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What We Know About Canada’s Claims Against India About a Sikh’s Killing

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-21 04:02

        On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada made the shocking accusation that government agents from India had been involved in the killing of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June.        周一,加拿大总理特鲁多提出了令人震惊的指控,称印度政府特工参与了今年6月在不列颠哥伦比亚省杀害一名锡克领袖的案件。
        The allegations have widened a growing rift between Canada and India and set off a political dispute between the two already apprehensive nations.        这些指控扩大了加印两国之间日益扩大的裂痕,在这两个本已充满疑虑的国家之间引发政治争端。
        Here is what we know:        以下是我们所知道的:
        Who was Hardeep Singh Nijjar, and what happened to him?        哈迪普·辛格·尼贾尔是谁,出了什么事?
        Hardeep Singh Nijjar, 45, was born in the North Indian state of Punjab. After several unsuccessful attempts to gain entry to Canada, he moved there in the mid-1990s, according to Indian news reports, just after a period of Indian government crackdowns on a Sikh separatist movement.        45岁的哈迪普·辛格·尼贾尔出生于印度北部的旁遮普邦。据印度媒体报道,他于上世纪90年代中期移居加拿大,当时印度政府刚刚对锡克教分离主义运动进行了镇压。在那之前,他数次尝试前往加拿大但未能成功。
        In Canada, Mr. Nijjar worked as a plumber, got married and had two sons. He obtained his Canadian citizenship in 2015, according to Canada’s immigration minister, Marc Miller, in a post on X, formerly called Twitter. In 2020, Mr. Nijjar became the president of a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia, the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara.        在加拿大,尼贾尔当过水管工,结了婚,并育有两个儿子。据加拿大移民部长马克·米勒在X(原Twitter)上发帖称,尼贾尔于2015年获得了加拿大公民身份。2020年,尼贾尔成为不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里市的锡克教寺庙古鲁那纳的负责人。
        Mr. Nijjar was a self-proclaimed “Sikh nationalist who believes in and supports Sikhs’ right to self-determination and independence of Indian-occupied Punjab through a future referendum,” according to an open letter he wrote to the Canadian government in 2016. He had been a key figure in British Columbia rallying votes for a referendum in Canada supporting the establishment of a nation called Khalistan from part of Punjab State.        在2016年写给加拿大政府的公开信中,尼贾尔自称“锡克教民族主义者,相信并支持锡克教徒未来通过公投获得印占旁遮普邦的自决权和独立权”。在加拿大举行的一次支持把部分旁遮普邦变成一个名为卡利斯坦(Khalistan)的国家而举行的公投中,他是不列颠哥伦比亚省的关键拉票人物。
        The Indian government declared Mr. Nijjar a terrorist in 2020, decades after he left India. It accused him of plotting a violent attack in India and leading a terrorist group called the Khalistan Tiger Force. In Punjab, however, politicians and journalists asserted that despite such charges against him, many locals had never heard of him or his movement.        2020年,在尼贾尔离开印度几十年后,印度政府宣布他为恐怖分子。指控他在印度策划了一起暴力袭击,并领导了一个名为“卡利斯坦猛虎武装”的恐怖组织。然而,在旁遮普邦,政客和记者声称,尽管对他提出了这样的指控,但许多当地人从未听说过他或他领导的运动。
        Mr. Nijjar was shot in June near the Sikh temple that he led. While investigators from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police later said he had been ambushed by masked men, they did not disclose if the attack had been politically motivated.        6月,尼贾尔在他领导的锡克教寺庙附近遭枪杀。虽然加拿大皇家骑警的调查人员后来表示,他遭到了蒙面人的伏击,但他们并未透露这次袭击是否出于政治动机。
        What did Canada say?        加方有何表态?
        On Monday, the Canadian prime minister told lawmakers that “agents of the government of India” had been linked to Mr. Nijjar’s killing on Canadian soil.        周一,加拿大总理告诉国会议员,“印度政府特工”卷入了尼贾尔在加拿大领土上遇害一事。
        Evidence of the ambush was based on intelligence gathered by the Canadian government, according to Mr. Trudeau, who added that he had raised this issue directly with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India “in no uncertain terms” at the Group of 20 summit this month in New Delhi.        特鲁多表示,伏击的证据是基于加拿大政府收集的情报,他还说,本月在新德里举行的20国集团峰会上,他“毫不含糊地”直接向印度总理莫迪提到了这件事。
        “Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty,” Mr. Trudeau said on Monday, adding that Canada would pressure India to cooperate with investigations into Mr. Nijjar’s death.        “任何外国政府参与在加拿大领土上杀害加拿大公民的行为,都是对我们主权不可接受的侵犯,”特鲁多周一表示。他还说,加拿大将向印度施压,要求对方配合就尼贾尔之死展开的调查。
        Canada’s foreign minister, Mélanie Joly, also announced that it had expelled an Indian diplomat, whom she described as the de facto head of India’s intelligence agency in Canada.        加拿大外长梅拉妮·乔利还宣布驱逐了一名印度外交官,她称该外交官实为印度驻加拿大情报机构负责人。 
        How did India respond?        印方反应如何?
        The Indian government has vehemently denied the allegations by Mr. Trudeau. Mr. Modi “completely rejected” them, according to India’s foreign ministry.        印度政府强烈否认了特鲁多的指控。据印度外交部称,莫迪“完全否认”。
        In a statement, the ministry office also spurned “any attempts to connect the government of India” to Mr. Nijjar’s killing and called the accusations “absurd.”        在一份声明中,外交部还驳斥了“任何将印度政府与尼贾尔遇害联系起来的企图”,并称这些指控“荒谬”。
        In a tit-for-tat move against Canada, India expelled a senior Canadian diplomat in India.        作为报复,印度驱逐了一名加拿大驻印高级外交官。
        The Indian government also fired back at Canada, accusing the country of sheltering “extremists and terrorists” who “continue to threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”        印度政府还对加拿大进行了回击,指责该国庇护“继续威胁印度主权和领土完整”的“极端分子和恐怖分子”。
        India has long said that Canada is harboring Sikh terrorists and providing funding to create Khalistan. In the past, Indian officials have also accused Britain, the United States and Australia of passivity against separatist movements in their countries.        印度长期以来一直声称加拿大窝藏锡克恐怖分子,并为卡利斯坦建国提供资金。过去,印度官员也曾指责英国、美国和澳大利亚对于国内的分离主义运动听之任之。
        Mr. Trudeau rejected India’s denial on Tuesday morning. “We are not looking to provoke or escalate,” he told reporters in Ottawa before flying to New York for the United Nations General Assembly. “We are simply laying out the facts as we understand them, and we want to work with the government of India.”        周二上午,特鲁多驳斥了印度的否认。“我们不打算挑衅或升级,”在飞往纽约参加联合国大会之前,他在渥太华告诉媒体。“我们只是在陈述我们所了解的事实,我们希望与印度政府合作。”

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