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‘It’s Not a War or a Battlefield. It’s a Massacre.’

来源:纽约时报    2023-10-11 12:06

        “Welcome,” said the sign at the entrance to Kfar Azza, a lush Israeli village just across some fields from the border with Gaza. On the pathway, another sign pointed the way to the gym and the swimming pool.        “欢迎光临”,卡法阿扎入口的牌子上写着。这是一座绿树成荫的以色列村庄,与加沙边境相隔几片田野。在小路上,另一块牌子指向健身房和游泳池。
        Then I saw the legs of a bloated corpse dressed in fatigues poking out from under a bush, and beside it a khaki vest with the insignia of a commando unit of Hamas, the group that controls the Palestinian coastal enclave, and staged Saturday’s assault on Israel.        然后,我看到一具穿着迷彩服的臃肿尸体,腿从灌木丛中伸出来,旁边是一件卡其色背心,上面印着哈马斯突击队的徽章。哈马斯控制着巴勒斯坦的沿海飞地,并策划了周六对以色列的袭击。
        Past the village dining hall, kindergarten and culture center, the tidy rows of one-story beige houses came into view. And the scale of the horror began to unfold.        经过村里的食堂、幼儿园和文化中心,一排排整齐的米黄色平房映入眼帘。恐怖的严重程度开始显现。
        Four days after hundreds of Hamas gunmen breached Israel’s border fence in the most brazen attack on the country in decades, overrunning two dozen towns and communities, including this one, in a bloody killing spree, soldiers and rescue workers on Tuesday began the gruesome task of extricating the bodies.        数百名哈马斯武装分子冲破了以色列的边境围栏,对该国发动了几十年来最为肆无忌惮的袭击,对包括这里在内的二十多个城镇和社区进行血腥屠杀。四天后的周二,士兵和救援人员开始了搬运尸体的可怕任务。
        They moved slowly, house to house, for fear that Hamas gunmen could still be hiding inside or have booby-trapped them. Live grenades lay in wait, to be neutralized by sappers. They carried out one slain resident in a body bag on a stretcher and placed it in the back of a truck. Then another. And another.        由于担心哈马斯武装分子可能依然躲在屋内,或者在屋内设置了诱杀装置,他们挨家挨户缓慢移动。未爆炸的榴弹有待工兵销毁。他们用担架把一名遇害居民装在尸袋里抬出来,放在卡车的后面。然后是又一具尸体。又一具。
        A New York Times photographer, Sergey Ponomarev, and I were among the first journalists allowed into the village since the deadly assault. We were accompanied by the Israeli military into the area that is still generally off-limits.        我和《纽约时报》摄影师谢尔盖·波诺马廖夫是致命袭击发生后第一批获准进入村庄的记者。在以色列军队的陪同下,我们进入了这个基本上仍然禁止进入的地区。
        After days of stunned national numbness and chaos, the dimensions of the atrocity that took place here were now coming into clear focus. In all, more than 1,000 soldiers and civilians have been killed in Israel. Nobody could say how many of them were lying here, in Kfar Azza, but it is emerging as one of the worst sites of the bloodshed. Soldiers and rescue workers said scores, possibly hundreds, had been slaughtered here, including grandparents, infants and children.        整个国家经历了数天的震惊、麻木和混乱之后,这里暴行的严重程度现在变得清晰起来。总共有1000多名士兵和平民在以色列被杀。没有人知道有多少人倒在卡法阿扎,但它成为流血事件最严重的地点之一。士兵和救援人员说,这里有数十人、可能是数百人被屠杀,其中包括祖父母、婴儿和儿童。
        “It’s not a war or a battlefield; it’s a massacre,” said Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv, an Israeli commander on the scene. “It’s something I never saw in my life, something more like a pogrom from our grandparents’ time.”        “这不是战争或战场;这是一场大屠杀,”现场的以色列指挥官伊泰·维鲁夫少将说。“这是我一生中从未见过的,更像是我们祖父母时代的大屠杀。”
        At least a dozen corpses were strewn along the pathways and on lawns gathering flies, some of them of Hamas fighters, others of Israelis loosely covered with blankets. The smell of death was in the air.        苍蝇飞舞,至少有十几具尸体散落在小路和草坪上,其中一些是哈马斯武装分子,另一些是给盖上了毯子的以色列人。空气中弥漫着死亡的气息。
        Kfar Azza, a kibbutz, or communal village, was founded in 1951, three years after the establishment of the State of Israel. The early settlers were long considered the pioneering, salt-of-the-earth socialist elite of the country. Like those who live in most other kibbutz communities, the residents are generally left-leaning liberals.        卡法阿扎是一个集体农庄,成立于1951年,也就是以色列建国三年后。长期以来,早期定居者被认为是开拓者,是这个国家社会主义精英中的中坚分子。和大多数其他基布兹社区的居民一样,这里的居民一般都是左倾的自由主义者。
        More recently, as Israel shifted to the right, the kibbutzniks, as they are known, have been dismissed by supporters of the ultranationalist government as privileged snobs, or worse, as traitors.        最近,随着以色列转向右翼,这些被称为“基布兹”的人被极端民族主义政府的支持者斥为享有特权的势利小人,或者更糟的是,被斥为叛徒。
