆炸是以色列犯下的战争罪行,尽管西方情报机构和独立分析人士后来表示,加沙一枚发射失败的导弹更有可能是爆炸的原因。
        Another Russian overseas news outlet, Sputnik India, quoted a “military expert” saying, without evidence, that the United States provided the bomb that destroyed the hospital. Posts like these have garnered tens of thousands of views.        另一家俄罗斯海外新闻媒体Sputnik India援引一名所谓军事专家没有证据的说法,称摧毁医院的炸弹是美国提供的。这样的帖子已经吸引了数以万计的浏览量。
        “We’re in an undeclared information war with authoritarian countries,” James P. Rubin, the head of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, said in a recent interview.        “我们正在与专制国家进行一场未经宣战的信息战,”美国国务院全球参与中心主任詹姆斯·鲁宾在最近的一次采访中说。
        From the first hours of its attack, Hamas has employed a broad, sophisticated media strategy, inspired by groups like the Islamic State. Its operatives spread graphic imagery through bot accounts originating in places like Pakistan, sidestepping bans of Hamas on Facebook and X, formerly known as Twitter, according to Cyabra’s researchers.        受伊斯兰国等组织的启发,从发动袭击的最初几个小时开始,哈马斯就采用了广泛而复杂的媒体策略。据Cyabra的研究人员称,其操作办法是通过来自巴基斯坦等地的机器人账号传播图像,避开了Facebook和X(之前的Twitter)对哈马斯的禁令。
        A profile on X that bore the characteristics of an inauthentic account — @RebelTaha — posted 616 times in the first two days of the conflict, though it had previously featured content mostly about cricket, they said. One post featured a cartoon claiming a double standard in how Palestinian resistance toward Israel was cast as terrorism while Ukraine’s fight against Russia was self-defense.        他们说,在冲突发生的头两天,X上带有虚假账户特征的账户@RebelTaha发布了616个帖子——虽然之前的内容主要是关于板球。其中一篇帖子中包括一幅漫画,声称巴勒斯坦对以色列的抵抗被视为恐怖主义,而乌克兰对俄罗斯的斗争被当做自卫,这是双重标准。
        Officials and experts who track disinformation and extremism have been struck by how quickly and extensively Hamas’s message has spread online. That feat was almost certainly fueled by the emotional intensity of the Israeli-Palestinian issue and by the graphic images of the violence, captured virtually in real time with cameras carried by Hamas gunmen. It was also boosted by extensive networks of bots and, soon afterward, official accounts belonging to governments and state media in Iran, Russia and China — amplified by social media platforms.        追踪虚假信息和极端主义的官员和专家对哈马斯的信息在网上传播得如此迅速和广泛感到震惊。几乎可以肯定,巴以问题引发的强烈情绪,以及哈马斯枪手所携相机几乎实时拍摄的生动暴力图像都助长了这样的结果。此外,水军机器人的大规模网络和随后参与其中的伊朗、俄罗斯和中国政府和官媒的官方账号也都通过社交媒体平台为其推波助澜。
        In a single day after the conflict began, roughly one in four accounts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X posting about the conflict appeared to be fake, Cyabra found. In the 24 hours after the blast at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, more than one in three accounts posting about it on X were.        Cyabra发现,在冲突开始后的一天内,Facebook、Instagram、TikTok和X上发布有关冲突的账户中,大约有四分之一似乎是假的。在阿赫利阿拉伯医院爆炸事件发生后的24小时内,在X上发布的有关该事件的帖子中,超过三分之一的账户是假的。
        The company’s researchers identified six coordinated campaigns on a scale so large, they said, that it suggested the involvement of nations or large nonstate actors.        该公司的研究人员发现了六次协调行动,他们说,其规模之大表明有国家或大型非国家行为体参与其中。
        The Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s report last week singled out Iranian accounts on Facebook and X that “have been spreading particularly harmful content that includes glorification of war crimes and violence against Israeli civilians and encouraging further attacks against Israel.”        战略对话研究所上周的报告特别指出,Facebook和X上的伊朗账户“一直在传播特别有害的内容,包括美化战争罪行和针对以色列平民的暴力行为,并鼓励进一步攻击以色列”。
        Although the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, denied the country’s involvement in the attack, the accounts have depicted him as the leader of a “Pan-Islamic resistance” to Israel and neocolonial Western powers.        尽管伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊否认该国参与了袭击,但这些报道将他描述为反对以色列和新殖民主义西方列强的“泛伊斯兰抵抗运动”的领导人。
        A series of posts on X by a state-affiliated outlet, Tasnim News Agency, said the United States was responsible for “the crimes” and showed a video of wounded Palestinians. On Telegram, accounts have also spread false or unverified content, including one widely debunked account that CNN had faked an attack on a television crew.        官方媒体塔斯尼姆通讯社在X上发布了一系列帖子,称美国应对“这些罪行”负责,并添加了一段受伤的巴勒斯坦人的视频。在Telegram上,一些账户还散布虚假或未经证实的内容,其中一个被广泛驳斥的账户称,CNN伪造了一起电视工作人员遇袭事件。
