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They Want to Be K-Pop Stars. But They Won’t Hide Who They Are.

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-27 04:21

        At a bar in Euljiro, one of Seoul’s up-and-coming hip neighborhoods, two voices intertwined in a duet. One was high-pitched, the other an octave lower.        在首尔新兴时尚社区乙支路的一家酒吧里,二重唱的声音交织在一起。一个音调较高,另一个低一个八度。
        But there was only one singer, a 27-year-old named jiGook. The other voice was a recording made years ago, before he began his transition and hormone therapy deepened his voice.        但是歌手只有一个,那就是27岁的jiGook。另一个声音是几年前录制的,当时他还没有开始变性和接受让他的嗓音变得深沉的激素治疗。
        “I don’t want to forget about my old self,” he told the 50 or so people at the performance, a fund-raiser for a group that supports young L.G.B.T.Q. Koreans. “I love myself before I started hormone therapy, and I love myself as who I am now.”        “我不想忘记过去的自己,”他对参加演出的大约50人说。这场演出是一个支持韩国年轻LGBTQ群体的筹款活动。“我爱开始接受激素治疗之前的自己,也爱现在的自己。”
        Like many other South Korean singers, jiGook, who considers himself gender fluid, transmale and nonbinary, wants to be a K-pop star. So do Prin and SEN, his bandmates in QI.X, a fledgling group that has released two singles.        像许多其他韩国歌手一样,自认为性别不固定、跨性别、非二元性别的jiGook想成为一名K-pop歌星。他在QI.X的队友Prin和SEN也是如此。QI.X是一个新组合,发行了两首单曲。
        What makes them unusual is that they are proudly out — in their music, their relationship with their fans and their social activism. They call themselves one of the first openly queer, transgender K-pop acts, and their mission has as much to do with changing South Korea’s still-conservative society as with making music.        他们的与众不同之处在于,他们以出柜为豪,在做音乐、与歌迷互动以及参与社会活动时都是如此。他们自称是最早公开自己是酷儿和跨性别的韩国流行团体之一,他们的使命不仅是制作音乐,还包括改变韩国仍然保守的社会。
        In the group’s name — pronounced by spelling out the letters — Q stands for queer, I for idol and X for limitless possibilities. Park Ji-yeon, the K-pop producer who started QI.X, says it is “tearing down the heteronormative walls of society.”        在组合的名字中——Q代表酷儿,I代表偶像,X代表无限的可能性。创立QI.X的K-pop制作人朴智银(音)说,它正在“拆除社会的异性恋规范之墙”。
        Very few K-pop artists, or South Korean entertainers in general, have ever been open about being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer. Though the country has become somewhat more accepting of sexual diversity, homophobia is still prevalent, and there are no legal protections against discrimination.         很少有K-pop歌手或韩国艺人公开自己是同性恋、双性恋、跨性别或酷儿。尽管这个国家对性别多样性的接受程度有所提高,但同性恋恐惧仍然普遍存在,而且没有针对歧视的法律保护。
        For entertainers, coming out is seen as a potential career killer, said Cha Woo-jin, a music critic in Seoul. That applies even to K-pop, despite its young, increasingly international fan base and its occasional flirtation with androgyny and same-sex attraction.        首尔的音乐评论家车宇镇(音)说,对艺人来说,出柜被视为职业生涯的潜在杀手。这甚至也适用于K-pop,尽管其粉丝群越来越年轻,越来越国际化,偶尔也会打一打男女莫辨和同性吸引的擦边球。
        “K-pop fans seem to accept the queer community and imagery so long as their favorite stars don’t come out explicitly,” Mr. Cha said.        “只要他们喜欢的明星不明确出柜,韩国流行乐迷似乎可以接受酷儿群体和形象,”车宇镇说。
        That’s not a compromise that QI.X is willing to make.        QI.X并不愿意做出这样的妥协。
        The bandmates’ social media accounts, which promote their causes along with their music, are up front about who they are. So are their singles, “Lights Up” (“The hidden colors in you / I see all the colors in you”) and “Walk & Shine,” which Mx. Park says “celebrates the lives and joy of minorities.”        乐队成员的社交媒体账户在宣传他们音乐的同时,也宣传他们所捍卫的理念,这些账户都公开他们的身份认同。他们的两首单曲也是如此,分别是《Lights Up》(“你身上隐藏的色彩/我看到你身上所有的色彩”)和《Walk & Shine》。朴智银说它们是在“赞美少数群体的生活与喜悦。”
        “Someday, we want to be on everyone’s streaming playlist,” said Prin, 22.        “总有一天,我们希望能出现在每个人的流媒体播放列表上,”22岁的Prin说。
