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America's highest gun death rates are in the South

来源:中国日报    2023-10-17 16:52

        The report argues that the findings refute Republican narratives that progressive policies stoke more crime in cities.        报告认为,这些发现驳斥了激进的控枪政策会在城市引发更多犯罪的说法。
        In fact, there's a distinct gap between urban firearm homicide rates in blue states — which tend to have stronger gun safety laws — and those in red states, the report concludes.        报告总结道,事实上,“蓝州”的枪支杀人率与“红州”的持枪杀人率之间存在明显差距,而“蓝州”往往执行更严格的控枪法案。
        The analysis used data from the Gun Violence Archive on the 300 most populous U.S. cities.        该分析基于美国枪支暴力档案馆记录的全美300个人口最多城市的数据。
        It comes amid a growing push to treat gun violence as a public health crisis, including New Mexico's controversial use of a public health order to ban open and concealed carry.        文章称,与此同时,越来越多人将枪支暴力视为公共卫生危机,新墨西哥州等州有争议地使用公共卫生令禁止公开和隐蔽携带枪支。
        The analysis shows "we're really seeing two different Americas when it comes to gun violence," said Chandler Hall, the report's author and a senior policy analyst at CAP.        分析表明,“在枪支暴力问题上,我们确实看到了两个不同的美国”,该报告的作者、美国枪支暴力档案馆的高级政策分析师钱德勒·豪尔说。
        "There's already a lot that cities are trying to do to address gun violence locally … but when they're hamstrung by state policies and can't control the flow of guns or how guns are carried in their cities, there's only so much city officials can do," he added.        豪尔称:“城市已经在努力解决当地的枪支暴力问题……但当他们被国家政策束缚,无法控制枪支的流动或枪支在城市中的携带方式时,城市官员只能做这么多。”
        What's more, some blue-state cities, like Chicago, are bordered by red states with looser gun laws.        此外,一些“蓝州”城市,如芝加哥,与枪支法律较宽松的“红州”接壤。
        St. Louis had America's highest gun homicide rate in 2022, followed by Birmingham, Ala., New Orleans, Jackson, Miss., and Baltimore.        2022年,圣路易斯的枪支杀人率是美国最高的,其次是阿拉巴马州伯明翰、新奥尔良、密西西比州杰克逊和巴尔的摩。(上述城市均位于红州)
        By the numbers: The average gun homicide rate in blue-state cities was 7.2 per 100,000 residents from 2015 to 2022, the analysis found. In red-state cities, it was 11.1 deaths per 100,000.        分析发现,2015年至2022年,“蓝州”城市的平均持枪杀人率为每10万居民7.2人。在“红州”城市,每10万人中有11.1人死亡。
        Cities also typically don't have much control over gun laws, experts say.        专家表示,城市通常对枪支法律没有太多控制权。
        "A lot of cities are bound by state-level policies," said Dan Semenza, an assistant professor at Rutgers and a member of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the Rockefeller Institute of Government. "There's often little wiggle room for cities to be able to go far and beyond the policies that states have on the books because the cities are required to abide by those laws and policies."        罗格斯大学助理教授、洛克菲勒政府研究所区域枪支暴力研究联盟成员丹·塞门扎说:“很多城市都受到州级政策的约束。城市往往没有什么回旋余地,无法超越各州的政策,因为城市必须遵守这些法律和政策。”
        "At the end of the day, it's just about guns and opportunities and that risk, and it goes up when more guns are available," he said. "It's not about individual intent. It's about population-level risk."        他说:“归根结底,这只是枪支、机会和风险,当有更多枪支可用时,风险就会上升。”

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