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U.K.’s Arrest of Suspected Spy Fuels Calls for Tougher Stance on China

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-12 01:48

        Even by the prolific standards of China’s foreign influence operations, it would represent a sensational case of infiltration.        中国的对外影响行动令人目不暇接,但其实在如此众多的行动里,这起渗透事件也堪称骇人听闻。
        A 28-year-old British man who worked as a researcher deep inside Britain’s Parliament was arrested in March on suspicion of working for the Chinese government. The man, who denies being a spy, worked with prominent lawmakers on China policy, raising fears of possible security breaches and widening a rift within the governing Conservative Party over how London should engage with an increasingly assertive Beijing.        今年3月,一名28岁的英国男子因涉嫌为中国政府工作而被捕,他曾在英国议会内部担任研究人员。这名男子否认自己是间谍,但他曾在对华政策上与知名议员合作,这引发了人们对可能存在的安全漏洞的担忧,并且在就伦敦应如何与日益强硬的北京打交道方面,也加剧了执政的保守党内部的分歧。
        “The Chinese are infiltrating across the board; they go for anything and everything,” said Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute in London. “What is new is how effective they are, and how far they have managed to go.”        “中国人正在全面渗透;他们什么都想要,”伦敦SOAS中国研究所所长曾锐生说。“新情况是他们有多么有效率,以及他们取得了多大的进展。”
        The Metropolitan Police said two men were arrested under the Official Secrets Act and were released on bail until October. The men, whose identities were not released by police, have yet to be charged, and lawmakers were asked not to prejudice the investigation by naming them. (News organizations have also not done so, aside from The Sunday Times, which first reported the news of the researcher’s arrest on Saturday and has since named him.) Little has been disclosed about the second man, except that he is reported to be in his 30s.        伦敦警察厅表示,两名男子根据《官方保密法》被捕,他们将被保释至10月份。警方没有公布这两名男子的身份,他们尚未受到指控,议员们被要求不要说出他们的名字,以免影响调查。(新闻机构也没有这么做,除了《周日泰晤士报》。该报在周六率先报道了一名研究人员被捕的消息,随后公布了他的姓名。)关于第二名男子的信息几乎没有披露,只知道他大约30多岁。
        In a statement through a law firm on Monday, the researcher said that he was “completely innocent” and had spent his career “trying to educate others about the challenge and threats presented by the Chinese Communist Party.”        在周一通过一家律师事务所发表的一份声明中,这名研究人员表示,他“完全是无辜的”,在他的职业生涯中,他一直“努力让其他人了解中国共产党带来的挑战和威胁”。
        If the man is found to have worked for China, the security breach will raise serious questions over how he passed the vetting process to get a job at the heart of one of the most sensitive policy debates in Britain. The man had earlier lived and worked in China, according to The Sunday Times.        如果这名男子被发现为中国工作,这一安全漏洞将引发严重质疑:他是如何通过审查程序,在英国最敏感的政策辩论中心获得工作?据《周日泰晤士报》报道,该男子此前曾在中国生活和工作。
        The paper said the man may have been recruited there by Chinese agents to return to London with a goal of disrupting the work of the Parliament’s China Research Group, a circle of lawmakers who have long warned about China’s efforts to influence British universities, think tanks, and government ministries — and have urged successive British leaders to take a harder line against Beijing.        该报称,这名男子可能被中国特工招募回伦敦,目的是破坏英国议会中国研究小组的工作。该小组由一群议员组成,他们长期以来一直发出警告,称中国试图影响英国的大学、智库和政府部门,并敦促历届英国领导人对北京采取更强硬的立场。
        One of the lawmakers with whom the man had limited contact with is Tom Tugendhat, the founder and co-chairman of the China Research Group who now serves as security minister in the government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Mr. Tugendhat is pressing internally to declare China a threat to Britain’s safety and interests — a cry that has been taken up by China hard-liners outside the government.        汤姆·图根哈特是与这名男子有过有限接触的议员之一,他曾是中国研究集团的创始人兼联合主席,现任苏纳克政府的安全大臣。图根哈特正在内部施压,宣称中国对英国的安全和利益构成威胁——这一呼声已被政府外的对华强硬派所接受。
