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Gifts, Gadgets and Greece: Inside a Huawei Lobbying Campaign

来源:纽约时报    2023-10-17 01:17

        In November 2020, executives at Huawei, the Chinese telecom-equipment maker, exchanged messages about holding a meeting with a “friend” and an “adviser” in Greece.        2020年11月,中国电信设备制造商华为的高管们发短信,就在希腊与一位“朋友”和一位“顾问”举行会晤的事宜交换意见。
        The contacts, identified as Greek government advisers, were set to provide Huawei with something valuable: a document outlining government contracts and “first priority projects” that the company might want to work on in the country. Huawei managers discussed giving the advisers a Huawei Mate XS smartphone, the company’s GT 2 smartwatch and wine, according to internal text messages and other documents reviewed by The New York Times.        这两名被确认为希腊政府顾问的联系人能为华为提供一些有价值的东西:一份概述政府合同和华为也许想在希腊努力改进的“头等优先项目”的文件。据《纽约时报》看到的内部短信和其他文件,华为经理们讨论了向这两名顾问赠送华为Mate XS智能手机、GT 2智能手表以及葡萄酒的事宜。
        The plans are “strictly confidential among us,” a Huawei manager wrote in a group chat named after Greece’s digital ministry.        一名华为经理在这个以希腊数字治理部命名的聊天群中写道,这些计划“在我们中间严格保密”。
        The exchange was part of more than 120 messages and summaries of internal Huawei communications provided to The Times by a person working for a European government that investigated the company. The materials, which identified the contacts as government officials, offer a rare look at how Huawei tried to cultivate relationships with high-ranking figures in Greece, a small but important country for the company, and pushed the limits of Greek rules that restrict gifts to civil servants and government ministers.        一位对华为展开调查的欧洲国家政府工作人员将包括上述对话在内的120多条短信,以及华为内部通信的摘要提供给了时报。这批材料显示,这些联系人都是政府官员。通过这批材料,让人得以一窥华为是如何试图与希腊高层人士建立关系的,以及又是如何挑战希腊限制向公务员和政府部长送礼的法规边界的。希腊虽是小国,但对华为来说是个重要国家。
        In the communications, Huawei employees discussed providing gadgets to a senior Greek government minister and his son, giving devices to police and immigration officials and organizing transportation for Greek regulators during an industry conference in the United Arab Emirates in 2021. The messages did not say whether the gifts were ultimately delivered or if deals for the priority projects were signed.        华为员工在这些交流中讨论了向希腊政府的一名高级部长及其儿子提供电子产品、向警察和移民官员赠送设备,以及在阿拉伯联合酋长国2021年举行的一次行业会议上为出席会议的希腊监管官员安排交通工具等事宜。这些短信没有说明礼物最终是否送达,或是否签署了优先项目的交易。
        Huawei, which sits in the middle of a technological Cold War between the United States and China, has been under a cloud for more than five years over fears that Beijing can use its technology for spying or sabotage. The company has denied the accusations.        华为处在美中技术冷战的节骨眼上,关于中国政府可能利用华为的技术从事间谍或破坏活动的怀疑已有五年多时间。该公司否认了这些指控。
        The U.S. government has restricted the use of Huawei equipment in the country and cut the company off from access to certain American technology. U.S. officials have also aggressively lobbied allies to ban Huawei’s gear in Europe, the company’s largest market outside China.        美国政府已限制了华为设备在国内的使用,并切断了该公司获取某些美国技术的渠道。美国官员也一直积极游说盟国在欧洲禁用华为的设备,欧洲是华为在中国以外的最大市场。
        Greece is a prime example of the mixed success of the American lobbying campaign. It has not prohibited Huawei’s products outright, and the company has battled to keep its hard-won hold in the country.        希腊是美国游说努力成败参半的典型例子。希腊一直没有绝对禁止华为的产品,华为则一直在努力保住公司在希腊来之不易的地位。
