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Apple’s Market Value Falls By Billions On Worries About China Crackdown

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-08 10:44

        Apple’s China conundrum        苹果的中国难题
        Shares in Apple, the world’s most valuable public company, continued to tumble on Thursday after a report that China would extend a ban on iPhones for government workers. The company is on track to lose $200 billion of market value, with shares falling about 6 percent over two days to roughly $175 as investors react to a potential threat in one of its biggest markets.        周四,全球市值最高上市公司苹果的股价继续下跌,此前有报道称,中国将扩大对政府工作人员使用iPhone手机的禁令。随着投资者对其最大市场之一的潜在威胁做出反应,该公司市值将损失2000亿美元,股价在两天内下跌约6%,至175美元左右。
        But the ripples will be felt more broadly: If one of the most successful operators in the world’s second-largest economy is at risk, can any Western company thrive there?        但其影响将更为广泛:如果世界第二大经济体中最成功的运营商之一都面临风险,那么西方公司还能在那里繁荣发展吗?
        China may be making things tougher for Apple. Officials at government agencies were ordered not to use iPhones for work or bring them to workplaces, according to The Wall Street Journal. Bloomberg later reported that this would also apply to other government-controlled organizations, including state-owned enterprises. (Some Western governments, including the United States, already bar public employees from using TikTok, the Chinese-owned video platform, and devices made by China’s Huawei.)        中国可能会让苹果的处境更加艰难。据《华尔街日报》报道,政府机构官员被要求不得在工作中使用iPhone或将其带到工作场所。彭博社之后的报道称,这也将适用于其他政府控制的组织,包括国有企业。(包括美国在内的一些西方政府已经禁止公职人员使用中国拥有的视频平台TikTok和中国华为制造的设备。)
        Apple manufactures most of its hardware in China, and the country accounted for about a fifth of total revenue last year. Apple doesn’t break out iPhone sales in the country, but TechInsights, a market research firm, estimates that in terms of second-quarter shipments, China was a bigger market than the United States.        苹果的大部分硬件都是在中国生产的,去年在中国的收入约占苹果总收入的五分之一。苹果没有公布iPhone在中国的销量,但市场研究公司TechInsights估计,就第二季度的出货量而言,中国是一个比美国更大的市场。
        Apple has avoided the pitfalls that have snared other Western companies amid rising U.S.-China tensions, building market share and remaining a sought-after brand. Tim Cook, Apple’s C.E.O., praised the company’s “symbiotic” relationship with China in March on his first visit to the country since the start of the pandemic. Apple is a big source of jobs in the country, and even if it wanted to shift operations, it would be difficult to replicate the best-in-class supply chain it has built in China over decades. Some analysts say the reports about a government ban are “overblown.”        苹果避免了其他西方公司遭遇的陷阱,在中美关系日益紧张的情况下,它扩大了市场份额,并且依然是深受欢迎的品牌。今年3月,苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在疫情暴发后首次访华时,称赞了苹果与中国的“共生”关系。苹果是中国就业机会的一大来源,即使苹果想转移业务,也很难复制它几十年来在中国建立的一流供应链。一些分析人士称,有关政府禁令的报道“言过其实”。
        Rising local competition could pose another challenge. Huawei, which is under U.S. sanctions that prevent it from accessing the most advanced chips from American companies, caused a stir last week with a new smartphone. The Mate 60 Pro reportedly was fast enough to suggest the company and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., China’s biggest chip maker, are making progress in producing homegrown tech to replace Western brands.        日益激烈的本土竞争可能带来另一个挑战。华为受到美国的制裁,无法获得美国公司最先进的芯片。上周,华为推出了一款新的智能手机,引起了轰动。据报道,Mate 60 Pro的速度足以表明,华为和中国最大的芯片制造商中芯国际在生产国产技术以取代西方品牌方面取得了进展。
        Some China hawks are pushing for tougher measures on Western companies operating in the country (more on that below). But American C.E.O.s want the Biden administration to maintain communication lines with China, according to Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary. And other brands, including Tesla and Starbucks, have big operations in China that wouldn’t be easy to unwind quickly.        一些中国强硬派正推动对在华经营的西方公司采取更严厉的措施(详见下文)。但商务部长雷蒙多表示,美国的首席执行官们希望拜登政府保持与中国的沟通。而包括特斯拉和星巴克在内的其他品牌在中国都有庞大的业务,不容易迅速剥离。
        In other China news:        其他中国新闻:
        • Exports fell for the fourth consecutive month, tumbling 8.8 percent in August compared with last year.        • 中国出口连续第四个月下降,8月份与去年同期相比下降了8.8%。
        • But China’s car industry is booming, with exports quadrupling in just three years, and shipyards struggling to build fleets fast enough to move vehicles overseas.        • 但中国的汽车行业正在蓬勃发展,出口量在短短三年内翻了两番,造船厂也在努力尽快建造运输船队,将车辆运往海外。

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