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China issues 1 trillion yuan in special bonds

来源:中国日报    2023-10-25 13:50

        China has decided to issue 1 trillion yuan ($136.79 billion) of special treasury bonds during the fourth quarter, expanding budgeted fiscal deficit rates to around 3.8 percent for the year, up from 3 percent.        我国决定在四季度增发1万亿元特别国债,预计财政赤字率由3%提高到3.8%左右。
        The funds raised through government bonds will all be allocated to local regions, via the mechanism of transfer payment, according to the plan approved by the country's top legislature on Tuesday.        根据全国人大常委会10月24日表决通过的这一方案,增发的国债全部通过转移支付方式安排给地方。
        Around 500 billion yuan is planned to be utilized within the year, while the remaining half trillion yuan will be used next year.        今年拟安排使用5000亿元,结转明年使用5000亿元。
        According to the finance ministry, the funds raised will be mostly used in eight areas including reconstruction after disaster, flood prevention and management projects, and natural disaster emergency response capacity improvement projects.        据财政部介绍,资金将重点用于八大方面,包括灾后恢复重建、重点防洪治理工程和自然灾害应急能力提升工程。
        The ministry said it will timely launch the bond issuance work to ensure completion of the issuance on schedule.        财政部表示,下一步将及时启动国债发行工作,确保如期完成国债发行任务。
        It will also ensure smooth transfer payment work and strengthen regulation so that the funds will be used as planned, the ministry said.        财政部称,将会做好预算下达工作,加强国债资金监管,确保资金按规定用途使用。

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