【双语财讯】中国便利店数量增长快 进一步向下沉市场发展_OK阅读网
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【双语财讯】中国便利店数量增长快 进一步向下沉市场发展
Convenience stores record growth, more penetration into lower-tier cities

来源:中国日报    2023-10-08 15:16

        Most convenience stores in cities this year have achieved growths and more penetration into fourth- and fifth-tier cities and county-level markets, according to an industry survey.        行业调查报告显示,今年全国多个城市的便利店门店数量实现正增长,进一步向四、五线城市及县域级市场下沉。
        As per the "China Convenience Store Index", released by the China Chain Store and Franchise Association, about 64.1 percent of the surveyed cities have seen positive growth in the number of convenience stores in 2023. The number of cities with reduced store numbers accounted for 35.9 percent.        中国连锁经营协会发布的“中国城市便利店发展指数”显示,2023年城市便利店门店数量实现正增长的城市占所调查城市总数的64.1%;门店数减少的城市占所调查城市总数的35.9%。
        The index includes the saturation of convenience stores in each city, the growth rate of the total number of stores, the proportion of 24-hour convenience stores, and the business environment.        指数的核心数据为各城市便利店的饱和度、门店总量的增速、24小时便利店的比例及营商环境情况。
        Based on the calculation from the index, the city of Xiamen of Fujian province, Taiyuan of Shanxi province, Dongguan of Guangdong province, Changsha of Hunan province, and Guangzhou of Guangdong province ranked top five in terms of the development of convenience stores, said the survey.        调查报告称,根据指数计算结果,福建省厦门市、山西省太原市、广东省东莞市、湖南省长沙市、广东省广州市的便利店发展指数名列前五位。
        The growth rate of convenience stores in Hefei, Anhui province, reached 11.76 percent, the highest among all cities, followed by Guiyang, Guizhou province, and Kunming, Yunnan province. In first- and second-tier cities or lower-tier cities, rent and labor costs remain the biggest challenges faced by convenience stores, according to the survey.        安徽省合肥市便利店数量增长率达到11.76%,是所有城市中增长最高的城市,其次为贵州省贵阳市和云南省昆明市。调查指出,无论是一、二线城市还是低线城市,房租、人力成本仍然是便利店发展面临的最大挑战。

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