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What We Know About the Hamas Attack and Israel’s Response

来源:纽约时报    2023-10-09 12:26

        Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Israelis to brace themselves for a long and difficult war on Sunday, a day after Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, launched its largest surprise attacks in decades.        周日,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡警告以色列人要做好准备,迎接一场漫长而艰苦的战争。一天前,控制加沙地带的巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯发动了数十年来规模最大的突然袭击。
        Israel responded with huge strikes on cities in the blockaded Gaza Strip, destroying dozens of buildings, as Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel. So far, at least 500 people have been killed in Israel and Gaza, the authorities said, with the death toll expected to rise.        作为回应,以色列对被封锁的加沙地带城市进行了大规模打击,摧毁了数十座建筑物,而哈马斯继续向以色列发射火箭弹。当局表示,截至目前,以色列和加沙已有至少500人丧生,死亡人数预计还会上升。
        Israelis have been left asking how their government, military and intelligence agencies appeared to be taken by surprise by such an assault, which is without recent precedent in its complexity and scale.        以色列人不禁要问,为何他们的政府、军方和情报机构似乎都被打了一个措手不及。这次袭击的复杂程度和规模,都是近年来前所未有的。
        Here’s what you need to know about the Hamas attacks and Israel’s response.        以下是你需要了解的有关哈马斯袭击和以色列应对的信息。
        How did Hamas carry out the attacks?        哈马斯是如何实施袭击的?
        Hamas began firing thousands of rockets on Saturday morning, striking targets as far away as Tel Aviv and the outskirts of Jerusalem, which rarely see any direct hits because of Israel’s sophisticated Iron Dome missile defense system.        哈马斯从周六早上开始发射了数千枚火箭弹,袭击了远至特拉维夫和耶路撒冷郊区的目标。由于以色列配备了先进的“铁穹”导弹防御系统,直接击中目标的火箭弹不多。
        About an hour after the first rocket attacks, Hamas militants crossed into Israel by land, sea and air, according to the Israeli military, leading to some of the first pitched battles between Israeli and Arab forces on Israeli soil in decades.        据以色列军方称,在第一轮火箭弹袭击发生大约一小时后,哈马斯武装分子从陆海空三路进入以色列境内,引发了以阿部队在以色列领土上数十年来的首次激战。
        The militants infiltrated 22 Israeli towns and army bases and took civilians and soldiers hostages, many of whom they brought back to Gaza. At least 250 Israelis had been reported dead by officials as of late Saturday, and more than 1,400 were wounded.        武装分子混入了22处以色列城镇和军事基地,劫持平民和士兵作为人质,其中许多人被带回加沙。据官方报告,截至周六晚间,至少有250名以色列人死亡,1400多人受伤。
        What reasons did Hamas give?        哈马斯给出的袭击理由是什么?
        Muhammad Deif, the leader of the military wing of Hamas, said in a recorded message that the group had decided to launch an “operation” so that “the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.”        哈马斯军事派系领导人穆罕默德·戴夫在一段录音信息中表示,该组织决定发起一场“行动”,以便“让敌人明白,他们肆无忌惮、不受追究的时代已经结束”。
        He cited Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, which it captured during the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, recent Israeli police raids on the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and the detention of thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails.        他列举了以色列在1967年阿以战争中占领约旦河西岸、最近以色列警方突袭耶路撒冷的阿克萨清真寺,以及大批巴勒斯坦人被关押在以色列监狱等情况。
        The Aqsa Mosque compound, revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and by Jews as the Temple Mount, is among the most deeply contested sites in the holy land.        阿克萨清真寺被穆斯林奉为“神圣禁地”,犹太人则将其尊为“圣殿山”,它是耶路撒冷最具争议的历史遗址之一。
        How has Israel responded so far?        以色列目前有何反应?
        “We are at war and we will win it,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a televised statement on Saturday, announcing a call-up of Israeli military reservists. Tank units have been sent to the south, fueling speculation that Israel may send ground forces into Gaza, the border in the north has been reinforced and soldiers were still battling on Sunday to drive militants out from some communities infiltrated in the south.        “我们正处于战争之中,我们也将赢得这场战争,”内塔尼亚胡在周六的电视讲话中表示,并宣布征召以色列预备役军人。坦克部队已被派往南部,加剧了以色列可能向加沙派遣地面部队的猜测。北部边境已加强武装,士兵周日仍在战斗,试图将潜入南部一些社区的激进分子赶走。
        Israeli jets launched airstrikes on Gaza, which Israel’s military said had destroyed centers that house Hamas militants. Palestinian officials said that a hospital had been hit, along with multistory buildings, homes and a mosque. As of Sunday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said that at least 313 Palestinians had been killed and 1,990 injured — most insideIsrael and the rest in the enclave.        以色列战机对加沙发起空袭,以色列军方表示,空袭摧毁了哈马斯武装分子的据点。巴勒斯坦官员称,遭到袭击的场所包括一所医院以及数栋多层建筑物、民宅和一座清真寺。截至周日上午,加沙的巴勒斯坦卫生部表示,至少有313名巴勒斯坦人丧生、1990人受伤——他们大多在以色列境内,其余则在加沙地带。