        As a producer, Mx. Park, 37, who identifies as queer and nonbinary, has worked on hits for well-known K-pop acts like GOT7 and Monsta X. But she wanted to make music that spoke directly to people like her, with “an artist who could encapsulate our lives, love, friendships and farewells.”        制作人朴智银37岁,自我认同为酷儿和非二元性别,她曾为GOT7和Monsta X.等知名K-pop团体制作热门歌曲,但她希望自己制作的音乐能通过“一位浓缩了我们的生活、爱情、友谊与告别的艺人”,与像她这样的人直接对话。
        She met some of the QI.X members through a K-pop music class she started in 2019, designed with queer performers in mind. (In other classes, she said, “It was assumed that female participants only wanted to learn girl-group songs and male participants only boy-group songs.”)        她通过她在2019年开设的一门K-pop音乐课程上认识了QI.X的几位成员。该课程专门为酷儿表演者设计。(她说,其他课程中,“人们假定女性参与者只想学女团歌曲,男性参与者只想学男团歌曲。”)
        SEN, 23, said that when Mx. Park asked her to join QI.X, “it was as if a genie in a bottle had come to me.”        23岁的SEN说,当朴智银邀请自己加入QI.X时,“就好像瓶子里的精灵来到我身边。”
        SEN had been a dancer and a choreographer for several K-pop management agencies, including BTS’s agency, Big Hit Entertainment, now known as HYBE. The people she worked with knew she was queer, and they were welcoming.        SEN曾在几家韩国流行音乐经纪公司担任舞者和编舞,其中包括防弹少年团的经纪公司Big Hit Entertainment(现在称为HYBE)。和她一起工作的人知道她是酷儿,但他们很喜欢她。
        But whenever she auditioned to join an idol group, she said, she “never fit the bill for what they wanted.” People would say she was too short or boyish, or comment about her cropped hair.        但她说,每当她参加偶像团体的试镜时,她“总是不符合他们的要求”。人们会说她太矮或太男孩子气,或者评论她的短发。
        That’s not an issue for QI.X, which doesn’t aspire to the immaculately styled look of the typical K-pop act (and, in any case, couldn’t afford the ensemble of stylists those groups have). Individuality, they say, is part of the point.        这对QI.X来说不是问题。他们并不追求典型的K-pop团体那样完美无瑕的造型(何况本来也负担不起那些团体的造型师团队)。他们说,个性是他们的重点。
        QI.X often performs at fund-raisers, for L.G.B.T.Q. and other causes, and sees its music as inseparable from its activism. Maek, for instance, an original member who sang on both singles but is on hiatus from the group, works for the Seoul Disabled People’s Rights Film Festival and volunteers for a transgender rights organization.        QI.X经常为LGBTQ和其他事业在筹款活动上表演,并认为自己的音乐与行动主义是分不开的。比如在两首单曲中演唱、目前处于休团状态的原成员Maek,在首尔残疾人权利电影节工作,并在一个跨性别者权利组织担任志愿者。
        With no support from a management agency, Mx. Park and the group do everything themselves. They handle their own bookings and manage their social media presence, recording videos themselves to post on TikTok and Instagram.        由于没有经纪公司的支持,朴智银和QI.X什么都要自己动手。他们自己安排演出档期,管理自己的社交媒体形象,自己录制视频,发布在TikTok和Instagram上。
        Many of the videos are shot at LesVos, an L.G.B.T.Q. bar in Seoul that often serves as QI.X’s studio and rehearsal hall. Myoung-woo YoonKim, 68, who has run LesVos since the late 1990s, grew up at a time when lesbians were practically invisible in South Korea. “I would often think, ‘Am I the only woman who loves women?’” they said.        很多视频都是在LesVos拍摄的,这是一家首尔的LGBTQ酒吧,经常充当QI.X的录音室和排练室。68岁的金尹明宇(音)从上世纪90年代末开始经营LesVos,在她小时候,女同性恋在韩国几乎是不为人知的。“我经常想,‘我是唯一一个爱女人的女人吗?’”金尹明宇说。
        The QI.X members adore Mx. YoonKim, whom they call hyung, a Korean word for older brother. During a recent video session at LesVos, after dozens of increasingly comical lip-syncing takes of “Walk & Shine,” Mx. YoonKim started to join in. Before long, everyone was bent over with laughter.        QI.X的成员们亲昵地称呼金尹明宇为“哥哥”。最近,在LesVos的一次视频会议上,在几十次越来越滑稽的对口型演唱《Walk & Shine》之后,金尹明宇也加入了进来。没过多久,大家都笑弯了腰。
        To a casual observer of K-pop, it might seem surprising that so few of its artists are out. As Mr. Cha, the music critic, notes, L.G.B.T.Q. imagery has been known to surface in K-pop videos and in ads featuring its stars.        对于并没有深入了解K-pop的人来说,可能会对出柜艺人这么少感到意外。正如音乐评论家车宇镇所指出的那样,众所周知,LGBTQ的形象经常出现在K-pop的视频和明星广告中。
