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Nation to advance building of high-quality overseas projects

来源:中国日报    2023-10-12 17:13

        Following the approach of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, China's practical cooperation in economy and trade with Belt and Road countries has grown in scope and quality over the past decade and achieved win-win results, said Guo Tingting, vice-minister of commerce.        商务部副部长郭婷婷表示,过去十年,中国坚持共商共建共享原则,与共建“一带一路”国家加强经贸领域务实合作,规模稳步扩大,质量持续提升,携手实现互利共赢。
        "China's supersized market has provided important development opportunities for countries involved in the BRI, and goods originating in these countries now account for nearly half of China's total imports," Guo said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency, emphasizing that more than 110 Belt and Road countries count China as an important trade partner.        郭婷婷在接受新华社采访时表示,中国超大市场为共建国家提供了重要发展机遇,来自共建国家的商品在中国整体进口中占比已经接近一半。郭婷婷介绍,中国是110多个共建国家的主要贸易伙伴。
        Data from the General Administration of Customs showed that China's imports and exports with Belt and Road countries increased from 6.46 trillion yuan ($885 billion) in 2013 to 13.76 trillion yuan last year.        中国海关总署数据显示,2013年-2022年,中国与共建“一带一路”国家进出口总值从6.46万亿元增长至13.76万亿元。
        Meanwhile, two-way investment between China and other countries involved in the BRI totaled more than $380 billion between 2013 and 2022, of which China's outward direct investment exceeded $240 billion, according to a white paper released by the State Council Information Office on Tuesday.        国新办10日发布的《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》白皮书显示,
        Guo said that China's trade and investment cooperation with Belt and Road countries has aided in the efficient allocation of resources, accelerated the integrated development of the industrial and supply chains, and injected more vitality into the creation of an open global economy.        郭婷婷称,中国与共建国家的贸易投资合作,促进了资源要素优化配置,推动了产业链供应链融合发展,为建设开放型世界经济注入更多动能和活力。
        According to a World Bank report, the BRI increased the trade of participating parties by 4.1 percent and attracted 5 percent more foreign investment. By 2030, the BRI will generate $1.6 trillion in global revenue each year, accounting for 1.3 percent of global GDP.        另据世界银行报告,共建“一带一路”使参与方贸易增加4.1%,吸引外资增加5%。世行测算,到2030年,共建“一带一路”每年将为全球产生1.6万亿美元收益,占全球GDP的1.3%。
        Going forward, China will better align with the policies, planning and industries of countries participating in the BRI, in order to further enhance infrastructure connectivity, the vice-minister of commerce said, underlining that infrastructure construction is an important area of the initiative.        郭婷婷表示,今后,中国将加强战略对接、规划对接和产业对接,进一步深化基础设施项目互联互通。并强调基础设施建设是共建“一带一路”的重要领域。
        In the past 10 years, China has signed contracts worth $2 trillion with Belt and Road countries and completed projects worth $1.3 trillion, covering a wide range of sectors including transportation, electricity, petrochemical, communication, water conservancy and wastewater treatment, Guo said.        郭婷婷介绍,十年来,中国在共建国家承包工程累计签订合同额2万亿美元,完成营业额1.3万亿美元。涉及交通运输、电力工程、石油化工、通信工程、水利建设、废水处理等诸多领域。
        "Belt and Road countries have benefited from these cooperation projects in terms of improving infrastructure development, promoting connectivity, enhancing people's well-being and strengthening their ability to develop," she said.        郭婷婷说:“这些合作项目,助力共建国家完善基础设施建设,推动互联互通,改善民生福祉,增强了共建国家的发展能力。”
        In the first eight months of this year, Chinese businesses inked new energy-saving and environmental protection projects in Belt and Road countries, with a contract value of $16 billion, a year-on-year increase of 22.2 percent, Guo said.        郭婷婷说,今年前8个月,中国企业在共建国家新签订节能环保类项目合同额160亿美元,同比增长22.2%。
        China will continue to expand its new areas of cooperation and guide enterprises to strengthen construction of green and other infrastructure projects, in a bid to help Belt and Road countries realize green and digital development, she said.        中国将拓展合作新领域,引导企业加强绿色基建、新型基建合作,助力共建国家实现绿色发展、数字化发展。
        Reiterating China's resolve to further expand the network of high-standard free trade zones, Guo said the country will promote accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement in a proactive manner.        郭婷婷重申了中国不断扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络的决心,她表示,中国将积极推动加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》和《数字经济伙伴关系协定》。
        "Free trade agreements, as demonstrated by past practices, can effectively stabilize and deepen economic and trade cooperation among participants, promote enterprise development and enhance people's well-being," she said.        她说:“从实践角度看,自贸协定能够有效稳定和深化参与方的经贸合作,促进企业发展、增进民生福祉。”
        China will well implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which came into force for all 15 member economies in June, Guo said, adding that the country will advance the process of negotiating or upgrading FTAs with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council and Serbia, Honduras, New Zealand and Peru, among others.        中国将高质量实施RCEP,今年6月RCEP已对全部15个成员生效。中国将推进与东盟、海合会、塞尔维亚、洪都拉斯、新西兰、秘鲁等自贸协定谈判或升级谈判进程。
        To date, China has signed FTAs with 28 countries and regions, 20 of which are those involved in the initiative.        目前中国已同28个国家和地区签署自贸协定,其中包括20个共建国家。

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