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Trump Assails Judge and Concedes a Role in Valuing His Empire’s Property

来源:纽约时报    2023-11-07 03:25

        He was belligerent and brash, unrepentant and verbose — regardless of the courtroom setting, he was the quintessential Donald J. Trump.        他爱逞威风而态度倨傲,油盐不进又喋喋不休。无论身处怎样的法庭环境,他都是那个唐纳德·J·特朗普。
        Within minutes of Mr. Trump’s taking the witness stand on Monday, his civil fraud trial in Manhattan devolved into a chaotic spectacle before a packed house. The former president lashed out at his accusers and denied their claims, even while conceding involvement in some of the conduct at the case’s heart.        周一,当特朗普刚走上证人席,这场在曼哈顿审理的民事欺诈案件就在满堂众目睽睽之下变成了一出混乱闹剧。虽然承认自己参与了该案核心直指的部分行为,但这位前总统仍然大肆抨击了检方,并否认了其指控。
        Ranting and rambling as the courtroom pulsed with tension, Mr. Trump attacked New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, as a “political hack.” He derided the proceeding as “a very unfair trial.” And he scolded the judge overseeing the case, Arthur F. Engoron, for having decided before the trial that he had committed fraud.        在紧张的法庭气氛中,他大吵大闹、东拉西扯,攻击纽约州总检察长詹乐霞(Letitia James)是“政治打手”。他嘲弄审理程序是“非常不公的审判”。他还斥责主审法官阿瑟·F·恩戈伦在开庭前就已认定他犯有欺诈罪。
        “He called me a fraud, and he doesn’t know anything about me!” Mr. Trump exclaimed from the stand, pointing at the judge, who flashed a grin.        “他说我是个骗子,但他对我一无所知!”特朗普在证人席上指着恩戈伦喊道,后者咧嘴笑了一下。
        The outbursts demonstrated the former president’s disdain for a case that has already imperiled his family business and labeled him a fraud and a cheat. Ms. James, who has become one of Mr. Trump’s arch antagonists, has not only put his company on trial, but also called into question the richer-than-rich persona that he built over his years as a businessman and reality television star — the identity that propelled his run for the White House.        激烈的言辞说明了前总统对此案的深恶痛绝,它已经损害了他的家族生意,并给他贴上了骗子和作弊者的标签。已成为特朗普最大眼中钉之一的詹乐霞不只要审判他的公司,还对他多年来作为商人和真人秀明星所打造的“富上加富”的人设提出质疑,这一人设正是支持他竞选总统的根本。
        Mr. Trump, who was accused by Ms. James of inflating his net worth to defraud banks and insurers, acknowledged helping to assemble annual financial statements submitted to the banks.        詹乐霞指控特朗普夸大自己的净资产来欺骗银行和保险公司,特朗普则承认他参与了提交给银行的年度财务报表的编制。
        “I would look at them, I would see them, and I would maybe on occasion have some suggestions,” said Mr. Trump, who began the day looking tired but soon grew animated.        “我会看看,我能看到,我可能偶尔也会提些建议,”特朗普说。庭审开始时他看起来颇为疲倦,但很快情绪就暴躁了起来。
        Although the admission appeared to bolster the attorney general’s case, Mr. Trump, seated 30 feet from Ms. James, also sought to minimize the import of the financial statements, which he said he largely left to aides. He noted that they contained numerous disclaimers, making them essentially “worthless.” Banks paid little attention to them, he said, before promising, unprompted, that some of his bankers would soon testify in his defense.        尽管他的证词似乎有利于检察长的指控,但坐在詹乐霞大约九米开外的特朗普还是尽力避免提及财务报表,称自己基本上都让助手完成这一工作。他说这些文件包含了大量免责声明,实际上“毫无价值”。他说银行很少关注这些东西,然后还出乎意料地放话称,为他服务的一些银行家很快就能帮他作证。