        Some critics see this phenomenon as “queerbaiting,” a cynical attempt to attract nonconformist fans — or to deploy gender-bending imagery because it’s seen as trendy — without actually identifying with them. To Mr. Cha, it suggests that K-pop has a substantial queer fan base, and that some artists might simply be expressing their identities to the extent they can.        一些评论家认为这种现象是“酷儿诱饵(queerbaiting)”,是一种以吸引不守成规的歌迷为目的的唯利是图之举——或者是利用性别扭曲的形象,因为它看上去时髦——而实际上并不认同酷儿人群。在车宇镇看来,这表明K-pop拥有庞大的酷儿粉丝群,一些艺人可能只是在力所能及的范围内表达自己的身份。
        Mr. Cha thinks the taboo against entertainers’ coming out reflects a general attitude toward pop culture in South Korea: “We pay for you, therefore don’t make us uncomfortable.” (Similar attitudes seem to prevail in Japan, where one pop idol recently made news by telling fans he was gay.)        车宇镇认为,对艺人出柜的禁忌反映了韩国对流行文化的普遍态度:“我们为你们掏钱,所以不要让我们不舒服。”(类似的态度似乎在日本也很普遍,一位流行偶像最近因为告诉粉丝他是同性恋上了新闻。)
        QI.X’s fans, who call themselves QTZ (a play on “cuties”), love the group for charging over that boundary. Many are overseas and follow the group online, leaving enthusiastic messages. “I’m so happy I can finally have an artist in the K-pop industry that I can relate to on a gender level, on a queer level,” one said in a video message to the group. “I’m so excited for you!”        QI.X的粉丝自称QTZ——“cuties”(小可爱)一词的谐音——他们喜欢这个团体能够超越这种界限。许多歌迷身在海外,在网上关注这个团体,并且热情地留言。“我很高兴K-pop终于有了一位在性别层面、在酷儿层面能与我产生共鸣的艺人,”其中一人在给该团体的视频的留言中写道。“我真为你们而兴奋!”
        The band also gets hateful messages, which its members do their best to ignore. Prin, 22, is optimistic that attitudes in South Korea are changing. (Joining QI.X was Prin’s way of coming out as gender queer, but friends were much more surprised by the news that Prin was in an idol group.)        乐队也收到了仇恨信息,但成员们尽力不去理会。22岁的Prin对韩国人的态度改变持乐观态度。(加入QI.X是Prin以性别酷儿身份出柜的方式,但朋友们更惊讶的是Prin居然加入了偶像团体。)
        The biggest show of QI.X’s career, so far, was in July at a Pride event, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival. In recent years, it had been held at Seoul Plaza, a major public square. But this year, the city denied organizers permission to hold it there, letting a Christian group use the space for a youth concert instead.        到目前为止,QI.X的职业生涯最重要的一次演出是在7月份的骄傲活动——首尔酷儿文化节上。近年来,该活动一直在大型公共广场首尔广场举行。但今年,该市拒绝让组织者在那里举办活动,而是让一个基督教团体用这里举办青年音乐会。
        Activists saw that as discrimination, though the city denied it. Conservative Christians are a powerful force in South Korean politics, having lobbied successfully for years to block a bill that would prevent discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people. Organizers held the festival in Euljiro.        活动人士认为这是一种歧视,尽管市政府否认了这一点。保守的基督徒是韩国政治中的一股强大力量,多年来,他们成功地游说阻止了一项旨在防止歧视同性恋和跨性别人士的法案。最后文化节改在乙支路举行。
        For its set, QI.X had about 20 backup performers, some of whom were their friends (Mx. YoonKim was one of them). They had rehearsed only once together, on the festival stage that morning, because they hadn’t had the money to rent a big studio.        在演出中,QI.X有大约20名伴舞,其中一些是他们的朋友,金尹明宇就是其中之一。他们只在当天早上在音乐节的舞台上一起排练了一次,因为他们没有钱租一个大型工作室。
        Christian protesters were picketing the festival, some with signs that read “Homosexuality not human rights but SIN.” But fans were there, too. As QI.X sang “Lights Up” and “Walk & Shine,” hundreds crowded in front of the stage, many wearing headbands that were purple, the group’s color. There were Pride flags, and signs that read “We only see you QI.X.”        基督教抗议者在活动中抗议,一些人举着“同性恋不是人权,而是罪恶”的标语。但歌迷们也来了。QI.X演唱了两首单曲,舞台前挤了数百人,许多人戴着紫色的发带,紫色是乐队的代表色。台下有骄傲旗帜,还有写着“我们只看到你QI.X”的标语。
        Hours later, the excitement still hadn’t faded for QI.X. “I felt alive for the first time in a while,” SEN said.        几个小时过去了,QI.X的兴奋仍然没有消退。“这是我一段时间以来第一次感到自己活着,”SEN说。

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