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Yevgeny Prigozhin, Renegade Mercenary Chief Who Rattled Kremlin

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-29 10:22

        Since the publication of this obituary, Russia has confirmed the death of Yevgeny V. Prigozhin.        讣告的英文版发表后,俄罗斯确认了叶夫根尼·普里戈任的死亡。
        Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the outspoken tycoon who built a private paramilitary force that fought on Russia’s behalf in Ukraine and Africa but whose harsh judgment of its army leadership led him to instigate a rebellion, was widely believed to be dead on Thursday, a day after a plane in which he was said to be traveling crashed in Russia. He was 62.        口无遮拦的大亨叶夫根尼·普里戈任建立了一支私人的准军事部队,这支部队曾受雇于俄罗斯在乌克兰和非洲作战,但他对俄罗斯军队领导层的严厉评价导致他发动叛乱。普里戈任乘坐的飞机上周三在俄罗斯坠毁一天后,人们普遍认为他已死亡,终年62岁。
        Although his death has not been officially declared by the Russian authorities or confirmed by family members or business associates, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia spoke of Mr. Prigozhin in the past tense on Thursday and offered condolences to the families of the crash’s 10 victims. And Pentagon officials for the first time openly said they believe that Mr. Prigozhin did not survive the crash, in which all on board were killed. His name was on the passenger list.        尽管俄罗斯当局未正式宣布普里戈任的死讯,也未得到其家人或商业伙伴的证实,但俄罗斯总统普京上周四提到普里戈任时用了过去时,并向10名坠机事故遇难者的家属表示了慰唁。美国五角大楼官员首次公开表示,他们认为普里戈任未能在坠机事故中幸存,机上人员全部遇难。他的名字在乘客名单上。
        Mr. Prigozhin had long leveraged a close relationship with the Kremlin to gain lucrative government construction and catering contracts, and he built up the paramilitary force, known as Wagner, in close cooperation with Russia’s military intelligence services.        普里戈任曾长期靠与克里姆林宫的密切关系获得了许多利润丰厚的政府施工项目和饮食服务合同,他建立了一支名叫“瓦格纳”的准军事部队,这支部队与俄罗斯的军事情报部门密切合作。
        For years he kept a low public profile. Even as Wagner conducted operations on Moscow’s behalf in Syria and in several African countries, he denied any affiliation.        他曾多年在公众面前保持低调。尽管瓦格纳受雇于俄罗斯政府在叙利亚和几个非洲国家执行军事行动,但他曾否认与该集团有任何隶属关系。
        Mr. Prigozhin began to embrace a public profile only after Mr. Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, acknowledging later that year that he had founded and run Wagner. Signing contract soldiers and recruiting prison inmates, he built Wagner into a force estimated at 50,000.        在普京2022年2月大举入侵乌克兰后,普里戈任才开始采取公开的高姿态,在去年晚些时候承认瓦格纳集团由他创建并经营。通过招募合同兵、将俄罗斯监狱里的囚犯吸收进来,他把瓦格纳集团打造成了一支估计有5万人的部队。
        In remarks a day after the plane crash, Mr. Putin said he had known Mr. Prigozhin since the early 1990s — a revelation, since the timing of their relationship had long been a mystery. Mr. Prigozhin once said in an interview that he first met Mr. Putin in 2000.        普京在飞机坠毁一天后的谈话中说,他在20世纪90年代初开始认识了普里戈任,这是相关信息的首次披露,因为两人什么时候开始往来长期以来一直是个谜。普里戈任曾在接受采访时说,他第一次见到普京是2000年。
        Speaking in a meeting broadcast on television, Mr. Putin continued: “This was a person with a complicated fate. He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results.”        普京在电视转播的会议上继续说道:“这是个命运复杂的人。他一生中犯过一些严重错误,但也取得了必要的成果。”
        He said that Russian investigators would pursue the investigation into the crash “to the end,” and offered his condolences to the families of those who perished in the crash.        普京说,俄罗斯调查人员将把坠机事件调查“到底”,并对坠机遇难者家属表示慰唁。
        Mr. Prigozhin had emerged as a public power player in the past several months, using social media, in particular the Telegram messaging platform, to create a personal brand out of tough talk, obscenity-laced videos and a willingness to endorse extrajudicial killing.        过去几个月里,普里戈任曾以公开的弄权者身份出现,他在社交媒体,尤其是Telegram短信平台上给自己打造个人品牌,做法包括使用强硬言论、掺有淫秽内容的视频,以及认可法外处决的意愿。
        Mr. Prigozhin also became a harsh critic of the way Russia’s military leadership conducted the war in Ukraine, issuing denunciations that Mr. Putin left unchecked even as the government cracked down on other critics. Close enough to the president that he was known as “Putin’s chef,” Mr. Prigozhin had been careful not to take on Mr. Putin directly. And for his part, Mr. Putin seemed interested in creating a sort of competition among his military leaders.        普里戈任还严厉批评了俄军领导层对乌克兰战争的指挥方式,尽管政府对其他批评者进行了严厉镇压,但普京却让普里戈任发出的指责保留下来。普里戈任与普京的关系足够密切,以至于他被人称为“普京的厨师”,他曾一直小心翼翼地避免直接与普京较量。就普京而言,他似乎有兴趣在自己的军事领导人之间制造某种竞争。
