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Israel’s Strikes on Gaza Are Some of the Most Intense This Century

来源:纽约时报    2023-10-27 01:28

        Israel’s 19-day bombing campaign in Gaza has become one of the most intense of the 21st century, prompting growing global scrutiny of its scale, purpose and cost to human life.        以色列在加沙的轰炸行动持续了19天,已成为21世纪最激烈的轰炸行动之一,令全球日益关注其规模、目的和伤亡情况。
        Since terrorists from Gaza raided Israel on Oct. 7, killing roughly 1,400 people according to the Israeli government, the Israeli military says it has struck more than 7,000 targets inside Gaza. That is a higher number than in any previous Israeli military campaign in the territory, a narrow enclave less than half the size of New York City. It also outstrips the most intense month of the United States-led bombing campaign against ISIS, according to Airwars, a British conflict monitor.        自加沙的恐怖分子于10月7日袭击以色列,造成大约1400人死亡(以色列政府的数字)以来,以军方表示已袭击了加沙境内的7000多个目标。这个数字高于以色列此前在这块面积不到纽约市一半的狭窄飞地上的任何一次军事行动。根据英国冲突监测机构Airwars的数据,这也超过了美国领导的对伊斯兰国轰炸行动最激烈的一个月。
        For Palestinians, the scale of the bombing campaign has appeared vengeful and unfocused, killing Gazans from across a wide spectrum of civilian life and destroying residential areas. The Hamas-run Gazan health ministry says Israeli strikes have killed more than 6,500 people, a number that if verified would make this the deadliest conflict for Palestinians since at least the Lebanon war of 1982.        对巴勒斯坦人来说,这次轰炸行动的规模似乎是报复性的,而且没有重点,被杀害的加沙人来自平民生活的各个领域,居民区遭到摧毁。哈马斯控制的加沙卫生部说,以色列的空袭造成6500多人死亡。如果这个数字得到证实,这将成为至少自1982年黎巴嫩战争以来,巴勒斯坦人死亡人数最多的冲突。
        But to Israelis, there is a necessity and a method to their strikes, which they say are not about retaliation but defense. The campaign, Israeli officials say, is focused on degrading Gazan military infrastructure that is often built near homes and civilian institutions. Officials and analysts warn that a potential ground invasion of Gaza could be even bloodier than the air war. They argue that strikes that ease an Israeli ground advance will help reduce the loss of life for Palestinian civilians and Israeli soldiers alike, once the invasion begins.        但对以色列人来说,他们的袭击是必要的,并非毫无章法,他们称这不是报复,而是防御。以色列官员说,这次行动的重点是破坏加沙的军事基础设施,这些设施通常建在住宅和民用机构附近。官员和分析人士警告,对加沙的潜在地面入侵可能会比空战更加血腥。他们认为,空袭可以令以色列的地面推进更加容易,一旦入侵开始,这将有助于减少巴勒斯坦平民和以色列士兵的生命损失。
        Since Oct. 7, Israel has said it has targeted scores of Palestinian rocket launchers, command centers and munitions factories. It has also used powerful bombs to penetrate the surface in order to collapse a network of tunnels, hundreds of miles long, that armed groups like Hamas have dug deep beneath the territory’s most crowded urban centers.        以色列表示,自10月7日以来,已将数十个巴勒斯坦火箭发射器、指挥中心和军工厂作为攻击目标。它还使用威力强大的炸弹穿透地表,摧毁哈马斯等武装组织在加沙最拥挤的城市中心深处挖掘的长达数百公里的地道网络。
        Even as Israel has used precision weapons, it has maintained a broad definition of what constitutes a military target. Fighter jets wrecked the Islamic University in Gaza because Israel said the campus had been used to train intelligence operatives. They have targeted mosques that Israel says served as weapons depots and operation centers. And they have targeted Hamas commanders in their homes.        尽管以色列使用了精确制导武器,但它对军事目标的定义很宽泛。战斗机炸毁了加沙的伊斯兰大学,因为以色列称该校园被用来训练情报人员。被以色列称为军火库和行动中心的清真寺也遭到袭击。战斗机还袭击了哈马斯指挥官的住所。
        The strikes appear to have successfully curbed the groups’ rocket-firing abilities. The Israeli military has not released exact numbers, but there were fewer than 20 air raid sirens across Israel on Wednesday, compared with hundreds during the first days of the war.        空袭似乎成功地遏制了该组织的火箭发射能力。以色列军方没有公布确切的数字,但是周三,以色列全境的空袭警报响了不到20次,而战争开始的头几天响了数百次。