        “Huawei views the U.S. actions as an existential threat,” said Emily Kilcrease, a former deputy assistant U.S. trade representative who studies the U.S.-Chinese economic relationship at the Center for a New American Security, a Washington think tank.        “华为将美国的行动视为生存威胁,”在华盛顿智库新美国安全中心研究美中经济关系的艾米丽·基尔克雷斯说,她曾任美国副助理贸易代表。
        The Times corroborated the internal communications, which were sent from 2020 to 2021, at the height of American efforts to ban Huawei technology, by matching names, phone numbers and other information in the messages. The Times agreed not to disclose the government that conducted the investigation.        时报通过匹配短信中的人名、手机号和其他信息,证实了这些内部交流是在2020年至2021年进行的,正值美国对华为技术的封禁最为严重之时。时报同意对调查华为的政府不做披露。
        “Huawei conducts business ethically and with integrity, and complies with all applicable laws and regulations in every country and region in which we operate,” the company said in a statement.        “华为以道德和诚信的方式开展业务,并遵守我们开展业务的每个国家和地区的所有适用法律和法规,”该公司在一份声明中表示。
        Pavlos Marinakis, a Greek government spokesman, said Huawei’s technology had a limited presence in the country’s new telecom networks.        希腊政府发言人帕夫洛斯·马里纳基斯说,华为技术在希腊的新电信网络中的应用有限。
        “There has never been, whatsoever, any direct or indirect influence by said company in government policy decisions, agreements and/or contracts,” he said in an email.        “上述公司从未对政府的政策决定、协议或合同有过任何直接或间接影响,完全没有,”他在一封电子邮件中写道。
        Entrenched in Europe        深耕欧洲
        Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s founder, has such an affinity for Europe that the company’s campus in Dongguan, China, includes replicas of buildings in Paris and Heidelberg, Germany. The company has operated in Europe for over 20 years, selling switches, antennas and other equipment for wireless networks, as well as consumer devices like smartphones and tablets.        华为创始人任正非对欧洲一直有如此强烈的兴趣,公司位于中国东莞的园区里甚至有巴黎和德国海德堡建筑的复制品。该公司已在欧洲运营了20多年,销售交换机、天线和其他无线网络设备,以及智能手机和平板电脑等消费者设备。
        European telecom providers, including Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom, have bought Huawei’s gear, which has tended to be cheaper than products from rivals like Ericsson and Nokia. Roughly 23 percent of Huawei’s $92 billion in revenue last year came from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, up 13 percent from a year earlier.        沃达丰和德国电信等欧洲电信提供商已购买了华为的设备,这些产品往往比爱立信和诺基亚等竞争对手的产品便宜。华为去年的920亿美元营收中约有23%来自欧洲、中东和非洲,与前年相比增长了13%。
        Huawei built a robust lobbying operation in Europe, hiring influential political and industry figures, as well as donating to charities, universities and other local initiatives. Those efforts have helped the company’s standing in the region, with many European governments hesitating to embrace the U.S. effort to stymie sales and remove Huawei equipment from older cellular networks.        华为在欧洲开展了强劲的游说活动,聘请了有影响力的政界和行业人物,并向慈善机构、大学和其他当地的倡议活动捐款。这些努力提高了华为在欧洲的地位,许多欧洲国家的政府对是否采纳美国的做法,阻止华为销售新设备、将华为产品从更老的蜂窝移动网络中拆除犹豫不决。
        A review of 31 European countries shows that Huawei and other Chinese vendors accounted for more than 50 percent of equipment related to high-speed 5G networks at the end of 2022, according to Strand Consult, a telecom-focused research firm. Britain and Sweden have severely restricted Huawei from their newest networks, while Germany has indicated it may tighten its rules against the company’s gear. Italy and Spain are among those that have continued buying from Huawei, the firm said.        据电信研究公司斯特兰德咨询的数据,对31个欧洲国家的检查显示,截至2022年底,在与高速5G网络有关的设备中华为和其他中国供应商的产品占50%以上。英国和瑞典已在本国最新的网络中严格限制使用华为产品,同时,德国已表示可能会加强针对华为设备的规定。这家咨询公司说,意大利和西班牙等国家仍在继续购买华为产品。
