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Biden’s Support for Israel Now Comes With Words of Caution

来源:纽约时报    2023-10-31 01:44

        WASHINGTON — Three days after Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,400 people, President Joe Biden assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that he supported his vow to “avenge this black day” and to turn the Gaza Strip “into a ruin” from the air and on the ground.        华盛顿——哈马斯恐怖分子屠杀了1400多人三天后,拜登总统向以色列总理内塔尼亚胡保证,他支持后者“为这个黑暗的日子报仇”,从空中和地面把加沙地带“变成一片废墟”的誓言。
        “I told him if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive and overwhelming,” Biden recalled saying during a call between the two leaders on Oct. 10.        拜登回忆10月10日两位领导人通话时说道:“我告诉他,如果美国经历以色列正在经历的事情,我们的反应将是迅速、果断和压倒性的。”
        But the president’s message, in which he emphatically joined the mourning that was sweeping through Israel, has shifted dramatically over the past three weeks. While he continues to declare unambiguous support for Israel, Biden and his top military and diplomatic officials have become more critical of Israel’s response to the terrorist attacks and the unfolding humanitarian crisis.        但是,在过去的三周里,总统所传达的信息在强调与整个以色列一同哀悼的同时,也发生了巨大的变化。虽然拜登继续毫不含糊地宣布支持以色列,但是,关于以色列对恐怖袭击和不断发展的人道主义危机的反应,他和他的高级军事和外交官员越来越不满。
        The president and his senior aides still cling to the hope that the new war between Israel and Hamas might eventually give way to a resumption of talks about normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and could even offer some leverage for a return to negotiations over a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine exist side by side. Netanyahu has long resisted such a move.        总统和他的高级助手们仍然抱着这样的希望:以色列和哈马斯之间的新战争可能最终会让位于以色列和沙特阿拉伯关系正常化的重启谈判,甚至可能为恢复以色列和巴勒斯坦并存的两国解决方案谈判提供一些筹码。内塔尼亚胡长期以来一直抵制这一举动。
        But in the short run, U.S. officials have grown more strident in reminding the Israelis that even if Hamas terrorists are deliberately intermingling with civilians, operations must be tailored to avoid nonmilitary casualties. Last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the United Nations that “humanitarian pauses must be considered,” a move that Israel has rejected.        但在短期内,美国官员越来越强硬地提醒以色列,即使哈马斯恐怖分子故意与平民混在一起,行动也必须有所调整,以避免非军事人员伤亡。上周,国务卿布林肯在联合国表示“必须考虑人道主义停火”,以色列拒绝了这一提议。
        “While Israel has the right — indeed, the obligation — to defend itself, the way it does so matters,” Blinken said, adding that “it means food, water, medicine and other essential humanitarian assistance must be able to flow into Gaza and to the people who need them.”        “虽然以色列有权利——实际上也有义务——保卫自己,但方式很重要。这意味着食品、水、药品和其他必要的人道主义援助必须能够进入加沙,送到需要它们的人手中,”布林肯说。
        On Sunday, just a day after Israeli military leaders said Hamas terrorists were using a hospital in Gaza as a command center, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan was more blunt. Sullivan said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields “creates an added burden for the Israeli Defense Forces.”        周日,就在以色列军方领导人说哈马斯恐怖分子利用加沙的一家医院作为指挥中心的一天后,美国国家安全顾问沙利文更加直言不讳。他在哥伦比亚广播公司的《面对全国》(Face the Nation)节目中说,哈马斯利用平民作为人体盾牌“给以色列国防军增加了负担”。
        He added, “This is something that we talk about with the Israelis on a daily basis.” He then noted that hospitals were not legitimate military targets just as Israel was warning that another major hospital in Gaza had to be emptied out before the next round of bombing.        他还说,“这是我们每天都与以色列人讨论的问题。”他接着指出,医院不是合法的军事目标,当时以色列正警告,在下一轮轰炸之前必须清空加沙的另一家大医院。
        Administration officials said the shift in tone and substance was the result of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where the Health Ministry says more than 8,000 people have been killed, provoking outrage in the United States and around the world.        政府官员表示,语气和内容的转变是加沙人道主义危机的结果。加沙的卫生部表示,该地区已有8000多人丧生,这在美国和世界各地引发了愤怒。
        The change has occurred against the backdrop of global denunciations of Israel’s actions and an explosion of divisive protests in the United States. Campus police at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, were guarding the university’s Center for Jewish Living on Sunday after online posts threatened violence against Jewish students, according to a statement by Cornell President Martha Pollack.        这一变化的背景是全球谴责以色列的行动,以及美国爆发了分裂性的抗议活动。据康奈尔大学校长玛莎·波拉克的声明,周日,在网上出现威胁对犹太学生使用暴力的帖子后,在纽约州伊萨卡市,康奈尔大学的校警正在守卫该大学的犹太生活中心。
