【双语财讯】《2023中国餐饮业年度报告》发布 茶饮、烘焙增长明显_OK阅读网
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【双语财讯】《2023中国餐饮业年度报告》发布 茶饮、烘焙增长明显
China's baking, tea beverage sectors show strong growth: Report

来源:中国日报    2023-10-17 14:19

        China's baking and tea beverage sectors are showing strong growth with significant increases in average revenue per outlet, according to an industry report jointly published by the China Hospitality Association and Xinhuanet on Friday.        中国饭店协会与新华网10月13日联合发布的《2023中国餐饮业年度报告》称,烘焙业与茶饮业呈现明显的增长态势,店均营收同比变动均有较大幅度上涨。
        The report, titled the "2023 National Catering Industry Report", tracks major trends across the Chinese food and beverage industry, Securities Daily reported on Sunday.        《证券日报》10月15日报道称,这份行业报告对全国主要餐饮业态进行了追踪监测。
        Specifically, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region leads in the increase in average revenue per tea beverage outlet and Shanxi province boasts the highest number of new tea beverage shops.        茶饮店均营收增长最高的地区是新疆维吾尔自治区,茶饮门店数增长最多的是山西省。
        While in the baking industry, Hunan province stands out for the highest earnings per shop, and Tianjin has the most new baking shops.        烘焙店均营收增长最多的省份是湖南,烘焙门店数增长最多的是天津。
        The report includes annual statistics of the Chinese catering industry, an analysis of industry's operations and high-quality development case studies.        该报告包含中国餐饮行业统计年报、行业整体经营状况分析及高质量发展案例选集。
        It covers a variety of businesses, including private, State-owned and foreign-invested enterprises, both domestic and international, which operate in formats such as full-service restaurants, hot pot, group dining, tea beverage outlets and others.        调研企业包含内资民营企业、国有企业、港澳台资企业和外商企业,涵盖正餐、火锅、团餐、茶饮等业态。
        The report includes provincial and regional development indices for key sectors in the catering industry. These indices reflect the developments in local revenue and the number of outlets for specific types of food and beverage establishments.        报告编制了主要餐饮业态分省市区发展指数,该指数反映了某一餐饮业态在当地营业额与门店数的变动趋势与发展情况。
        In 2022, the full-service restaurant, fast food and barbecue sectors showed stable growth, with modest increases in both average revenue per outlet and the number of outlets.        2022年,全国正餐业、快餐业、烧烤业呈现稳定发展态势,店均营收同比变动与门店数同比变动均有小幅度上升。
        Hainan province saw the highest growth in barbecue restaurant revenue, while Hubei province recorded the highest growth in the number of barbecue outlets.        其中,烧烤店均营收增长最多的省份是海南省,烧烤门店数增长最多的省份是湖北省。
        The report also highlights key trends from the previous year, including a surge in consumer demand for pre-made dishes, with sales steadily increasing.        报告还重点指出了过去一年餐饮市场的主要风潮,其中包括消费者对预制菜需求量大增,预制菜产品销量稳步增长。
        Sales of pre-made meal products have shown a steady growth trend year by year, with demand in the consumer market seeing rapid growth, according to data from Alibaba's local life division. Pre-packaged meals have also shown seasonality in demand.        据阿里本地生活统计,预制菜产品销量呈逐年稳步增长趋势,C端消费持续高速增长,且已具备节令属性。
        Several regions across the country promoted the pre-made meal industry through supportive policies and industry standards.        全国多地积极布局预制菜产业,并陆续发布支持本地方预制菜产业的政策文件及行业标准。
        Nearly 70 industry standards were introduced in the pre-made dishes sector in 2022, according to the report.        据报告统计,2022年预制菜领域相关团体标准近70项。
        As a result of the interplay between market dynamics, policy support and industry standards, the pre-made meal industry is expected to be further well regulated.        在市场、政策和标准的三重作用下,预制菜产业将进入规范发展新阶段。
        Regarding the future strategic plans and business outlook of catering enterprises, the survey results in the report shows that the top focus for these companies is brand development, accounting for 73.1 percent. Supply chain expansion and digitalization follow closely behind at 65.6 percent and 59.1 percent, respectively.        报告对餐饮企业未来的战略计划与业务展望进行了调研。调研结果显示,当前最受餐饮企业关注的前三个发展方向是品牌化、供应链发展和数字化,分别占比73.1%、65.6%和59.1%。

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