        Gaza has been under a suffocating Israeli blockade, backed by Egypt, since Hamas seized control of the coastal strip in 2007. The blockade restricts the import of goods, including electronic and computer equipment, that could be used to make weapons and prevents most people from leaving the territory.        自2007年哈马斯控制这片沿海地带以来,加沙就处于以色列严密封锁之下,这种封锁也得到了埃及的支持。封锁限制了包括可用于武器制造的电子和计算机设备在内的货物进口,并导致该地区大多数人无法离开。
        What’s different about this attack?        此次袭击有何不同之处?
        The relentless, deadly conflict between Israel and Palestinians has spanned two centuries. The fighting — including in May 2021, when the Israeli police raided Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which in part helped set off an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas — have left thousands dead.        以巴残酷的致命冲突已经持续两个世纪之久。交战已造成数以千计的死亡,包括2021年5月以色列警方对耶路撒冷阿克萨清真寺的突袭,这是以色列和哈马斯之间持续11天的战争的部分导火索。
        Sometimes, the bloodshed has been incited by Israel targeting militant leaders or responding to protests. Other times, violence has been set off by attacks from Hamas or other militants. In this case, there was no obvious flashpoint, and Israel’s intelligence community and government seems to have been caught by surprise.        一些流血事件是以色列针对激进分子领导人或应对抗议活动引发的。另一些暴力事件则由哈马斯或其他激进分子的袭击所引发。此次冲突没有明确的导火索,似乎在以色列情报及政府部门的意料之外。
        The timing of the assault was notable, hitting Israel at one of the most difficult moments in its history. It came after months of profound anxiety about the cohesion of Israeli society and the readiness of its military, a crisis prompted by the far-right government’s efforts to reduce the power of the judiciary.        值得注意的是,此番袭击正值以色列历史上最困难的时期之一。数月来,以色列社会的凝聚力及其军队的战备状况都引发了深刻忧虑,此次危机乃极右翼政府试图削弱司法机构权力所引发。
        The attacks also came on the holiday of Simchat Torah, and nearly 50 years to the day since the Israeli authorities were caught off-guard when invading forces from Egypt and Syria set off the start of the Yom Kippur War.        这场袭击还发生在西赫妥拉节期间,而距离以色列当局对埃及和叙利亚部队入侵所引发的“赎罪日战争”措手不及也刚好过去了约50年时间。
        What happens now?        现在的情况如何?
        Mr. Netanyahu said early Sunday that the “first phase” of Israel’s response had come to an end, claiming that Israeli forces had fought off most Hamas militants inside its territory. Amid speculation that Israel was preparing for a substantial ground invasion of Gaza, he pledged to continue the offensive “without reservation and without respite.”        周日早些时候,内塔尼亚胡表示以色列“第一阶段”的回应已经结束,并宣称以色列军队已经击退其领土内的大部分哈马斯武装分子。在外界猜测以色列准备对加沙进行大规模地面入侵之际,内塔尼亚胡承诺将“不遗余力、马不停蹄”地继续进攻。
        President Biden and other world leaders condemned Hamas — which the United States classifies as a terrorist organization — saying they support Israel and its right to defend itself. Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, have called for de-escalation, but have avoided blaming Hamas.        拜登总统和其他世界领导人谴责了哈马斯——该组织被美国列为恐怖组织——表示他们支持以色列及其捍卫领土的权利。包括沙特在内的阿拉伯国家则呼吁缓和紧张局势,但没有批评哈马斯。
        The conflict also jeopardizes a monthslong effort by Mr. Biden and his top aides to push Saudi Arabia to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel, its historical adversary. Saudi Arabia has never recognized the Jewish state out of solidarity with Palestinians but had seemed ready to change its policy.        这场冲突还危及拜登及其高级助手长达数月的努力,他们一直在推动沙特和以色列这对历史宿敌实现外交关系正常化。出于对巴勒斯坦的团结,沙特从未承认这个犹太国家,但似乎已经准备好改变其政策。
        The fighting also threatens to become a wider regional conflict with Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant organization that fought a war with Israel in 2006. Responding to a call from Hamas, the armed group that controls Gaza, for armed groups in Lebanon to join its assaults on Israel, Hezbollah said in a statement that it was “closely following the important developments in the Palestinian situation with great interest.”        战斗还可能演变为涉及到真主党的更广泛地区冲突,真主党这一黎巴嫩什叶派军事组织曾在2006年与以色列开战。控制加沙的武装组织哈马斯呼吁黎巴嫩的武装组织都加入对以色列的袭击,对此,真主党在声明中表示,“正以极大的兴趣密切关注巴勒斯坦局势的重大进展”。
        On Sunday, United Nations peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon said that the situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border was “volatile, but stable,” after an exchange of artillery and rocket fire by Hezbollah and Israel earlier in the day.        周日早些时候,真主党和以色列发生炮弹和火箭弹交火,此后不久,驻黎巴嫩南部的联合国维和部队称,黎巴嫩和以色列边境的局势“紧张但稳定”。

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