        Despite that, Israel has continued to pound the enclave. On Tuesday, the Hamas-run health ministry said that 704 people had been killed in the previous 24 hours. If verified, it would be Gaza’s single deadliest day of the war.        尽管如此,以色列仍在继续轰炸这片飞地。周二,哈马斯控制的卫生部表示,在过去24小时内,已有704人丧生。如果得到证实,这将是加沙在此次战争中死亡人数最多的一天。
        For many in Gaza, the high death toll is an indication that Israel is seeking to collectively punish the people of Gaza and not just Hamas, the group that controls the strip and is designated a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union.        对加沙的许多人来说,如此高的死亡人数表明以色列正在寻求集体惩罚加沙人民,而不仅仅是哈马斯。哈马斯控制着加沙地带,被美国和欧盟认定为恐怖组织。
        To Dr. Yousef Al-Akkad, the director of the European Gaza Hospital, a medical center in southern Gaza, the strikes constitute “an attempt to satisfy the instinct of revenge and vengeance within Israeli society by bringing the number of martyrs to unprecedented levels.”        加沙南部医疗中心欧洲加沙医院的院长尤塞夫·阿卡德博士认为,袭击是“企图让殉难者的人数达到前所未有的水平,来满足以色列社会内部的复仇和报复本能”。
        But the Israeli military says that even after striking scores of rocket launchers, there are still many military targets left — including Hamas leaders and underground bunkers. On Wednesday, it said its forces had assassinated a senior Hamas commander in southern Gaza, and eliminated a Hamas squad that emerged from a tunnel in the north of the enclave.        但是以色列军方表示,即使在打击了几十个火箭发射器之后,仍然存在许多军事目标,其中包括哈马斯领导人和地下掩体。周三,以色列表示,其部队在加沙南部暗杀了一名哈马斯高级指挥官,并消灭了从该飞地北部一条地道中出现的一支哈马斯小分队。
        The air war, Maj. Nir Dinar, an Israeli military spokesman explained, is “part of the campaign to prepare the ground for an invasion.” He added: “Destroy the tunnels and kill as many terrorists from the air as possible.”        以色列军方发言人尼尔·迪纳尔少校解释说,空袭是“为入侵做准备的行动的一部分”。他还说:“摧毁地道,从空中尽可能多地杀死恐怖分子。”
        The strikes have ruined residential neighborhoods that had been only lightly damaged during previous air campaigns. The bombs have killed journalists, medical workers, teachers, United Nations staff members as well as 2,700 children, according to the Hamas-led authorities.        空袭摧毁了在以前的空袭行动中只受到轻微破坏的居民区。据哈马斯领导的当局称,炸弹已炸死了记者、医务人员、教师、联合国工作人员以及2700名儿童。
        Al Jazeera said on Wednesday that three family members of its bureau chief in Gaza, Wael Al-Dahdouh, were killed by an Israeli airstrike. He lost his wife, his 15-year-old son and his 6-year-old daughter, the outlet said.        半岛电视台周三表示,其加沙分社社长瓦埃勒·达赫杜赫的三名家人在以色列的空袭中丧生。他失去了妻子、15岁的儿子和六岁的女儿。
        The strikes have continued amid growing concern in Israel that its troops, despite their technical superiority over Hamas’s armed wing, will become locked in a bloody urban war after they invade.        空袭继续进行之际,以色列越来越担心,尽管其军队在技术上优于哈马斯武装派别,但入侵后将陷入血腥的城市战争。
        Tens of thousands of Hamas gunmen are thought to be lying in wait, most of them in the group’s sprawling tunnel networks. Analysts expect that Hamas will try to slow Israel’s advance by exploding some tunnels once soldiers are in their vicinity; setting roadside bombs; booby-trapping buildings and emerging suddenly from hidden tunnel entrances and ambushing Israelis from behind.        据信有数以万计的哈马斯武装分子正在伺机而动,其中大多数藏身于该组织庞大的地道网络中。有专家预测,一旦以军进入周边地区,哈马斯可能会炸毁部分地道,以延缓以色列的推进;或是设置路边炸弹;在建筑物中埋下诡雷,从隐蔽的地道口突然伏击以军后方。
