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China's gold consumption rises 7.32% in first three quarters of 2023

来源:中国日报    2023-10-27 15:20

        China's gold consumption rose 7.32 percent year-on-year to 835.07 metric tons during the first three quarters of the year, while output climbed to 271.25 tons, according to the China Gold Association.        中国黄金协会的数据显示,今年前三季度,全国黄金消费量为835.07吨,同比增长7.32%;国内黄金产量增至271.248吨。
        The consumption of gold jewelry in the world's largest consumer market of the precious metal increased 5.72 percent to 552.04 tons in the first nine months of this year, the association said on Wednesday, while the consumption of gold bars and coins rose 15.98 percent year-on-year to 222.37 tons and industrial and other gold uses amounted to 60.66 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.53 percent.        中国黄金协会10月25日公布的数据显示,作为世界上最大的黄金消费市场,今年前三季度中国黄金首饰消费552.04吨,同比增长5.72%;金条及金币消费222.37吨,同比增长15.98%;工业及其他用金60.66吨,同比下降5.53%。
        Throughout the first three quarters, China's national economy continued to recover and market demand continued to expand, leading to a rapid recovery trend of the national gold consumption, it said.        数据显示,前三季度,国民经济持续恢复向好,市场需求持续扩大,全国黄金消费量呈现快速复苏的趋势。
        Data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicated that the growth rate of retail sales of gold and silver jewelry continued to outpace other product categories. In the third quarter, the price of gold remained at high levels, and the consumption of gold bars and coins continued to grow at a relatively fast pace, it said.        国家统计局的数据显示,金银珠宝类商品零售额增幅继续领跑其他品类商品。三季度黄金价格持续处于高位,金条及金币消费继续较快增长。
        According to the latest statistics from the China Gold Association, in the first three quarters of 2023, domestic raw gold production was 271.25 tons, an increase of 1.26 tons compared to the same period in 2022, representing a year-on-year growth of 0.47 percent.        中国黄金协会最新统计数据显示,2023年前三季度,国内原料黄金产量为271.248吨,与2022年同期相比增产1.261吨,同比增长0.47%。
        Large gold enterprises in China contributed 107.06 tons of gold production, making up 49.83 percent of the national total, it said.        数据显示,前三季度,我国大型黄金企业(集团)境内矿山矿产金产量为107.058吨,占全国的比重为49.83%。

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