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Renewable energy capacity grows robustly

来源:中国日报    2023-10-31 17:42

        China's installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth during the first nine months of this year amid the country's efforts to advance its green transition, according to the National Energy Administration.        国家能源局表示,今年前三季度,我国绿色低碳转型深入推进,可再生能源装机规模强劲增长。
        Renewable energy capacity additions rose 93 percent year-on-year to 172 million kilowatts during the first three quarters, accounting for 76 percent of the country's total newly added installations, the NEA said.        前三季度,全国可再生能源新增装机1.72亿千瓦,同比增长93%,占新增装机的76%。
        Solar power installation during the reporting period rose 145 percent year-on-year to 128.94 million kW, followed by wind power of 33.48 million kW, said Wang Dapeng, deputy head of the administration's new energy and renewable energy department, during a news conference in Beijing on Monday.        国家能源局新能源和可再生能源司副司长王大鹏表示,2023年前三季度,全国光伏新增装机12894万千瓦,同比增长145%,全国风电新增装机容量3348万千瓦。
        As part of China's efforts to speed up the construction of solar and wind power generation facilities in the Gobi Desert and other arid regions, construction has begun on all of the first large-scale wind and solar power bases, a project launched at the end of 2021 that comprises a total of around 100 gigawatts of wind and solar power capacity in desert areas, the administration said.        随着国家多次提出加快推进沙漠、戈壁、荒漠地区大型风电光伏基地建设,第一批约1亿千瓦的大型风电光伏基地已全部开工,该项目于2021年底启动。
        The bases are mainly in the Xinjiang Uygur, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia Hui autonomous regions, and in Qinghai, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces, which all possess abundant wind and solar resources.        主要布局在新疆维吾尔自治区、内蒙古自治区、宁夏回族自治区以及青海、甘肃、陕西等地,这些地区都拥有丰富的风能和光伏能源。
        Construction has also begun on the second group of bases while the project list for the third group has been officially issued for implementation, it added.        第二批基地项目已陆续开工,第三批基地项目清单已正式印发实施。
        Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute, said China has been making huge strides in shifting from its dependence on coal to the use of renewables for power generation, a boon to achieving the country's carbon goals and tackling climate change.        中石化经济技术研究院情报与研究部主任罗作贤(音)表示,中国在从依赖煤炭转向可再生能源发电方面取得了巨大进步,这有利于实现国家的“双碳”目标和应对全球气候变化。
        The installed capacity of renewable energy, which has surpassed that of thermal power, is on track to account for half of the country's total installed capacity, from the current 49.6 percent, as renewable energy like solar and wind power has been playing an increasingly prominent role in ensuring the country's energy supply, Luo said.        他说,光伏发电和风电等可再生能源在确保国家能源供应方面发挥着越来越突出的作用,可再生能源装机约占我国总装机的49.6%,已超过火电,有望突破全国总装机的一半。
        The steady growth of renewables was accompanied by accelerated investment in related infrastructure projects.        可再生能源占比稳步增长背后是对相关基础设施项目的加速投资。
        Energy investment in China maintained rapid growth in the first three quarters, with total investment in key energy projects under construction and those planned to begin within the year reaching nearly 1.5 trillion yuan ($205 billion) during the first eight months, up 20.7 percent compared with the same period in the previous year, said Dong Wancheng, deputy director of the development and planning department of the NEA.        国家能源局发展规划司副司长董万成说,今年前8个月,全国能源投资实现较快增长,全国在建和年内拟开工能源重点项目完成投资额近1.5万亿元,能源重点项目完成投资额同比增长20.7%。
        Investment in nonfossil energy projects accounted for more than 40 percent of the total national energy investment, Dong said.        前8个月,非化石能源重点项目投资在全国能源总投资中的比重超过四成。

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