        “China sees us now as the soft underbelly of the NATO alliance,” Iain Duncan Smith, who once served as leader of the Conservative Party, wrote in The Daily Express, a tabloid. “Our policy seems to entail not upsetting China.” He called the arrest “a slap in the face of the U.K.’s weak policy on China.”        “中国现在把我们视为北约联盟的软肋,”曾担任保守党领袖的伊恩·邓肯·史密斯在小报《每日快报》(Daily Express)上写道。“我们的政策似乎就是不要惹恼中国。”他称此次逮捕是“对英国软弱对华政策的一记耳光”。
        In 2021, China put Mr. Duncan Smith, Mr. Tugendhat and several other individuals and organizations on a blacklist, claiming, among other things, that they had spread lies about human rights abuses in the province of Xinjiang.        2021年,中国将邓肯·史密斯、图根哈特和其他一些个人和组织列入黑名单,理由之一是他们在新疆侵犯人权的问题上散布谎言。
        Yet for all the hand-wringing and demands for a harder line, analysts said the British government was unlikely to deviate from its current approach, which delicately balances an acknowledgment of China as an “epoch-defining challenge” with a cold-eyed pragmatism about the need to preserve commercial ties.        然而,分析人士表示,尽管有那么多要求英国政府采取更强硬路线的呼声,但政府不太可能偏离目前的做法——在承认中国是“划时代的挑战”与维护两国商业关系的冷静实用主义之间,保持微妙的平衡。
        “U.K. diplomacy toward China has never been particularly ideological, one way or the other,” Professor Tsang said. “You’ve occasional periods of misguided opportunism or reckless rhetoric. But in general, the British are pragmatic.”        “英国对中国的外交从来都不是特别注重意识形态,不管怎么说,”曾锐生说。“偶尔会出现被误导的机会主义或鲁莽的言论。但总的来说,英国人是务实的。”
        “China is a reality,” he added. “We have to deal with them.”        “中国是一个现实,”他补充说。“我们必须对付他们。”
        Britain’s foreign secretary, James Cleverly, recently visited Beijing, after visits by senior American officials, including Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. British officials are eager for China to send a high-level delegation to a summit meeting later this fall on how to regulate artificial intelligence technology, which is a signature initiative of Mr. Sunak’s.        在国务卿布林肯和财政部长耶伦等美国高级官员访问北京之后,英国外交大臣詹姆斯·克莱弗利最近访问了北京。英国官员迫切希望中国派出一个高级别代表团,参加今年秋天晚些时候举行的关于如何监管人工智能技术的峰会,这是苏纳克的一个标志性倡议。
        There were signs that other British cabinet ministers were resisting efforts to suspend their diplomatic and commercial outreach.        有迹象表明,其他英国内阁大臣正在抵制暂停外交和商业接触的努力。
        “China is a country that we do a lot of business with,” the business secretary, Kemi Badenoch, said on Sky News on Monday. “China is a country that is significant in terms of world economics. It sits on the U.N. Security Council. We certainly should not be describing China as a foe, but we can describe it as a challenge.”        “中国与我们有很多业务往来,”商务大臣凯米·巴德诺克周一在天空新闻上说。“就世界经济而言,中国是一个重要的国家。它是联合国安理会的成员。我们当然不应该将中国描述为敌人,但我们可以将其描述为挑战。”
        Still, for Mr. Sunak, the revelations are an acute headache. On Sunday, he raised the spying case with China’s prime minister, Li Keqiang, at the gathering of Group of 20 leaders in New Delhi. Mr. Sunak said he told Mr. Li that he had “very strong concerns about any interference in our parliamentary democracy.”        不过,对苏纳克来说,这些披露还是让他非常头疼。周日,在新德里举行的20国集团领导人会议上,他向中国总理李强提起了这起间谍案。苏纳克说,他告诉李强,他“对任何干涉我们议会民主的行为感到非常担忧”。