        Before the assault, Kfar Azza was the picture of a close-knit community of about 750 souls, with a social club and a synagogue. It is now a desolate canvas of life interrupted. Some residents are missing and may be among the roughly 150 hostages taken into Gaza. Those who survived the blood bath have been evacuated to hotels around the country.        在袭击发生之前,卡法阿扎是一个约有750人的紧密社区,有一个社交俱乐部和一个犹太教堂。现在,这里一片荒凉,生活被打断。一些居民失踪,可能成为被带到加沙的大约150名人质中的成员。在大屠杀中幸存下来的人已被疏散到全国各地的酒店。
        As we went through the village, we heard booms of rocket and mortar fire from Gaza, blasts of Israeli artillery fire into the enclave and the rat-a-tat of gunfire as Israeli soldiers crouching in the fields continued to secure the area. In between hung an eerie silence.        穿过村子的时候,我们听到来自加沙的火箭弹和迫击炮的轰鸣,以色列的大炮向那块飞地发射的爆炸声,以及蹲伏在田野里、继续保卫该地区的以色列士兵开枪的声音。这些声响的间隙是一片诡异的沉默。
        In one small house, in the part of the kibbutz where young adults lived, two bodies lay on the floor. The white ceiling was pockmarked with holes from bullets and shrapnel, like a macabre negative of a starry night sky. The house had been ransacked, but a richly colored spice rack remained intact. Other houses had been burned, their interiors entirely charred.        在基布兹年轻人居住的一所小房子里,地板上躺着两具尸体。白色的天花板上布满了弹孔和弹片,就像星夜照片的底片,令人毛骨悚然。房子被洗劫过,但一个色彩斑斓的调料架完好无损。其他房屋也被烧毁,内部完全烧焦。
        A few homes were untouched, frozen in time, with children’s strollers and bicycles left on the porch.        有几所房子未受破坏,仿佛时间被定格了,孩子们的婴儿车和自行车留在门廊上。
        But nearby were the remains of a wrecked pickup and an improvised paraglider, two of the vehicles used by the gunmen to cross the border.        但附近有一辆破皮卡和一架简易滑翔伞的残骸,这是武装分子用来越境的工具。
        One survivor of the assault, Shay Lee Atari, a singer, has spoken out from her hospital bed to the Israeli news media, cradling her 1-month-old baby and describing how her partner had helped her and their daughter escape as gunmen entered their home.        袭击的幸存者之一、歌手谢伊·李·阿塔里在医院病床上抱着自己一个月大的婴儿接受了以色列新闻媒体的采访,描述她的伴侣如何在武装分子进入他们家时帮助她和女儿逃跑。
        She said she ran and hid in a storeroom, covering herself and her baby, Shaya, with sacks of soil she found there. When that shelter was no longer safe, she ran across a lawn, under fire, and knocked on doors until a family let them in. In all, she said, they waited for 27 hours until they were rescued. Her partner, Yahav Wiener, is missing, Ms. Atari said.        她说,她跑到一间储藏室里,用那里的一袋袋泥土盖住自己和她的孩子沙雅。当藏身处不再安全时,她冒着炮火跑过一片草坪,不断敲门,直到一户人家让她们进去。她说,他们总共等了27个小时才获救。阿塔里说,她的伴侣亚哈夫·维纳失踪了。
        “I really don’t know where our state was,” she said, echoing the anger and bewilderment of many Israelis over how the country, with its vaunted military and intelligence capabilities, could have been caught so off-guard and unprepared.        “我确实不知道我们的国家在哪里,”她说,这与许多以色列人的愤怒和困惑一样,他们不明白,这个拥有引以为荣的军事和情报能力的国家,怎么会如此措手不及、毫无准备。
        “They abandoned us,” she said, adding bitterly: “They were on Twitter. That’s where they were.”        “他们抛弃了我们,”她说,并痛苦地补充道,“他们在Twitter上。净在那上面忙了。”
        The smiling faces of other victims can be seen in family photographs being circulated in commemoration by hurting family and friends on social media. There is the Kedem Siman Tov family — parents and three young children, all killed. And there is Itai and Hadar Berdichevsky, who hid their 10-month-old twins before they were gunned down. The twins were rescued 13 hours later.        在受伤的亲友在社交媒体上传播的家庭纪念照中,可以看到其他受害者的笑脸。凯德姆·西曼·托夫一家——父母和三个年幼的孩子全部遇难。伊泰·伯迪切夫斯基和哈达尔·伯迪切夫斯基夫妇在被枪杀前把他们10个月大的双胞胎藏了起来。13个小时后,这对双胞胎获救。
        The shock and rage now reverberating through Israeli society comes on top of months of upheaval over the government’s plans to curb the country’s judiciary, deepening longstanding social, political and ethnic rifts.        目前,震惊和愤怒在以色列社会中回荡,此前几个月,政府计划遏制该国的司法影响力,加剧了长期存在的社会、政治和种族分歧,引发了动荡。
        An antigovernment banner was hanging high up on the kibbutz water tower in Kfar Azza. It bore the legend, “Shame!”        在卡法阿扎,一条反政府的横幅高高挂在基布兹的水塔上。上面写着“耻辱!”
        Below it, a few yards away, six more bodies of residents in black body bags were laid out on the ground.        在它下面几米远的地方,还有六具被装在黑色尸袋里的居民尸体放在地上。

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