【双语财讯】中国规上工业企业利润加快恢复 8月同比增17.2%_OK阅读网
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【双语财讯】中国规上工业企业利润加快恢复 8月同比增17.2%
China's industrial profit posts strong rebound in August

来源:中国日报    2023-09-28 09:20

        Visitors watch a robot welding an auto body during the 23rd China International Industry Fair (CIIF) in east China's Shanghai, Sept. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)        China's major industrial firms saw their profit rebound strongly in August, surging 17.2 percent from a year earlier, in the latest sign of a sustained recovery in the world's second-largest economy.
        After a decline of 6.7 percent in July and an 8.3 percent fall in June, this robust growth marks the first increase since the second half of 2022.        这是自去年下半年以来,工业企业当月利润首次实现正增长。今年7月,工业企业利润同比下降6.7%,6月份则下降了8.3%。
        As the country's pro-growth policies continued to show their impact last month, industrial production saw a steady recovery, with the improvement in industrial profit gathering momentum, said NBS statistician Yu Weining.        “8月份,随着一系列推动宏观经济回升向好政策效果不断显现,工业生产稳步回升,企业利润恢复明显加快。”国家统计局工业司统计师于卫宁表示。
        In the first eight months of the year, the profits of major industrial firms with annual main business revenue of at least 20 million yuan (about 2.79 million U.S. dollars) reached 4.66 trillion yuan, down 11.7 percent year on year, with the pace of decline narrowing by 3.8 percentage points from the first seven months.        1—8月份,全国规模以上工业企业(年主营业务收入在2000万元以上)实现利润总额46558.2亿元,同比下降11.7%,降幅比1—7月份收窄3.8个百分点。
        Of the 41 industrial categories monitored by the bureau, 30 posted better performance in terms of profits during the January-August period.        分行业看,在41个工业大类行业中,有30个行业利润增速加快,或降幅收窄、由降转增。
        Profit growth for equipment manufacturing was 3.6 percent for the period, accelerating from 1.7 percent registered during the first seven months and leading the overall improvement.        1—8月份,装备制造业利润同比增长3.6%,增速较1—7月份加快1.9个百分点。装备制造业利润增速持续引领工业企业利润稳步恢复。
        The combined profit of the country's state-holding enterprises went down 16.5 percent year on year in the first eight months, with the pace of decline narrowing by 3.8 percentage points from the first seven months.        1—8月份,规模以上工业企业中,国有控股企业实现利润总额同比下降16.5%,降幅比1—7月份收窄3.8个百分点。
        Profits of overseas-funded firms and private companies declined 11.1 percent and 4.6 percent, with the pace of declines narrowing 1.3 percentage points and 6.1 percentage points, respectively, from the January-July period.        外商及港澳台商投资企业利润总额下降11.1%,私营企业利润总额下降4.6%;降幅分别比1—7月份收窄1.3个和6.1个百分点。
        The data released on Wednesday further confirmed that the Chinese economy gained significant momentum last month. This was evident through various positive indicators, including strong factory production and improving consumer sentiment.        周三公布的数据进一步证实,上个月中国经济回升向好势头明显。这一点从各种积极指标中得到佐证,包括工业生产稳步回升,消费者情绪持续改善。

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