        The Chinese government quickly denied the report, calling it “completely fabricated and nothing but malicious slander.” A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning, said her country conducted no espionage inside Britain.        中国政府迅速否认了这一报道,称其“完全是捕风捉影、恶意诽谤”。中国外交部发言人毛宁说,中国没有在英国境内从事间谍活动。
        The back-and-forth is unlikely to quell the torrent of questions that followed The Sunday Times’s report. And some say the researcher’s efforts had tilted the debate over how to deal with China in Britain.        这种争论往来不太可能平息《周日泰晤士报》报道后引发的大量质疑。一些人说,这名研究人员的工作影响了英国就如何应对中国展开的辩论。
        Luke de Pulford, a human rights campaigner and the executive director of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said the man had successfully discredited people who were critical of the Chinese government with some journalists.        人权活动人士、议会间中国联盟执行主任卢克·德普尔福德表示,这名男子成功地让一些记者对批评中国政府的人失去了信任。
        “Privately, he was vicious — telling journalists that I was ‘dangerous’ and ‘not to be trusted on China,’” Mr. de Pulford said in posts on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “He was an authoritative and knowledgeable voice — some people listened. Publicly, he was incredibly clever. He hid behind a visage of ‘reasoned hawkishness.’”        “私下里,他很恶毒——告诉记者我很‘危险’,‘在中国问题上‘不值得信任’,”德普尔福德在以前名为Twitter的平台X上发帖说。“他是一个权威的、知识渊博的人——有些人会听他的。在公众面前,他非常聪明。他隐藏在一副‘理性鹰派’的面孔后面。”
        Britain has struggled to chart a consistent China policy since the Conservative-led government of David Cameron, whose chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, spoke of a “golden decade” of ties between the two countries.        自从保守党领导的卡梅伦政府以来,英国一直在努力制定一致的对华政策,卡梅伦的财政大臣乔治·奥斯本曾说中英两国关系度过了“黄金十年”。
        As relations between China and the United States soured, Britain came under pressure from the administration of President Donald J. Trump to take a harder line. Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed to sharply limit the role of the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei in building the country’s 5G network.        随着中美关系恶化,英国受到特朗普政府的压力,要求其采取更强硬的立场。英国首相约翰逊同意严格限制中国电信巨头华为在建设英国5G网络中的作用。
        In 2020, with Beijing threatening to impose a draconian national security law on Hong Kong, Mr. Johnson pledged to allow nearly three million people from the former British colony to live and work in Britain.        2020年,在北京威胁要对香港实施严厉的国家安全法之际,约翰逊承诺允许近300万来自这个前英国殖民地的人在英国生活和工作。
        Mr. Johnson’s successor, Liz Truss, vowed to take an even tougher approach. Now out of office, Ms. Truss recently visited Taiwan, where she called for the creation of an “economic NATO” to counter China’s influence. Mr. Sunak, whose instincts tend to be more pragmatic, has largely avoided the language of Ms. Truss.        约翰逊的继任者特拉斯誓言采取更强硬的措施。现已卸任的特拉斯最近访问了台湾,在那里她呼吁建立一个“经济上的北约”,以抗衡中国的影响力。本能上更务实的苏纳克在很大程度上避免使用特拉斯的措辞。
        But he will face continuing pressure from cases like that of the suspected spy in Parliament. Last July, Parliament’s intelligence and security committee issued a report that declared, “Chinese intelligence services target the U.K. and its overseas interests prolifically and aggressively.”        但他将继续面临来自国会间谍嫌疑人等案件的压力。去年7月,英国议会的情报和安全委员会发布了一份报告,称“中国情报部门以英国及其海外利益为目标,活动频繁且咄咄逼人”。
        The government’s “lack of action to protect our assets from a known threat,” the report concluded, “was a serious failure, and one from which the U.K. may feel the consequences for years to come.”        报告总结说,政府“没有采取行动保护我们的资产不受已知威胁的影响”,“这是一个严重的失败,英国可能会在未来几年里感受到这个失败的后果。”

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