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Philippines Says It Removed Chinese Barrier That Blocked Fishing Boats

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-26 10:55

        Faced with China’s determination to exert control over a vast area of the South China Sea far from its mainland, the Philippine Coast Guard said Monday that it had taken matters into its own hands, taking down a Chinese barrier that had kept Filipino fishing boats at bay.        面对中国在远离本土的南中国海大片海域施加控制的决心,菲律宾海岸警卫队周一表示,它已采取行动,拆除了中方设置的阻止菲律宾渔船进入的中国屏障。
        The Coast Guard released video of a diver cutting through the ropes that kept the barriers in place at the Scarborough Shoal, which is claimed by both the Philippines and China. The maritime obstacles could then be seen being hoisted out of the water.        海岸警卫队发布的视频显示,一名潜水员在中菲都声称拥有主权的斯卡伯勒浅滩(Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛——译注)割断了固定障碍物的绳索。然后可以看到海上障碍物被吊出水面。
        “The barrier posed a hazard to navigation, a clear violation of international law,” the Philippines said in a statement. “It also hinders the conduct of fishing and livelihood activities of Filipino fisherfolk.”        “这道屏障对航行构成了威胁,明显违反了国际法,”菲律宾在声明中表示。“这也阻碍了菲律宾渔民的捕鱼和生计活动。”
        With tensions already rising in the South China Sea, it was unclear how Beijing might respond. But China has made clear its intent to militarize the waters through which one-third of global ocean trade passes.        由于南海的紧张局势升级,目前尚不清楚北京将如何回应。但中国已明确表示,它打算将全球三分之一海洋贸易途径的这片海域军事化。
        The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, said the shoal and its adjacent waters are “China’s inherent territory,” over which Beijing “has indisputable sovereignty,” the Associated Press reported.        据美联社报道,中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示,黄岩岛及其附近海域是“中国的固有领土”,北京对其拥有“无可争辩的主权”。
        The Philippine Coast Guard said Monday that it had acted at the direction of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who was elected last year.        菲律宾海岸警卫队周一表示,他们是按照去年当选的总统费迪南德·马科斯的指示采取的行动。
        The Philippines is not the only country in the region that is tangling with China over fishing rights and territorial claims. Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have also had conflicts.        菲律宾并不是该地区唯一一个在捕鱼权和领土主张上与中国存在争议的国家。越南、马来西亚和文莱也同中国发生过冲突。
        The United States has no direct territorial claims of its own, but it has made its own interests clear, including the freedom of navigation. On Monday, President Biden hosted the leaders of 18 Pacific Island nations at the White House in another sign of the growing regional competition for influence between Washington and Beijing.        美国没有直接领土要求,但它明确表达了自己的利益,包括航行自由。周一,拜登总统在白宫接待了18个太平洋岛国的领导人,这再次表明华盛顿和北京对地区影响力的争夺日益激烈。
        The waters of the South China Sea were long dominated by the U.S. fleet, but as the Chinese military flexes its muscles there, and as its Navy and Coast Guard continue to gain strength, concern has grown about the possibility of a superpower showdown there.        南海海域长期以来一直由美国舰队主导,但随着中国军队在那里展现实力,以及中国海军和海警的实力不断增强,人们越来越担心超级大国在那里对决的可能性。
        Already, more than 900 miles from their mainland, the Chinese have established a military base on Mischief Reef, off the Philippine island of Palawan, complete with radar domes and a runway that can handle fighter jets.        中国在距离本土1400多公里、菲律宾巴拉望岛附近的美济礁建立了一个军事基地,配备了雷达和一条可以起降战斗机的跑道。
        An international tribunal has determined that the area does not belong to China, but with armed Chinese vessels out in force, Filipinos who have fished the waters for generations have been forced to stand down.        一个国际法庭裁定该海域不属于中国,但随着中国武装船只的出动,世世代代在该海域捕鱼的菲律宾人被迫退让。

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