        In the first days after the Hamas attacks, Biden drew praise for his unreserved support for Israel, describing the wave of killings as “an act of sheer evil” and vowing to ensure that Israelis “have what they need to respond” to the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Biden has sent to Congress a request for $14.5 billion in military aid for Israel.        在哈马斯发动袭击后的头几天,拜登对以色列毫无保留的支持赢得了赞誉,他称这波杀戮是“彻头彻尾的邪恶行为”,并发誓要确保以色列人“有必要回应”自大屠杀以来对犹太人最严重的袭击。拜登已向国会递交了向以色列提供145亿美元军事援助的请求。
        But as Israel began pounding Gaza from the air in preparation for a ground invasion that began in earnest over the weekend, Biden settled into a pattern of delivering increasingly critical messages to the Israelis — in private first, and then in public.        但是,随着以色列开始从空中轰炸加沙,为周末正式开始的地面入侵做准备,拜登进入了向以色列人传递越来越多批评信息的模式——先是私下,然后是公开。
        The United States has kept a rotating list of senior officials in front of Netanyahu — each being careful not to tell the Israelis what to do, but to ask a series of questions intended to communicate the administration’s concern. How do you handle the tunnels in Gaza? If you are successful, who administers Gaza? Have you thought through how public opinion will turn if civilian casualties mount, or whether the crisis in Gaza might draw in Hezbollah or other militias?        美国不断派遣高级官员去见内塔尼亚胡,他们每个人都小心翼翼地避免告诉以色列人该怎么做,而是提出一系列问题,旨在传达美国政府的关切。你们如何处理加沙的地道?如果你们成功了,谁来管理加沙?你们有没有想过,如果平民伤亡增加,公众舆论会如何转变,或者加沙危机是否会吸引真主党或其他民兵组织?
        Blinken has visited Israel three times. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his counterparts there, along with Gen. Michael Kurilla, the head of U.S. Central Command, and then British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. A European official said their visits were not coordinated with the United States but that everyone had the same idea that it would be hard to start a ground invasion while senior officials were in the waiting room.        布林肯三次访问以色列。国防部长奥斯汀和中央司令部司令库里拉上将会见了以色列国防部长,后来英国首相苏纳克也与之会晤。一名欧洲官员表示,他们的访问没有与美国进行协调,但每个人都有同样的想法——高级官员还在等候室的情况下,很难开始地面入侵。
        On Oct. 15, eight days after the attacks, Blinken had a frank call with Biden after flying out of Cairo, where America’s top diplomat had met with the president of Egypt. Blinken’s trip across the Middle East, in which Egypt was the last stop among Israel and six Arab nations, gave the administration the first stark glimpse of the growing opposition in the Arab world.        10月15日,也就是恐怖袭击发生的第八天,布林肯在离开开罗后与拜登进行了一次坦率的通话,此前布林肯在开罗会见了埃及总统。布林肯的中东之行走访了以色列和六个阿拉伯国家,埃及是最后一站,此行让美国政府第一次清楚地看到了阿拉伯世界日益增长的反对力量。
        Few Arab nations issued statements of support for Israel at the time of the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7. But administration officials had initially believed they could get more backing for the Jewish state from those governments and from other countries worldwide, given the level of atrocities Hamas committed against Israelis.        在10月7日哈马斯发动袭击时,几乎没有阿拉伯国家发表支持以色列的声明。拜登政府官员起初还以为,鉴于哈马斯对以色列人犯下的暴行,他们可以从这些政府和全球其他国家获得更多对以色列这一犹太国家的支持。
        But Blinken briefed Biden daily during his travels, conveying to the president the deep anxieties he was hearing. Biden told Blinken during the Oct. 15 call to return to Israel to try to persuade the leaders there to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, even though Israeli leaders appeared ready to start their ground invasion, U.S. officials said.        然而,出访期间每天都向拜登汇报的布林肯将他所听闻的深切忧虑传达给了对方。美国官员称,拜登在10月15日的电话中要布林肯返回以色列,尝试说服以方领导人允许人道主义救援进入加沙,尽管后者似乎准备开始地面入侵行动。
        It became evident to U.S. officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign. In private conversations with U.S. counterparts, Israeli officials referred to how the United States and other allied powers resorted to devastating bombings in Germany and Japan during World War II — including the dropping of the two atomic warheads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki — to try to defeat those countries.        美方已清楚认识到,以色列领导人认为大规模平民伤亡是军事行动中可接受的代价。在与美国同行的私下谈话中,以色列官员提到了“二战”期间为了击败德国和日本,美国和其他盟友如何对这两国进行毁灭性轰炸,包括在广岛和长崎投下两枚原子弹。
        Publicly, Biden’s language began to shift.        拜登在公开场合的措辞开始发生变化。