        “The story is how Huawei is navigating the European landscape to try to maintain the position they have,” said John Strand, the chief executive of Strand Consult. “They are playing all the cards they can play.”        “这个故事讲的是华为如何在欧洲审时度势,试图维持其现有地位,”司斯特兰德咨询的首席执行官约翰·斯特兰德说。“他们正在打他们所有能打的牌。”
        Greece has been a conundrum. It has reliably defended Beijing’s interests in the European Union, particularly after the 2008 global financial crisis, when China provided financial aid for projects such as the port of Piraeus, which a Chinese state company now owns. More recently, though, Greece has reoriented itself more toward the West.        希腊一直是个复杂难解的问题。它已在欧盟可靠地捍卫了中国政府的利益,特别是在2008年的全球金融危机之后,当时中国为希腊的项目提供了财政援助,比如比雷埃夫斯港,这个港口现在由一家中国国有企业拥有。不过,希腊已在最近重新调整立场,变得更倾向于西方。
        The country has also taken a contradictory stance on Huawei. It has not banned the firm’s products, but the government and businesses in the country have tried distancing themselves from the Chinese company.        希腊在华为问题上也采取了矛盾立场。它没有禁止华为的产品,但希腊政府和企业已在试图与这家中国公司保持距离。
        In 2020, Greece joined the Clean Networks initiative, a voluntary and nonbinding agreement to avoid using technology from authoritarian governments, which the Trump administration spearheaded. Greece’s three largest wireless network operators have also turned more to Huawei’s rivals, Ericsson and Nokia, to build new 5G networks.        2020年,希腊加入了“净网”倡议,这是个自愿且不具约束力的协议,加入者被要求避免使用来自威权政府的技术,该倡议由特朗普政府带头发起。希腊三大无线网络运营商在建设新的5G网络时也更多地转向了华为的竞争对手:爱立信和诺基亚。
        Still, Huawei’s sales in Greece rose 56 percent last year to 258 million euros ($273 million), according to Greek regulatory filings. The company provided technology for the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, the state-owned TV and radio broadcaster, as well as the public health care service and the port of Piraeus.        尽管如此,据提交给希腊监管机构的文件,华为去年在希腊的销售额增长了56%,达到2.58亿欧元。华为向希腊广播公司、国有电视和广播公司、以及公共医疗服务和比雷埃夫斯港提供技术。
        ‘Ask for Support’        “寻求支持”
        As scrutiny of Huawei increased, the company was on the defensive, according to the messages obtained by The Times.        据时报获得的材料,随着欧洲对华为的审查力度加大,公司处于守势。
        In 2020, company executives in Greece discussed a letter circulated by European Parliament members that called for a ban of Huawei products. Jacky Chen, a senior executive in the region, asked Theo Tamvakidis, a manager in Greece, to speak with Eva Kaili and Maria Spyraki, two Greek members of the European Parliament.        2020年,华为在希腊的公司高管们讨论了欧洲议会成员散发的一封呼吁禁止华为产品的信函。驻当地的华为高管杰基·陈(Jacky Chen,音)让希腊部经理西奥·塔姆瓦基迪斯与欧洲议会的两名希腊议员伊娃·卡伊莉和玛丽亚·斯派拉基谈谈。
        “Ask for support,” Mr. Chen said in a message. “Don’t make Huawei trouble in E.U. level if possible.”        “寻求支持,”杰基·陈在一条短信中写道。“不要在欧盟层面给华为制造麻烦,如果可能的话。”
        Mr. Tamvakidis responded, “I think I can still convince her,” referring to Ms. Kaili and describing her as a friend he had known for years.        塔姆瓦基迪斯答道,“我想我仍然可以说服她”,这里的“她”指的是卡伊莉,塔姆瓦基迪斯将其描述为已经认识了多年的朋友。
