苹果发布iPhone 15系列,转用USB-C接口_OK阅读网
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苹果发布iPhone 15系列,转用USB-C接口
Apple Unveils iPhone 15 and Switches to USB-C Charger

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-13 03:16

        Every September for the past decade, Apple has convened media from around the world for a marketing event that celebrates the creative feats behind its newest iPhone. It has hyped the shine of the phone’s exterior, the sculpting around its cameras and the power of its processors.        过去10年里,每年9月,苹果都会召集世界各地的媒体参加一场营销活动,庆祝其最新款iPhone背后的创意盛举,大肆宣传这款手机的外观、摄像头的精心雕琢和处理器的强大性能。
        But this year, Apple’s elite designers and engineers have bent their creative process and marketing extravaganza to the design demands of European regulators, who passed a rule mandating USB-C charging across electronic devices.        但今年,苹果的精英设计师和工程师们令创意过程和营销盛宴服从于欧洲监管机构的设计要求,后者通过了一项规定,要求所有电子设备都必须使用USB-C接口充电。
        On Wednesday, Apple revealed that its newest product line, the iPhone 15, will drop the company’s proprietary Lightning port in favor of European-mandated USB-C ports. The company’s newest iPhones feature a charging plug that is slightly bigger and rounder than its predecessor but capable of delivering a faster charge.        周三,苹果公司透露,其最新产品线iPhone 15将放弃该公司专有的闪电接口,转而采用欧洲规定的USB-C接口。苹果公司最新款iPhone的充电插头比上一代略大、略圆,但充电速度更快。
        The rule was aimed at reducing electronic waste and saving customers money by making one port compatible across an array of devices. Though Apple resisted the change, warning that government mandates could stifle innovation, it will make it possible to use the same USB-C cord that powers a Mac to charge an iPhone.        该规定旨在实现各设备之间兼容同一种接口,从而减少电子垃圾并为顾客省钱。尽管苹果公司反对这一改变,并警告说,政府的规定可能会扼杀创新,但这样一来,为Mac电脑供电的USB-C线就可以为iPhone充电了。
        In addition to the iPhone, the company unveiled its wireless earbuds, the AirPods Pro, with a USB-C charging case.        除了iPhone,苹果公司还推出了配有USB-C充电盒的无线耳机AirPods Pro。
        The change speaks to how regulators are altering Apple’s business. Apple has positioned itself as the primary gatekeeper for more than one billion iPhone users worldwide by building proprietary hardware and services. To reach those customers, app developers have given the company as much as a 30 percent cut of their sales, and accessory companies have paid fees to make cords with Lightning ports.        这一变化说明了监管机构正在改变苹果的业务。苹果通过打造专有硬件和服务,将自己定位为全球超过10亿iPhone用户的重要守门人。为了吸引这些客户,应用程序开发商向该公司提供高达30%的销售额分成,配件公司也支付费用,生产闪电接口的线材。
        But amid rising concerns about tech companies’ power over the global economy, governments have passed rules and issued warnings that are forcing Apple to open up. In Europe, a new antitrust law will require that Apple allows the sale of iPhone apps outside its App Store. In the United States, regulators are investigating the company’s practice of blocking others from using the iPhone’s tap-to-pay ability. And in China, there is a government crackdown on employees’ use of iPhones at work.        但随着科技公司对全球经济的影响力日益引起人们的担忧,各国政府开始制定规则并发出警告,迫使苹果拆除它的壁垒。在欧洲,一项新的反垄断法将要求苹果允许在其应用商店之外销售iPhone应用程序。在美国,监管机构正在调查该公司阻止其他支付服务使用iPhone的点击支付功能的做法。在中国,政府在打击雇员在工作中使用iPhone的做法。
        The government challenges are buffeting Apple at the same time it is trying to reignite its business. Tumbling sales of iPads and Macs have sparked its most prolonged slump since 2016. IPhone purchases, which account for more than half of total revenue, are slowing. And the sale of apps and services could be clipped by government regulations.        受政府挑战的同时,苹果在试图重振业务。iPad和Mac销量下滑引发了苹果自2016年以来持续时间最长的低迷。占其总营收一半以上的iPhone销售正在放缓。而应用程序和服务的销售可能会受到政府监管的限制。
        “Apple is a victim of its own success, and everyone is going after the big targets in tech,” said Mike Frazier, president of Bedell Frazier Investment Counselling, an investment firm in Walnut Creek, Calif.        “苹果是其自身成功的受害者,所有人都在针对科技领域的大目标,”加州核桃溪的比德尔弗雷泽投资咨询公司总裁迈克·弗雷泽说。
