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China Has Paused Its Spy Balloon Operations, U.S. Officials Say

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-18 10:38

        American officials said on Friday that China had paused its spy balloon operations after one of the craft floated across much of the United States early this year and was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, setting off a diplomatic crisis between the rival powers.        美国官员周五表示,中国已经暂停了间谍气球行动。今年早些时候,中国的一个间谍气球飘过大半个美国,在南卡罗来纳州海岸附近被击落,引发了这两个互为竞争对手的大国之间的外交危机。
        The officials said that they did not know how long the pause would last, but that given the investments the Chinese government had made in the balloon program, Beijing was likely to restart it.        官员称不知道暂停会持续多久,但考虑到政府在气球项目上的投资,中方很可能会选择重启。
        The spy balloon that crossed the United States was part of a program to collect information about military bases and operations in the Pacific, American officials believe. But since its downing in February, the United States has detected no additional balloon launches. American officials were quick to note, however, that China has continued other espionage operations, including the alleged recruitment of two Navy sailors and the hacking of senior American officials’ emails.        美方认为,飞越美国上空的间谍气球属于收集太平洋军事基地和行动情报项目的一部分。但自2月被击落以来,美国没有发现更多气球升空。不过,美国官员很快也指出,中国的其他间谍行动仍在继续,包括被指控买通两名美国海军水兵,并派黑客入侵美国高官的电子邮件。
        The pause was reported earlier by CNN.        CNN早前报道了气球项目暂停的消息。
        U.S. intelligence agencies had tracked the balloon as it was launched from Hainan Island, headed originally toward Guam and Hawaii, home to important Pacific bases.        当该气球从海南岛升空时,美国情报机构就对其进行了追踪,它原定的目的地是关岛和夏威夷,那是太平洋重要基地的所在。
        But winds blew it off course, and it crossed over Alaska before drifting into Canada and then re-entering the United States near Montana. As the balloon slowly made its way through the central and eastern United States, it became a subject of intense public fascination. President Biden ordered it shot down once it reached the shallow coastal waters off South Carolina.        但它被风吹离了既定航线,越过阿拉斯加州之后飘进加拿大,然后在蒙大拿州附近重新进入美国。随着气球缓慢飘过美国中部和东部,它引发了公众的密切关注。在气球抵达南卡罗来纳州附近的浅水海域后,拜登总统下令将其击落。
        American officials said the balloon carried sophisticated instruments to collect imagery and communications. But it is not clear how much information the balloon sent back to Beijing during its transit over the United States.        美国官员表示,该气球上装载了收集影像和通信的尖端设备。但目前尚不清楚气球在飞越美国时向中国发回了多少情报。
        In a statement, Liu Pengyu, the spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said the balloon was used for “meteorological and other research purposes.” Its transit over the United States was “an unexpected, isolated incident,” he said.        中国驻美大使馆发言人刘鹏宇在声明中表示,该气球用于“气象和其他研究目的”。他说,气球飞越美国是一次“意外的孤立事件”。
        “The facts are clear and shall not be distorted or misrepresented,” Mr. Liu said.        “事实是明确的,不容歪曲或误解,”刘鹏宇说。
        But American officials said they had no doubt that the Chinese claim that the balloon was for civilian research was inaccurate.        但美国官员表示,中方称该气球性质为民用的说法不准确,这一点毋庸置疑。
        The incident aggravated an already growing rift in U.S.-Chinese relations, one that the countries are still working to mend. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken delayed an imminent visit he had planned to Beijing, and bilateral relations plummeted to their lowest point in decades. But Mr. Blinken eventually made the trip in June, and China and the United States have in recent weeks opened other discussions intended to ease tensions.        此事件加深了美中之间本已日益扩大的裂痕,两国至今仍在努力修复关系。国务卿布林肯当时推迟了原定的访华计划,双边关系跌至数十年来的最低点。但布林肯的访问最终于6月成行,最近几周中美也开启了旨在缓解紧张局势的其他对话。

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