        Cyabra also identified an online campaign in Arabic on X from Iraq, evidently from Shiite Muslim paramilitary groups supported by Iran, including the movement of Muqtada al-Sadr. A network of accounts posted identical messages and photos, using the hashtag #AmericasponsorIsraelTerrorism. Those posts peaked on Oct. 18 and 19, amassing more than 6,000 engagements, and had the potential to reach 10 million viewers, according to Cyabra.        Cyabra还发现了一个来自伊拉克的阿拉伯语在线运动,显然是由伊朗支持的什叶派穆斯林准军事组织发起的,其中包括穆克塔达·萨德尔的活动。大量账户使用#美国赞助以色列恐怖主义#的标签,发布了相同的信息和照片。据Cyabra称,这些帖子在10月18日和19日达到顶峰,吸引了6000多人参与,有可能多达1000万人浏览。
        Israel, which has its own sophisticated information operations, has found itself unexpectedly on the defensive.        以色列拥有先进的信息行动,却意外地发现自己处于守势。
        “Like its military, Israel’s social media was caught flat-footed and responded days late,” said Ben Decker, the chief executive of Memetica, a threat intelligence consulting firm, and a former researcher for The New York Times. “The response, even when it got off the ground, was chaotic.”        “和以色列的军队一样,以色列的社交媒体被打了个措手不及,反应晚了几天,”曾任《纽约时报》研究员,现任威胁情报咨询公司Memetica首席执行官的本·德克尔说。“即使着手反制,策略上也杂乱无章。”
        Two Israeli government officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said Israel was tracking the bot activity from Iran and other countries. They noted that it was larger than any previous campaign they had seen.        两名因讨论情报问题而要求匿名的以色列政府官员表示,以色列正在追踪来自伊朗和其他国家的网络机器人活动。他们指出,这比他们见过的任何一次信息活动都要大。
        The war has heightened concerns in Washington and other Western capitals that an alliance of authoritarian governments has succeeded in fomenting illiberal, antidemocratic sentiment, especially in Africa, South America and other parts of the world where accusations of American or Western colonialism or dominance find fertile soil.        这场战争加剧了华盛顿和其他西方国家的担忧,即一个由威权政府组成的联盟已经成功地煽动了反自由、反民主的情绪,尤其是在非洲、南美以及世界上其他长期指责美国或西方殖民主义或其统治地位的地方。
        Russia and China, which have grown increasingly close in recent years, appear intent to exploit the conflict to undermine the United States as much as Israel. The State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which combats state propaganda and disinformation, has in recent weeks detailed extensive campaigns by Russia and China to shape the global information environment to their advantage.        近年来关系日益密切的俄罗斯和中国似乎打算利用这场冲突来破坏美国和以色列。最近几周,负责打击国家宣传和虚假信息的国务院全球参与中心详细介绍了俄罗斯和中国为塑造有利于自己的全球信息环境而开展的大规模活动。
        A week before Hamas attacked Israel, the State Department warned in a report that China was employing “deceptive and coercive methods” to sway global opinion behind its worldview. Since the war began, China has portrayed itself as a neutral peacemaker, while its officials have depicted the United States as a craven warmonger that suffered a “strategic failure in the Middle East.”        在哈马斯袭击以色列的一周前,美国国务院在一份报告中警告,中国正在使用“欺骗和胁迫的方法”来左右全球舆论,使其支持自己的世界观。自战争开始以来,中国一直把自己描绘成一个中立的和平缔造者,而中国官员则把美国描绘成一个“在中东遭遇战略失败”的懦弱战争贩子。
        Accounts of Russian officials and state media have shared that sentiment. Numerous pro-Kremlin accounts on Telegram abruptly shifted after Oct. 7 from content about the war in Ukraine to post exclusively on Israel, including an Arabic-language channel linked to the Wagner Group, the Russian paramilitary force that rebelled against President Vladimir V. Putin in June.        俄罗斯官员和官媒也表达了同样的态度。10月7日之后,Telegram上的许多亲克里姆林宫账号突然从发布乌克兰战争的内容转向专门发布有关以色列的内容,其中包括一个与瓦格纳集团有关联的阿拉伯语频道。瓦格纳集团是俄罗斯的准军事力量,曾在今年6月反抗普京总统。
        Mr. Putin, who met with Hamas leaders after the war began, described the wars in Ukraine and Israel as part of the same broad struggle against American global dominance. He also claimed, without evidence, that “Western intelligence services” were behind a riot on Sunday that targeted Jews at the airport in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region in southern Russia.        普京在战争开始后会见了哈马斯领导人,他称乌克兰和以色列的战争属于同一场反对美国全球主导地位的广泛斗争。他还在没有证据的情况下声称,“西方情报机构”是周日达吉斯坦机场针对犹太人的骚乱的幕后黑手,达吉斯坦是俄罗斯南部一个以穆斯林为主的地区。
        “They’re in a conflict, a geostrategic competition, with the United States,” said Michael Doran, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now director of the Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East at the Hudson Institute. “And they recognize that when Israel, the U.S.’s primary ally in the Middle East, is wrapped up in a war like this, it weakens the United States.”        “他们与美国处于一场冲突,一场地缘战略竞争之中,”前白宫和五角大楼官员、现哈德逊研究所中东和平与安全中心主任迈克尔·多兰说。“他们认识到,当美国在中东的主要盟友以色列卷入这样一场战争时,这会削弱美国的力量。”

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