        In addition to the USB-C port, Apple touted other improvements with the iPhone 15, including better cameras and smaller borders around the screen. Its two high-end Pro models, which start at $999, feature a lighter titanium body and processors made with a cutting-edge manufacturing process that the company said significantly increases performance. It replaces the mute switch on previous models with a new button that can be pressed to use the phone’s camera or start an audio recording.        除了USB-C接口,苹果还宣传了iPhone 15的其他改进,包括更好的摄像头和更小的屏幕边框。该公司推出了两款高端Pro机型,起价999美元,采用了更轻的钛金属机身,处理器使用了尖端的制造工艺,公司表示这种工艺大大提高了性能。它用新的按钮取代了以前机型的静音开关,按下这个按钮就可以使用手机的摄像头或开始录音。
        The high-end phones also have the ability to record three-dimensional video, which can be viewed in the augmented reality headset that Apple will release next year.        高端手机还具有录制三维视频的能力,可以在苹果明年发布的增强现实头盔中观看。
        Apple raised the price on the iPhone Pro Max, the company’s top model, by 9 percent to $1,199. The larger phone features the lineup’s most sophisticated camera with a fivefold optical zoom, which contributed to the first price increase for the iPhone lineup in five years.        苹果公司将其顶级机型iPhone Pro Max的价格提高了9%,达到1199美元。这款更大的手机配备了该系列最先进的摄像头,具有五倍光学变焦,这也是iPhone系列五年来的首次涨价。
        The iPhone 15 base models, which cost $799 and $899, adopt many of the features available on last year’s iPhone Pro models, including last year’s processor and the Dynamic Island, a tool bar at the top of the screen. The entire iPhone lineup offers wireless charging.        iPhone 15的基本款售价分别为799美元和899美元,采用了去年iPhone Pro机型的许多功能,包括去年的处理器和屏幕顶部的工具栏灵动岛。iPhone全系列都提供无线充电功能。
        “This is underwhelming,” said Gene Munster, managing partner at Deepwater Asset Management, an investment and research firm based in Minneapolis. “But for the average person with a three- to four-year-old phone, this is enough to upgrade.”        “不算多激动人心,”总部位于明尼阿波利斯的投资和研究公司深水资产管理公司的管理合伙人吉恩·蒙斯特表示。“但对于使用了三四年旧手机的普通人来说,这足以让他们升级了。”
        Apple complemented the new iPhone lineup with updates to its Apple Watch offerings. An updated processor and software developments allow people who wear its latest watch, the Series 9, to answer phone calls by tapping their thumb and index finger together twice. It billed the watch as its first carbon-neutral product, saying it is made with 100 percent clean energy, carbon offsets and smaller packaging to cut the emissions associated with shipping the product.        除了iPhone新系列,苹果还更新了苹果手表。经过升级的处理器和软件开发,佩戴苹果最新款Apple Watch Series 9系列的用户可以通过同时敲击拇指和食指两次来接听电话。该公司称这款手表是其首款碳中和产品,由100%清洁能源制成,有碳补偿,还通过更小的包装减少与产品运输相关的排放。
        The Apple Watch Ultra, which is aimed at outdoor enthusiasts, features a brighter screen and a greater altitude range. It also offers new capabilities for cyclists who want to connect it to other devices that measure performance.        针对户外运动爱好者的Apple Watch Ultra拥有更明亮的屏幕和更大的海拔使用范围。它还为希望将其连接到其他评估表现的设备的骑行者提供了新功能。
        Apple unveiled the products in Cupertino, Calif., at the Steve Jobs Theater, the 1,000-seat underground auditorium on the company’s campus. The venue was packed with journalists and employees. Millions more tuned in online to watch the infomercial that Apple made for its new products.        苹果公司在加州库比蒂诺的史蒂夫·乔布斯剧院发布了这些产品,该剧院位于苹果公司园区内,有1000个座位。会场里挤满了记者和员工。还有成百上千万人在网上观看了苹果公司为其新产品制作的电视广告。
        Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, used the iPhone event to remind customers about its new augmented reality headset, which it unveiled in June ahead of a release next year.        苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克利用iPhone发布会提醒客户注意其全新的增强现实头戴设备。苹果于今年6月推出了这款设备,并将于明年发布。
        But even after the headset’s release next year, the iPhone will still drive Apple’s business. The company sells more than 200 million iPhones annually, collecting about $200 billion.        但即使在该头戴设备于明年发布之后,推动苹果的业务的仍将是iPhone。该公司每年销售超过2亿部iPhone,带来约2000亿美元的收入。
        Though sales of its marquee device are down slightly this year, the iPhone has expanded its dominance of the smartphone market. It has increased its percentage of the total smartphones sold around the world. In the United States, the device now accounts for more than 50 percent of smartphones sold, up from 41 percent in 2018, according to Counterpoint Research, a technology firm.        尽管今年其主打产品的销量略有下降,但iPhone扩大了其在智能手机市场的主导地位。它在全球智能手机总销量中所占的比例有所提高。根据科技公司Counterpoint Research的数据,在美国,这款设备目前占智能手机销量的50%以上,高于2018年的41%。

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