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Workers Plow Through Great Wall of China, Leaving a Hole

来源:纽约时报    2023-09-07 10:34

        Two workers have been detained in northern China after the local authorities said they plowed through a section of the country’s Great Wall with an excavator, leaving a gaping hole.        中国北方当地政府称,两名工人用挖掘机挖开了一段长城,留下一个大缺口,两人已遭刑事拘留。
        The pair, a 38-year-old man and 55-year-old-woman, caused “irreversible damage” when they used the construction equipment to widen an existing gap and create a shortcut that was large enough to drive the excavator through it, the Youyu County Public Security Bureau said in a news release last week.        右玉县公安局在上周发布的通告中表示,一名38岁男子和一名55岁女子为了节省路程让挖掘机通过,将长城原有豁口挖得更大,造成了“不可逆的破坏”。
        The security bureau said it was first notified of the hole in a section of wall, near the township of Yangqianhe, about 215 miles west of Beijing, on the afternoon of Aug. 24. Law enforcement officers rushed to the scene to find that a piece of the wall, believed to have been constructed during the Ming dynasty between the 14th and 17th centuries, had been severely “excavated and damaged by large-scale machinery,” the bureau said.        公安局称在8月24日下午第一次接到报警,称杨千河乡境内的长城出现缺口,这里位于北京以西约350公里处。该公安局表示,执法人员迅速赶赴现场,发现这段据信建于14世纪至17世纪的明长城已被“大型机械开挖而损毁”。
        The man, named in the release as Zheng, and the woman, named as Wang, are from the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in the country’s north and were taken in for investigation, the bureau added. They have been charged with destroying a cultural relic, according to China Daily, a state-owned media outlet.        该公安局还表示,来自中国北方内蒙古自治区的涉事男子郑某及女子王某均被拘留接受调查。根据官媒《中国日报》的报道,他们被指控毁坏文物遗迹。
        The Great Wall, which served as a fortress protecting the territory from invasions under successive Chinese empires, spans more than 13,000 miles. The most well-preserved section is around 5,500 miles long. In 1987, the wall was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.        长城是历代中华帝国保护领土免遭入侵的防御要塞,绵延两万多公里。保存最完好的部分长约8800公里。1987年,长城被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。
        The Great Wall has long faced the dual threats of erosion and human activity, with locals stealing bricks to use as construction materials or to sell, and in more recent times, tourists etching carvings into the stone.        长久以来,长城一直面临着自然侵蚀和人类活动的双重威胁,当地人会偷窃城墙石块用作建筑材料或出售,而近代以来,游客也会在石墙上刻字。
        In the 1950s and 1960s, parts of the wall were regularly torn down and repurposed for construction materials, according to Dong Yaohui, the vice president of the Great Wall Society of China. “At that time, people didn’t think it was a big deal. They would tear down the wall directly,” he said, “and use it for anything.”        中国长城学会副会长董耀会表示,在上世纪五六十年代,部分城墙频频遭到拆除,当作建筑材料重新使用。“当时的人都不觉得这是什么大事。他们会直接把整堵墙拆了,”他说,“然后随便用来做什么。”
        In 1984, responding to threats to its preservation, the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping opened a campaign to restore the wall, declaring, “Love China, repair the Great Wall.” Subsequent governments have created national legislation to protect the wall and attempted to crack down on vandals. But success has been mixed, and challenges to preserving the wall have mounted.        1984年,为了应对长城保护面临的威胁,中国领导人邓小平发起了修缮长城的运动,口号是“爱我中华,修我长城”。后来政府制定了保护长城的国家立法,并试图打击破坏行为。但成果好坏参半,保护长城的挑战也越来越多。
        Vandalism of the site has continued well into the 21st century, with China’s state media reporting that local residents living near the wall have built numerous private shrines on it, dug holes into it to use for storage, and used the wall as part of their garden fences or sheep pens.        直到21世纪,对该遗址的破坏行为仍屡见不鲜,中国官媒报道称,附近的当地居民会在长城上私建庙宇,掏洞储物,还会以长城为院墙或羊圈。
        In 2002, a villager of Hebei province built a urinal on the Great Wall and removed bricks from it to make a hole for defecation. In the same year and province, farmers tore down more than 3,200 feet of the wall, collected the bricks and sold them to build roads.        2002年,河北省一村民在长城上建了个厕所,拆掉墙砖打洞用于排便。同年,河北农户还拆掉了约1000米的长城,将石砖卖掉用于铺路。
        However, such incidents had become rare in recent years, Mr. Dong said. “Damage to the Great Wall caused by people is basically contained. There is not much man-made damage, but natural damage still occurs from time to time.”        不过,董耀会表示,近年来此类事件已经很少见。“人为破坏长城的情况基本得到遏制。人为破坏不多,但自然破坏仍时有发生。”
        The wall has also been the target of vandalism from tourists. In 2021, two people were banned from the site after they trespassed onto a section of the ancient structure under redevelopment. And earlier this year, a man was detained for several days after he carved a name into the wall, local media said, an action that carries penalties including a fine of up to $68 and up to 10 days of detention.        长城仍在遭遇游客的乱涂乱画。2021年,两人因擅自翻越正在重建的一段古长城而被列入黑名单。今年早些时候,一名男子因在城墙上刻划名字而被拘留数日。当地媒体称,这样的行为将被处以最高500元和拘留10日的处罚。
        According to the government’s 2019 plan to protect the Great Wall, 18.4 percent of the structure is considered poorly preserved, 27.1 percent is in danger of disappearing and 24.1 percent has already disappeared.        根据政府2019年颁布的长城保护总体规划,保存现状较差的城墙约占总数的18.4%,保存现状差的占到27.1%,已消失的城墙占到24.1%。
        Part of the challenge of looking after the Great Wall is that it was built over so many dynasties, using various materials and methods. That makes it difficult to define where it starts and ends exactly, said Yujie Zhu, an associate professor at the Australian National University who specializes in heritage studies.        保护工作的部分挑战在于,长城历经太多朝代,其修建材料和方法各不相同。澳大利亚国立大学专长研究文化遗产的朱煜杰副教授表示,这使得准确界定长城的起点和终点变得很困难。
        “We don’t have one Great Wall” but instead, a vast, sprawling network of walls and fortifications, he said.        他说,“长城并不只有一座”,而是一个庞大且不规则的城墙和防御工事网络。
        “There’s limited knowledge of what is or what is not part of the wall,” he said, meaning that local residents could be unaware of the significance of what they are taking bricks from, or damaging.        “我们对于哪一部分属于长城,哪一部分不属于长城的了解是有限的,”他说,这意味着当地居民可能意识不到他们拿走或损毁的石砖具有怎样的重要性。
        He added that the Western concept of heritage buildings or protecting architecture was introduced relatively recently to China. “So when we see the news of someone coming in and touching or destroying part of the wall, it’s not news,” Mr. Zhu said. “It happens all the time. But it’s become news because in the last 50 years, it’s become heritage.”        他还表示,西方的文化遗产建筑或保护建筑的概念是近年才引入中国的。“因此,当我们看到有人在长城上触碰或毁坏部分城墙的新闻,这其实不是新鲜事,”他说。“它经常发生。但因为长城在过去50年里变成了文化遗产,这样的事才会成为新闻。”

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