        It’s unclear if Huawei spoke to the two policymakers. Ms. Kaili was arrested last year as part of a corruption scandal, accused of accepting bribes from Qatar. She has denied wrongdoing.        尚不清楚华为是否与两名政策制定者交谈过。卡伊莉已在去年涉嫌卷入一起腐败丑闻被捕,她被控收受来自卡塔尔的贿赂。她否认自己存在不当行为。
        In an interview, Mr. Tamvakidis said Huawei was constantly “trying to convince people we are not a threat to society, that we are not a public menace.”        塔姆瓦基迪斯在接受采访时说,华为一直“试图让人们相信,我们不对社会构成威胁,不给公众带来危险”。
        Ms. Kaili and Ms. Spyraki did not respond to requests for comment.        卡伊莉和斯派拉基没有回复记者的置评请求。
        At other times, Huawei hastened to help Greek government officials with their personal technology, according to the communications.        据华为的内部交流显示,还有一些时候,华为曾经忙不迭地为希腊政府官员提供个人技术支持。
        In July 2021, Mr. Tamvakidis rushed to find a replacement device for an unnamed immigration official who had contacted him about a broken screen on a Mate X, a foldable smartphone that retailed for more than €2,000. Huawei had given it to him as a “present,” according to the messages.        2021年7月,塔姆瓦基迪斯曾忙着为一个未具名的移民官员寻找替换设备,该官员因自己的可折叠智能手机Mate X的屏幕碎裂问题与塔姆瓦基迪斯联系,那款手机的零售价在2000欧元以上。华为在内部交流中将这款手机描述为送给该官员的“礼物”。
        “He uses it only for making photos with his Huawei laptop we gave him,” Mr. Tamvakidis said in the messages.        “他只是用这个手机与我们给他的华为笔记本电脑制作照片,”塔姆瓦基迪斯在短信中写道。
        Under Greek law, it is illegal for people in the private sector to offer gifts to government officials in exchange for favors. Government ministers, members of Parliament and civil servants also cannot accept gifts that could be considered linked to their official responsibilities, said Stefanos Loukopoulos, director of Vouliwatch, a government watchdog group in Athens.        根据希腊法律,私营部门人员向政府官员送礼换取好处属于违法。雅典的政府监督组织Vouliwatch的主任斯特凡诺斯·卢科普洛斯说,政府部长、议会议员和公务员也不能接受可能被视为与其公务职责有关的礼物。
        High-ranking officials can accept certain ceremonial gifts worth less than €200, but more expensive items must be turned over to the government. Declaring gifts is mandatory for Greek ministers under a 2021 law, but the registry has not been made public, Mr. Loukopoulos said.        高级官员可以接受价值低于200欧元的某些礼仪性物品,但更贵的物品必须上交政府。卢科普洛斯说,根据一项2021年的法律,希腊的部长们必须申报礼物,但礼品登记册尚未公开。
        “Greece has on paper a very solid anti-corruption and anti-bribery framework,” he said. But transparency is almost nonexistent, he added, and enforcement of the laws is “very problematic.”        “希腊在纸面上有非常坚实的反腐败、反贿赂框架,”他说。但又补充道,透明度几乎不存在,法律的执行“非常有问题”。
        ‘A Special Case’        “特殊情况”
        In 2020, when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo led a U.S. delegation to Greece to complete a technology and science agreement between the countries, Huawei executives discussed having someone present during the negotiations to help remove references to cybersecurity and Chinese companies.        2020年,时任美国国务卿迈克·庞皮欧率领一个美国代表团在希腊签署两国之间的一项技术和科学协议时,华为高管们曾讨论在谈判期间派人出席的问题,以帮助在协议中删除提及网络安全和中国公司的字样。
        “We discussed with Adonis and took it out,” Mr. Tamvakidis wrote to a colleague several months after the summit.        “我们与阿佐尼斯讨论了,已将其删除,”峰会结束的几个月后,塔姆瓦基迪斯在发给同事的短信中写道。
        Mr. Tamvakidis was referring to Adonis Georgiadis, a senior Greek minister who sat next to Mr. Pompeo to sign the 2020 agreement in the port city Thessaloniki. Whether Mr. Georgiadis influenced the negotiations in Huawei’s favor is unclear, but the company had fostered a relationship with him for years, according to the internal files and public information.        塔姆瓦基迪斯指的是希腊高级部长阿佐尼斯·乔治亚季斯,在港口城市塞萨洛尼基签署2020年协议时,他坐在庞皮欧旁边。不清楚乔治亚季斯是否影响了谈判,使结果对华为有利,但据公司的内部文件和公开的信息,华为多年来一直与乔治亚季斯培养关系。