        On Oct. 14, at an event in Philadelphia, Biden emphasized that “the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas and Hamas’ appalling attacks, and they’re suffering as a result as well.”        10月14日,拜登在费城的一场活动中强调,“绝大多数巴勒斯坦人与哈马斯和哈马斯骇人听闻的袭击没有任何关系,但他们也因此承受了苦难。”
        Four days later, during a brief visit to Israel, Biden pushed Netanyahu and his war Cabinet to stop bombing the area of the Rafah gate between Gaza and Egypt to allow aid to flow in. Eventually, Biden announced that 20 aid vehicles, a tiny fraction of what was needed, would be allowed in.        四天后,在对以色列进行短暂访问期间,拜登敦促内塔尼亚胡和他的战争内阁停止轰炸加沙和埃及之间的拉法口岸,以保证救援的通过。最终,拜登宣布20辆援助车辆将获准进入,这只是所需救援的一小部分。
        “I was very blunt with the Israelis,” Biden told reporters aboard Air Force One as they traveled back from Israel. “Israel has been badly victimized. But, you know, the truth is that if they have an opportunity to relieve suffering of people who have nowhere to go, that is what they should do.”        “我对以色列人说得非常直白,”从以色列返美途中,拜登在“空军一号”上对记者表示。“以色列是严重的受害者。但你们也知道,现实情况是如果他们有机会减轻那些无处可去者的苦难,那也是他们应该做的。”
        He said that if Israel did not follow that advice, “they’ll be held accountable in ways that may be unfair,” but he added: “If you have an opportunity to alleviate the pain, you should do it, period. And if you don’t, you’re going to lose credibility worldwide.”        他说如果以色列不听从这一建议,“他们恐怕将以不尽公平的方式承担责任,”但他补充道,“能减轻痛苦就去减轻痛苦,就这么简单。如果不这么做,就会在全球声名扫地。”
        After Biden’s trip, reservations inside the U.S. government about a ground invasion only grew. Israeli leaders did not appear to have an endgame for the invasion, U.S. officials said. And Netanyahu and his war Cabinet had no plans for what to do with Gaza once Israeli troops went in and began occupying, at least temporarily, some or all of it.        在拜登出访后,美国政府内部对地面入侵越来越持保留态度。美国官员说,以色列领导人似乎没有对入侵结果进行筹划。一旦以军进入并占领加沙——至少是暂时占领其部分或全部地区——内塔尼亚胡及其战时内阁并没有接下来该拿加沙怎么办的计划。
        In late October, Austin advised Israeli officials to hold off on the ground invasion. He argued that the Americans and the Israelis needed more time for hostage negotiations, to get more humanitarian aid into Gaza, to do better war planning and to strengthen defenses around U.S. troops in the region, who were coming under increasing attack from Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria.        10月下旬,奥斯汀建议以方推迟地面入侵。他认为,美国和以色列需要更多时间进行人质谈判,以便向加沙运送更多人道主义援助,制定更完善的战争计划,并加强该地区美军周围的防御。美国军队正受到伊拉克和叙利亚民兵组织越来越多的攻击,这些组织得到了伊朗的支持。
        In some ways, the Americans were pushing on an open door. They had detected signs that Netanyahu was reluctant to proceed with a ground invasion.        某种程度上,美国此举已无必要。他们看到了内塔尼亚胡不愿进行地面入侵的迹象。
        U.S. officials have also realized that there is virtually no way for them to win over more diplomatic support for Israel. If anything, countries worldwide, especially in the global south, are moving the other way as the Palestinian death toll grows. Even European allies of the United States are divided on Israel’s war. U.S. officials say they realize that what they were able to do with Ukraine — building a coalition of international support — will be impossible to do with Israel.        美国官员也意识到,他们几乎不可能为以色列赢得更多外交支持。随着丧生的巴勒斯坦人越来越多,世界各国——尤其是全球南方国家——只会走向相反的立场。就连美国的欧洲盟友也对以色列的战争产生了分歧。美国官员称,他们发现在乌克兰实现的成果——即建立一个国际支援联盟——对以色列是不可能做到的。
        Many governments worldwide have voiced the need for an immediate cease-fire. A growing number of U.S. lawmakers, including ones who in statements have emphasized their Jewish American backgrounds, say Israel should commit to “humanitarian pauses” to address the crisis in Gaza.        世界上许多国家的政府都表示应当立即停火。越来越多的美国议员包括在声明中强调自己有犹太裔背景的议员表示,以色列应承诺“人道主义停火”以解决加沙危机。
        For Biden, the tightrope walk continues.        而拜登还得继续走钢索。
        On Sunday, Sullivan signaled that the United States would continue to press Israel, publicly and privately, for restraint.        周日,沙利文暗示,美国将在公开和私下场合继续敦促以色列保持克制。
        “Those conversations happen multiple times a day. They happen between the president and the prime minister,” he said.        “这样的对话每天都会有很多,都发生在总统和总理之间,”他说。
        “Sitting here in public,” Sullivan added, “I will just say that the United States is going to make its principles and propositions absolutely clear, including the sanctity of innocent human life. And then, we will continue to provide our advice to Israel in private.”        “面对公众,”苏利文还表示,“我只想说,美国将清清楚楚地亮明原则和主张,包括无辜人命神圣不可侵犯。再者,我们也会继续在私下向以色列提供建议。”

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