        Mr. Trump, the leading Republican contender for the presidency, brought combative campaign-trail energy to the courtroom, punctuating his testimony with grandiose claims and long-winded asides that infuriated the judge and obscured some of his more effective testimony.        作为支持率最高的共和党总统候选人,特朗普把竞选路上的战斗精神带到了法庭,在证词中夹带了夸大其词和偏离案件的冗长自白,令法官十分恼火,也淹没了他的一些相对有用的证词。
        He delivered an impassioned ode to his golf course near Aberdeen, Scotland, calling it an “artistic expression” and the greatest ever built. He assailed Justice Engoron: “The fraud is on the court, not me.”        他大肆赞美了自己在苏格兰阿伯丁市附近打造的高尔夫球场,称之为“艺术表达”,是有史以来最伟大的高尔夫球场。他对恩戈伦进行了人身攻击:“骗子就在庭上,但不是我。”
        The judge, who will determine the outcome of the case instead of a jury, repeatedly admonished Mr. Trump for not directly responding to questions from Ms. James’s team.        决定该案结果的将是恩戈伦法官,而不是陪审团。在庭上,恩戈伦反复对特朗普拒绝直接回答詹乐霞团队的质问做出警告。
        “You can attack me. You can do whatever you want,” Justice Engoron told him, “but answer the question.”        “你可以攻击我。你可以做任何想做的事,”恩戈伦法官告诉他,“但你要回答问题。”
        When the judge turned to Mr. Trump with a simple request — “please no speeches” — his words drew a smirk from the former president, who continued to meander. At one point, Mr. Trump interrupted Kevin Wallace, a state lawyer questioning him, with an “Excuse me, sir,” so that he could opine about what he would have done had he in fact wanted to inflate the value of his assets.        当法官向特朗普提出“请不要发表演讲”这个简单要求时,特朗普冷笑一声,随后依然滔滔不绝。特朗普一度用“抱歉,先生”打断正在向他提问的州律师凯文·华莱士,然后开始大谈特谈假如要夸大资产价值自己会怎么做。
        “The net worth of me was far greater than the financial statements,” Mr. Trump scolded Mr. Wallace, later telling him that he should be “ashamed.”        “我的净资产远比财务报表上的多,”特朗普对华莱士斥责道,随后还称他应该感到“羞耻”。
        “People like you try to demean me and try to hurt me,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Wallace.        “你这种人就是在试图诋毁我、伤害我,”特朗普对华莱士说。
        The testimony pushed Mr. Trump far outside his campaign-trail comfort zone to the controlled environs of a courtroom, where lying is a crime and outbursts can land you in contempt of court. The deeply personal nature of the trial for Mr. Trump, 77, whose obsession with his wealth is a defining feature of his celebrity, injected an extra dose of emotion into his testimony.        这些证词将特朗普远远推出了竞选舒适区,在严格受控的法庭环境中,说谎是一种犯罪,泄愤可能被判藐视法庭。对个人财富的痴迷是77岁的特朗普名气的象征,对他来说,这场审判里的深刻个人恩怨也给他的证词注入了更多情绪。
        Mr. Trump is fighting Ms. James’s civil case while facing four criminal indictments implicating him in everything from a hush-money deal with a porn star to an attempt to undermine American democracy. While the cases are a distraction during his third White House run, Mr. Trump’s lead has only grown. He has cast himself as a political martyr under attack from Democrats like Ms. James and Justice Engoron.        在应对詹乐霞的民事诉讼同时,特朗普还面临着四项刑事起诉,指控涉及方方面面,从与一名色情明星的封口费交易,到企图破坏美国民主。尽管这些案件在特朗普第三次竞选总统期间分散了他的注意力,但他的领先优势有增无减。他把自己塑造成受詹乐霞和恩戈伦等民主党人攻击的政治殉道者。
        Speaking with reporters after the testimony, Ms. James said that Mr. Trump had “rambled” and “hurled insults” but that “evidence demonstrated that in fact, he falsely inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family.”        詹乐霞在作证后对记者说,特朗普“胡言乱语”并“谩骂”一通,但“证据表明,事实上,他虚假地夸大资产,基本上是为了给自己和家人揽聚财富”。
        Christopher M. Kise, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, thought otherwise: “In my 33 years, I have not had a witness testify better,” he said.        特朗普的律师克里斯托弗·基斯不这么认为。“在我33年的职业生涯中,没有一个证人能比他做得更好,”他说。