        Huawei employees discussed how Mr. Georgiadis, who was the minister of development at the time, received devices from the company while working as a government official. He also posted pictures of his visits to Huawei’s offices and events on social media. The nonbinding 2020 agreement signed by Mr. Pompeo and Greek officials, which was aimed at strengthening tech and scientific collaboration, did not ultimately mention cybersecurity or Chinese companies.        华为员工讨论过时任发展部长的乔治亚季斯在担任政府官员期间从公司获得设备的情况。他还把自己参观华为办公室、出席华为活动的照片发在社交媒体上。庞皮欧与希腊官员签署的不具约束力的2020年协议是为了加强技术和科学合作,协议最终没有提及网络安全或中国公司。
        Mr. Pompeo declined to comment.        庞皮欧拒绝对此事置评。
        Mr. Georgiadis, who is an ally of Greece’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said he was not involved in specifics of the tech-science agreement and had no communication with Huawei before it was signed. He said he had been childhood friends with Mr. Tamvakidis and never accepted gifts from Huawei, but bought “two or three” devices for family members with retail receipts. He declined to provide copies of the receipts.        乔治亚季斯是希腊总理基里亚科斯·米佐塔基斯的盟友。乔治亚季斯说,他没有参与技术科学协议的具体细节,在协议签署前也没有与华为进行过交流。他说,他与塔姆瓦基迪斯是儿时好友,自己从未接受过华为的礼物,只是为家人购买了“两三台”华为设备,并存有收据。他拒绝提供收据的副本。
        “I never had, or still have, no special relationship with that company,” he said in an email. “No agreement, investment, contract, concession or project was rendered to Huawei during my term of office.”        “我与那家公司从来没有、现在仍然没有任何特殊关系,”他在一封电子邮件中写道。“在我的任期内,没有提供给华为任何协议、投资、合同、让步或项目。”
        Mr. Tamvakidis said he did not recall the specifics of the 2020 agreement but said Huawei might have been “informed that nothing was inside that would be of danger.” He did not say who had provided that information.        塔姆瓦基迪斯说,他已不记得2020年协议的具体细节,但表示华为也许曾“被告知,协议中没有任何危险内容”。他没有透露是谁提供了这一信息。
        Mr. Tamvakidis said that he had helped facilitate Huawei devices for Mr. Georgiadis, including for a family member, but that the gadgets had not been offered free. He said the sales were invoiced, but did not provide copies. Government officials sometimes received devices before they were publicly released or at discounted prices, he said.        塔姆瓦基迪斯说,他曾帮助为乔治亚季斯(包括为一名家庭成员)提供华为产品的便利,但这些产品并非免费提供的。他说销售开具了发票,但没有提供副本。他说,政府官员有时在公开发布之前或以折扣价拿到产品。
        “There was nothing in exchange,” he said. “Huawei is very sensitive about this.”        “没有提供任何东西作为交换,”他说。“华为对此非常敏感。”
        Soon after Mr. Pompeo’s visit to Greece, Mr. Georgiadis, who is now the minister of labor, came up again in messages between Huawei officials.        庞皮欧访问希腊后不久,现任劳工部长乔治亚季斯再次出现在华为高管的短信中。
        “Adonis needs two more watches. GT Pro. He loved it,” Mr. Tamvakidis wrote in October 2020. Later that month, Mr. Georgiadis was photographed wearing what appeared to be a Huawei watch.        “阿佐尼斯还需要两块手表。GT Pro款。他很喜欢这款,”塔姆瓦基迪斯2020年10月写道。当月晚些时候,乔治亚季斯被拍到戴着似乎是华为手表的东西。
        In a 2021 exchange, Huawei employees discussed replacing a broken phone for Mr. Georgiadis’s son.        在2021年的一次内部交流中,华为员工讨论了为乔治亚季斯的儿子更换一部坏掉的手机的事情。
        “Adonis is a special case,” Mr. Tamvakidis wrote.        “阿佐尼斯是特殊情况,”塔姆瓦基迪斯写道。

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