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Burner Laptops and Smaller Profits: Firms Portray Their China Challenges

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-20 10:04

        American companies doing business in China are less optimistic about the future than at any other time in more than two decades. Restrictions on economic data, like the extent of youth unemployment, is making investment decisions harder. Few of the many foreign executives who left China during the pandemic are returning.        如今,在中国做生意的美国公司对未来的乐观程度比二十多年来的任何时候都要低。中国政府对经济数据(例如青年失业率)的限制增加了企业做投资的难度。许多外企高管在疫情期间离开了中国,目前返回的极少。
        These are some of the takeaways from reports released Tuesday by organizations representing close to 2,000 European and American firms.        这些是代表近2000家欧洲和美国公司的团体周二发布的报告中的一些要点。
        The papers by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China portray a business environment that has become more difficult to navigate. Companies find themselves caught between a Beijing that has been outwardly solicitous of their investment but at the same time focused on its security priorities. Nearly two-thirds of European companies in China have seen business opportunities thwarted by China’s ever more complex web of regulations.        上海美国商会和中国欧盟商会发布的这些报告描绘了一个变得越来越难以有效应对的商业环境。外企发现自己左右为难,中国政府虽然在表面上关心它们的投资,同时却又把重点放在国家安全这个优先事务上。近三分之二的在华欧洲企业发现,中国日益复杂的监管网络阻碍了商业机会。
        The reports also make clear that despite the troublesome landscape, China remains an enticing lure for Western corporations. Many of the companies surveyed said they were ready to increase their investments in China if geopolitical tensions eased and if government policy became more welcoming.        报告也明确表示,尽管处境困难,但中国对西方企业来说仍具有诱人的吸引力。许多接受调查的公司表示,如果地缘政治紧张局势缓解、中国政府政策变得更友好的话,它们准备增加在中国的投资。
        “China needs to choose: Are you going for self-reliance and national security, or are you going towards further opening up and engagement,” said Jens Eskelund, the president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.        “中国需要做出选择:是追求自力更生和国家安全,还是进一步开放和参与,”中国欧盟商会会长彦辞(Jens Eskelund)说。
        Representatives of Western governments have been pressing issues of investment and access to China’s market in a series of trips to Beijing in recent months. Three top European Union officials are making separate visits in the coming week, following four senior American officials who went to China over the past three months. The most recent was Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, who expressed concern about China’s limits on imports of cosmetics and many other American goods.        在近几个月,西方政府的代表多次访问北京,他们一直在推动解决中国市场的投资和准入问题。三名欧盟高级官员将在未来一周分别访华,此前,四名美国高级官员在三个月的时间里先后到访。最近访华的是商务部长雷蒙多,她对中国限制化妆品和许多其他美国商品的进口表示了忧虑。
        It’s getting harder to make money in China        在中国赚钱变得越来越难
        Much of the negative sentiment is driven by worsening relations between Beijing and Washington. There’s also China’s faltering economy, which is flagging under a troubled real estate market marked by highly indebted developers and eroding home prices.        大部分负面情绪是中美关系不断恶化造成的。此外还有中国经济衰退的问题,房地产市场陷入困境,最明显的是开发商负债累累,房价不断下跌。
        Another reason for the gloom: Profitability in China for American companies is at a record low and executives are trimming expectations for the next three to five years.        造成这种悲观情绪的另一个原因是:美国公司在中国的盈利能力处于历史新低,高管们正在下调未来三到五年的预期。
        European companies are also worried. A modest rebound in consumer spending after three years of stringent pandemic measures has not been matched by an uptick in imports, as various “de-risking” policies by China have led to a reliance on local production instead, Mr. Eskelund said.        欧洲企业也忧心忡忡。虽然在经历了三年严格的疫情防控措施后,消费者支出有了小幅反弹,但进口却没有增长,原因是中国采取的各种“去风险”政策已导致了依赖本土生产来取代进口,彦辞说。
        And staffing China operations with expatriates remains a challenge. During pandemic lockdowns, many American and European companies moved the bulk of their managers home, generally replacing them with Chinese nationals. Few of the expatriates have moved back into China since the country reopened its borders last January after almost completely sealing them for 34 months, the groups said.        外企为其中国业务配备外籍人员仍是个挑战。中国在新冠病毒大流行期间实行的封控措施导致许多欧美企业将大部分外籍管理人员撤出中国,一般是用中国公民取代他们。中国在几乎完全关闭了边境长达34个月后,已于今年1月重新开放边境,自那以来,还没有多少外籍人士返回。
