海关总署推出“加工贸易改革16条” 支持原油、煤炭等商品进口_OK阅读网
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海关总署推出“加工贸易改革16条” 支持原油、煤炭等商品进口
General Administration of Customs introduces 16 reform measures

来源:中国日报    2023-11-01 15:48

        The General Administration of Customs' latest move of introducing 16 reform measures to promote high-quality development in processing trade will further enhance the role of policy guidance in supporting the gradual transition of industries within China, said an official on Tuesday.        近日,海关总署出台推动加工贸易持续高质量发展的16条改革措施。海关总署官员10月31日表示,这些改革措施将进一步增强政策的引导作用,支持国内产业逐步转型。
        These measures, such as supporting the processing trade of strategic commodities in the main import areas of China's central, western and northeastern regions, will leverage the resource advantages and industrial characteristics of these regions, said Huang Lingli, deputy director of the GAC's commodity inspection department. The new policies encourage the import of energy and resource commodities such as crude oil, coal, natural gas, iron ore, copper concentrate and grains, said Huang.        海关总署企业管理和稽查司副司长黄伶俐表示,改革措施将支持战略商品在中西部和东北地区主要进口地开展加工贸易。结合这些地区的资源优势、产业特点,支持原油、煤炭、天然气、铁矿石、铜精矿等能源性、资源性商品和粮食等大宗商品进口。
        Processing trade refers to the business activity of importing all, or part of, the raw and auxiliary materials from abroad, and re-exporting the finished products after processing or assembly by companies within the Chinese mainland.        加工贸易是指经营企业进口全部或者部分原辅材料,经本土企业加工或装配后,将制成品复出口的经营活动。
        As a crucial component of China's foreign trade, Huang said processing trade plays a vital role in facilitating external openness, driving industrial upgrading, stabilizing supply chains, ensuring employment and improving people's livelihoods.        黄伶俐指出,加工贸易是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分,在促进对外开放、推动产业升级、稳定产业链供应链、保障就业、改善民生等诸多方面发挥重要作用。
        China's processing trade amounted to 5.57 trillion yuan ($761.22 billion) between January and September of 2023, accounting for 18.1 percent of the country's total foreign trade value, data from the GAC showed.        据海关数据显示,2023年1月到9月,全国加工贸易进出口总值5.57万亿元,占全国外贸进出口总值的18.1%。

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