        The military publicly says it is ready to invade, but there are a growing number of experts and former leaders who argue that Israel does not need to rush the invasion. Instead, they reckon Israel should extend its air campaign in order to make it as easy as possible for Israeli ground forces to operate once the ground war begins.        以军方公开宣称,已做好入侵准备,但越来越多的专家和前领导人认为,以方无需急于一时。相反,他们相信以色列应该加大空袭力度,这样才能尽可能降低地面战争开始后以色列地面部队行动的难度。
        “Israel is not in a hurry,” said Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence and a retired Israeli Air Force general. “The U.S. destroyed ISIS over five years so Israel doesn’t have to destroy Hamas in six days.”        “以色列并不着急,”以色列退役空军少将阿莫斯·亚德林表示,他曾是以色列军事情报部门负责人。“美国摧毁ISIS用了五年,因此以色列没必要在六天内铲除哈马斯。”
        As well as attempting to collapse the tunnel network, the Israeli Air Force may also be trying to destroy aboveground structures, from which Hamas snipers could ambush advancing Israeli columns, said Relik Shafir, a retired Israeli Air Force general.        以色列退役空军准将雷利克·沙菲尔表示,除了摧毁地道网络,以色列空军可能还得尝试打击地面建筑,哈马斯的狙击手可能在那里伏击推进的以色列纵队。
        “Let’s say you’re a foot soldier and you want to get to a strategic point,” Mr. Shafir said. “You don’t want to be flanked by units shooting at you at close range, either with small-arms fire or short range missiles. And so you need a kind of corridor so that you can see where you’re going.”        “假如你是一名想要抵达某战略要点的步兵,”沙菲尔说。“你肯定不希望被近距离射击部队所包围,不管对方是用的是轻武器还是短程导弹。所以我们需要开辟一条通道,这样才能看清楚方向。”
        To achieve that, the Air Force needs to “demolish the buildings on the way, flatten them in such a manner that they can’t be used for guerrilla warfare,” Mr. Shafir said.        沙菲尔表示,要实现这个目标,空军需要“摧毁沿路建筑物,将其夷为平地,使其无法被游击战利用”。
        To lessen the likelihood of civilian casualties, Israel has warned an estimated 1.1 million residents of northern Gaza to head south, away from the focus of both its air campaign and its expected ground invasion.        为了减少平民伤亡的可能性,以色列已经警告加沙北部大约110万居民向南迁移,远离空袭和预期地面入侵的重点区域。
        In a control room in southern Israel, a group of Arabic-speaking Israeli soldiers regularly telephone community leaders in northern Gaza to push them to encourage their neighbors to flee. The soldiers also harvest phone data to monitor how many people are leaving particular neighborhoods — and they say that this data informs the military’s decision about where and when to strike.        在以色列南部的一处控制室里,一群讲阿拉伯语的以色列士兵反复致电加沙北部各个社区的负责人,敦促他们号召当地居民逃离。士兵们还收集电话数据,监控离开特定社区的人数,他们表示军方要参考这些数据来决定在何时何地发动空袭。
        But military officials also said that they have scaled back their use of so-called warning strikes — smaller munitions that shake a building without causing catastrophic damage, giving its occupants advance warning of a larger strike in the near future.        但军方官员也表示,他们已经减少了所谓的预警打击,此类打击使用的较小型炮弹可以撼动建筑物,但不会造成严重破坏,从而提前警告建筑物内的人员未来将会发生更大规模的空袭。
        The outcome is an aerial bombardment that exceeds even the most intense month of strikes by a U.S.-led military coalition on ISIS-held Mosul in Iraq, according to Airwars. In March 2017, the coalition fighting ISIS fired roughly 5,000 munitions, at least 2,000 fewer than Israel has fired in less than three weeks.        根据Airwars组织的说法,这导致此轮空袭的打击力度甚至超出了美国领导的军事联盟对ISIS控制的伊拉克摩苏尔市进行的为期一月的最猛烈轰炸。2017年3月,打击ISIS的军事联盟发射了大约5000枚炮弹,以色列在不到三周时间里发射的数量至少多出2000枚。
        Emily Tripp, the director of Airwars, said: “It is on a scale that definitely outpaces the intensity of any conflict that we’ve monitored since 2014,” the year that the group was founded.        Airwars组织负责人艾米丽·特里普表示,“本次空袭的强度绝对超出了自2014年(该组织成立的年份)以来我们监测过的所有冲突。”

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