        Even before Ms. James’s case went to trial, Justice Engoron had ruled that Mr. Trump’s financial statements were filled with fraud.        早在詹乐霞的案子进入庭审之前,恩戈伦就裁定特朗普的财务报表充满欺诈。
        The trial will determine the punishment. Ms. James wants Mr. Trump to pay a $250 million penalty, be ousted from his company and be permanently barred from the world of New York real estate.        庭审将决定具体的处罚。詹乐霞希望特朗普支付2.5亿美元的罚款,将他逐出公司,并永久禁止他进入纽约房地产界。
        On Monday, as Mr. Wallace questioned Mr. Trump, the former president turned to the judge and lamented the way he had accepted Ms. James’s central contention before any evidence was heard in court: “You believed this political hack back there, and that’s unfortunate.”        周一,在华莱士质询特朗普时,这位前总统转向法官,对他在法庭上听取任何证据之前就接受詹乐霞的核心论点表示遗憾:“你相信了那个政治打手,这很不幸。”
        “Done?” asked Mr. Wallace, like a parent asking a child if he was finished with a tantrum.        “说完了吗?”华莱士问道,就像家长问孩子发够了脾气没有。
        “Done,” responded Mr. Trump, and the questioning continued.        “完了,”特朗普回答,质询继续进行。
        Throughout the roughly four hours of testimony, Mr. Trump alternately accepted and avoided responsibility. When Mr. Wallace asked how he ensured that the financial statements were handled properly, he passed the buck to financial lieutenants and outside auditors, saying, “I gave two people total authority to work with a very expensive accounting firm.”        在大约四个小时的作证过程中,特朗普时而接受责任,时而回避责任。当华莱士问他如何确保财务报表得到妥善处理时,他把责任推给财务助理和外部审计,他说,“我给了两个人完全的权力,让他们与一家非常昂贵的会计师事务所合作。”
        Mr. Trump added, though, that he was not entirely hands-off: “I said, ‘Prepare the statements so that the accounting firm is happy.’”        不过,特朗普补充说,他并不是完全不插手:“我说,‘准备好报表,让会计师事务所满意。’”
        Frequently, Mr. Wallace drew Mr. Trump in with simple questions about whether he had depended on the banks to rely on his financial statements. Mr. Trump affirmed that he had, without seeming to realize that the question went to intent, a necessary element for Ms. James’s lawyers to show.        华莱士经常用一些简单的问题来吸引特朗普,比如他是否依赖银行来处理他的财务报表。特朗普做出了肯定的回答,但他似乎没有意识到,这个问题涉及到意图,而这是詹乐霞的律师需要呈现的一个必要因素。
        He also couldn’t resist exaggerating in exactly the fashion that has left him vulnerable to the attorney general’s claims. When asked how big his triplex in Trump Tower is, he at first provided the accurate answer, 11,000 square feet. Seemingly unable to stop himself, he then said 12,000. Then, he said 13,000.        他还忍不住夸大其词,这让他很容易被总检察长抓住把柄。当被问及他在特朗普大厦的三套公寓有多大时,他一开始给出了准确的答案,11000平方英尺(约合1021平米)。然后他好像有点忍不住,又说12000平方英尺(约合1114平米)。然后又说是13000平方英尺(约合1207平米)。
        Mr. Trump also said that he had directed his employees to drop the value of his Westchester County, N.Y., estate, Seven Springs, because he “thought it was too high,” another acknowledgment of his involvement in the financial statements.        特朗普还表示,他曾指示员工降低他位于纽约州威彻斯特县的地产Seven Springs的价值,因为他“觉得这太高了”,这是他再次承认自己参与了财务报表的编制。
        While that appeared to undercut Mr. Trump’s task on the stand — to distance himself from the valuation of his net worth — parts of his testimony may have helped him.        尽管这似乎削弱了特朗普在证人席上的任务——与自己的净资产估值保持距离——但他的部分证词可能对他有所帮助。