        The pileup of difficulties is weighing on decisions about whether to put more money into the Chinese economy. Foreign direct investment plunged 87 percent from April through June, compared with the same months last year, according to Nomura, a Japanese bank. That is the lowest quarterly level since modern records began in early 1998.        接连不断的困难正在影响外企在华投资的决定。日本野村银行的数据显示,今年4月至6月的外国直接投资与去年同期相比骤减了87%。这是自1998年初有了现代记录以来的最低季度水平。
        When representatives from 325 American companies were asked to grade China’s performance on its willingness to open its markets to them, they gave an average grade of 6, just barely a pass on the scale of one to 10. The most bullish companies were those in pharmaceuticals, life sciences and medical device sales, as well as finance and insurance companies. Technology companies and legal services firms gave the worst grades.        来自325家美国公司的代表在调查中给中国向它们开放市场的意愿打分时,给出的平均分是6分,以1分到10分的标准来衡量勉强及格。最看好中国市场的是制药公司、从事生命科学和医疗仪器销售的公司,以及金融和保险公司。科技企业和法律服务公司的打分最低。
        American companies said transparency around policy has gotten worse, a complaint they have made in past surveys. And more than half of the companies surveyed this year felt that government policy favored their Chinese rivals.        美国公司表示,有关政策问题的透明度越来越差,它们在过去的调查中也曾抱怨过这点。今年参与调查的公司中,有一半以上认为政府政策偏袒他们的中国竞争对手。
        Companies face more rules and security risks        企业面临更多的规则和安全风险
        While Chinese government officials have publicly pitched foreign executives to invest more, saying China was eager to do business, Beijing has also doubled down on policies emphasizing security and self-reliance that can make it harder for foreign companies to conduct business in the country.        虽然中国政府官员在公开场合争取外国高管加大对华投资,称中国渴望与外企做生意,但中国政府也在加倍努力推行强调国家安全和自力更生的政策,这可能会让外国公司在中国开展业务变得更加困难。
        China’s Ministry of State Security has called for a “whole of society mobilization,” urging the public to watch for what it considers foreign-backed subversion.        中国国家安全部已发出“全社会动员”的号召,要求公众警惕政府认为外国支持的颠覆活动。
        Following China’s recent adoption of stringent data security and counterespionage legislation, European and American companies are discouraging executives from carrying information out of China even about day-to-day corporate operations.        中国最近通过了严格的数据安全和反间谍法后,欧洲和美国的公司已不鼓励高管携带信息离开中国,即使是关于公司日常运营的信息。
        Multinationals have issued temporary “burner” laptops and smartphones to executives visiting China for several years, to prevent sensitive corporate information from being stolen. But this summer, some companies have begun adopting the reverse policy: They are also not allowing executives based in China to leave the country with their laptops and often their smartphones.        跨国公司多年来一直让访问中国的高管们临时使用“一次性的”笔记本电脑和智能手机,以防止公司的敏感信息被盗。但一些公司已在今年夏天开始采取相反的政策:它们不允许驻华高管们携带笔记本电脑离开中国,而且一般还包括他们的智能手机。
        Eric Zheng, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, said company limits on allowing employees to carry laptops out of China to other countries in Asia make it harder to manage regional operations from Shanghai.        上海美国商会会长郑艺表示,公司限制员工将笔记本电脑从中国带到亚洲其他国家,这使得从上海管理区域业务变得更加困难。
        A further difficulty is that when executives are outside of China, the country’s data security laws no longer allow them to access certain data on company computers inside of China, said Soeren Meyer, who helps coordinate technology policy for the European chamber. American and European multinationals in sectors like finance and infrastructure have been forced by China’s new data security laws to invest in building separate systems inside China that are kept separate from their systems elsewhere.        另一个困难是,高管们在中国境外时,中国的数据安全法让他们不再能访问公司在中国境内计算机上的某些数据,帮助协调欧洲商会技术政策的索伦·迈耶说。中国有关数据安全的新法规已迫使金融和基础设施等领域的欧美跨国公司在中国境内投资建设独立的数据系统,将其与中国以外的数据系统分开。
        China has issued other wide-reaching regulations in recent years that are forcing companies to change how they run their China operations.        近年来,中国还颁布了其他影响广泛的法规,迫使外企改变在中国运营业务的方式。
        “We see more regulations happening in more areas but then the way they are implemented or the way they are defined is often, frankly, quite vague and so companies aren’t certain now where the red lines are” said Sean Stein, chairman of the American chamber in Shanghai.        “我们看到更多的领域正在出台更多的法规,但坦率地说,这些法规的实施方式或界定范围往往相当模糊,因此企业现在无法确定红线在哪里,”上海美国商会董事会主席谭森(Sean Stein)说。

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