        Mr. Trump gave a tutorial of sorts on real estate valuations, noting that a lower cash flow in a given year might not depress the overall value of his flagship office building in the Financial District. And he pointed out that the banks he is accused of defrauding actually made money, arguing that they were hardly victims.        特朗普等于是上了一堂关于房地产估值的课,他指出,某一年的现金流减少,可能不会降低他在金融区旗舰办公楼的整体价值。他指出,他被指控欺诈的银行实际上赚了钱,并辩称这些银行很难说是受害者。
        He also spoke about moments of restraint.        他还谈到了自己如何克制。
        When asked whether he approved the valuation for an office building, Mr. Trump said that he accepted it, not that he approved it, and did not instruct anyone to alter it. Asked if it was based on true and accurate information, the former president replied, “I hope so.”        当被问及他是否认可了一栋办公楼的估值时,特朗普说,他接受了这个估值,而不是认可,也没有指示任何人修改这个估值。当被问及是否基于真实准确的信息时,前总统回答说:“我希望如此。”
        Mr. Trump testified that he had an opinion on the worth of his properties, especially his Florida estate. “I thought that Mar-a-Lago was very underestimated, but I didn’t do anything about it,” he said. “I just left it be.”        特朗普作证说,他对自己财产的价值有自己的看法,尤其是他在佛罗里达的房产。“我认为马阿拉歌庄园被严重低估了,但我没有采取任何措施,”他说。“我就不管它了。”
        But his expansive answers irritated the judge. As Mr. Trump spoke lovingly about Mar-a-Lago, calling it “beautiful” and a “success,” Justice Engoron looked up at the ceiling. The more Mr. Trump speechified, the more Justice Engoron rolled his eyes.        但他夸夸其谈的回答激怒了法官。特朗普满怀深情地谈到马阿拉歌庄园,称它“美丽”且“成功”时,恩戈伦抬头看着天花板。特朗普越是滔滔不绝,恩戈伦就越是翻白眼。
        After Mr. Trump blurted that Aberdeen was the oil capital of Europe, Justice Engoron barked, “Irrelevant, irrelevant. Answer the question.”        在特朗普突然说阿伯丁是欧洲的石油之都后,恩戈伦咆哮道:“无关紧要,无关紧要。回答我的问题。”
        In a criminal case, a jury or judge cannot hold a defendant's refusal to answer questions against him. But this case is civil, and the rules are different: A judge can make what is called a “negative inference” — a damning assumption about why a defendant won’t answer.        在刑事案件中,陪审团或法官不能因被告拒绝回答问题而做出对他不利的判断。但这是民事案件,规则有所不同:法官可以做出所谓的“负面推断”——对被告拒绝回答问题的原因做出具有破坏性的假设。
        At one point Monday, the judge, fed up with Mr. Trump’s nonresponsive responses, threatened to excuse the former president from the stand and assume the worst about why he wouldn’t answer.        周一,法官受够了特朗普没有内容的回答,一度威胁要让前总统离开证人席,并对他不回答的原因做最坏的假设。
        Justice Engoron also repeatedly appealed to Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Mr. Kise, to rein in the former president. As Mr. Trump puckered his lips and shrugged his shoulders, Mr. Kise replied that Mr. Trump’s stature — as the “former and again soon-to-be chief executive of the United States” — afforded him leeway.        恩戈伦还多次呼吁特朗普的律师基斯约束这位前总统。特朗普听了噘起嘴唇,耸了耸肩,基斯回答说,以特朗普的地位——作为“美国前任和即将上任的最高行政长官”——理应得到一些特殊照顾。
        “Mr. Kise, can you control your client? This is not a political rally,” Judge Engoron said in the opening moments of the testimony, adding, “We’ll be here forever, and we’ll accomplish nothing.”        “基斯先生,你能约束你的客户吗?这不是政治集会,”恩戈伦在作证开始时说,并补充说,“否则我们得永远留在这里,最后一事无成。”
        By the time Mr. Trump got up to leave the stand at the end of the day, the judge appeared relieved. He turned to the former president and held up his left hand in a goodbye wave.        当天结束,特朗普起身准备离开证人席时,法官似乎松了一口气。他转向这位前总统,举起左手挥手告别。

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