        But Mr. Prigozhin escalated his feud with the military leadership exponentially on June 23, saying in a 30-minute video that the invasion of Ukraine was a “racket” perpetrated by a corrupt elite chasing money and glory without concern for Russian lives. Within hours, he had accused the Russian Army of attacking his forces, pledged to retaliate, and deployed his forces on Russian ground itself, soon claiming control of the southern city of Rostov-on-Don, the home of the Russian southern command about 60 miles from the border with Ukraine.        但今年6月23日,普里戈任迅速加剧了他与俄军领导层的不和,他在一段30分钟的视频中说,入侵乌克兰是腐败精英的一场“敲诈”,他们只是为了追逐金钱和荣耀,不关心俄罗斯人的死活。没过几小时,他谴责俄罗斯军队攻击他的部队,扬言要报复,并在俄罗斯本土部署了他的部队,不久后声称,瓦格纳已控制了南部城市顿河畔罗斯托夫,该市距俄乌边境不到100公里,是俄罗斯南部军区司令部所在地。
        Then, as his troops advanced toward Moscow, Mr. Prigozhin abruptly called off the short-lived mutiny, which had challenged Russia’s veneer of political stability. He agreed to withdraw from Rostov-on-Don under a deal that would drop charges against him and allow him and any fighters loyal to him to leave for Belarus. Since then, he has published videos that appear to place him in locations in Belarus, Russia and Africa, but none could be independently verified.        随后,就在他的部队向莫斯科挺进的时候,普里戈任突然取消了这次短暂的兵变,但兵变已对俄罗斯表面上的政治稳定构成了挑战。普里戈任同意从顿河畔罗斯托夫撤军,并达成了一份协议,协议将撤销对他的指控,并允许他和任何忠于他的士兵前往白俄罗斯。那之后他发布的一些视频,让他看起来好像在白俄罗斯、俄罗斯或非洲,但没有一个视频可以得到独立的证实。
        Mr. Prigozhin (pronounced pree-GOH-zhin) was born in 1961 in the same hometown as Mr. Putin: St. Petersburg, then known as Leningrad. He spent nine years in prison in the 1980s on robbery and other charges. Shortly after he was freed in 1990, just as private enterprise was exploding across Russia, Mr. Prigozhin and his mother, Violetta, set up a network of hot-dog stands. His business interests came to include a supermarket chain, casinos, construction and, eventually, work related to the military.        普里戈任于1961年出生于圣彼得堡,当时叫列宁格勒,那里也是普京的老家。他曾在20世纪80年代因抢劫和其他罪行入狱九年。1990年出狱后不久,普里戈任和母亲维奥莱塔开了一个热狗销售亭网,那正是俄罗斯私营企业蓬勃发展的时候。他的商业兴趣后来扩大到连锁超市、赌场、建筑等行业,最终还包括与军方有关的工作。
        His company Concord Catering began winning lucrative contracts to supply food to schools, government workers and then the army. According to Russian news media reports, companies affiliated with Mr. Prigozhin persuaded Russia’s Parliament to change bidding laws, a rare step, so they could qualify for military construction contracts worth millions.        他的公司“和睦饮食服务”开始获得利润丰厚的合同,为学校、政府工作人员,后来也为军队提供食品。据俄罗斯新闻媒体报道,普里戈任旗下的公司说服俄罗斯议会修改了招标法(这种做法很罕见),让他们有资格获得价值数百万的军方建设合同。
        Wagner’s roots trace to 2014, when Russia launched its first invasion of eastern Ukraine, a clandestine operation. Mr. Prigozhin sought land from the Defense Ministry to train a private army that could fight on behalf of Russia without an official link to the government. He was given the land, in the western Krasnodar region.        瓦格纳的创建可追溯到2014年,俄罗斯当时对乌克兰东部发动了首次入侵,那是一次秘密行动。普里戈任向俄罗斯国防部提出要求,给他一块用来训练一支私人部队的土地,这支部队可受雇于俄罗斯政府在乌克兰作战,但与政府没有正式的关系。俄军给了他一块位于西部克拉斯诺达尔地区的土地。
        It was a convenient combination, said Andrei Soldatov, an expert on Russia’s security services, because it allowed Moscow to deploy professional, Russian-led military operations abroad while maintaining plausible deniability.        这是个便利的组合,从事俄罗斯安全部门研究的专家安德烈·索尔达托夫说,因为它让莫斯科能在境外部署俄罗斯领导的专业部队,同时保持合理推诿的能力。
        Soldiers trained by Wagner would go on to engage in wars in the Middle East and across Africa, in addition to Ukraine. Human rights groups have accused Wagner soldiers of committing atrocities in Syria, Libya, the Central African Republic, Sudan and Mozambique.        瓦格纳训练的士兵除了在乌克兰作战外,后来也参与了中东和非洲各地的战事。人权组织指控瓦格纳士兵在叙利亚、利比亚、中非共和国、苏丹以及莫桑比克犯下暴行。
        Mr. Prigozhin also oversaw an entity known as the Internet Research Agency, based in his native city, which sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by spreading false news and disseminating messages supporting Donald J. Trump.        普里戈任还管理着一个名为“互联网研究机构”的实体,它的总部设在圣彼得堡,该机构曾试图影响2016年的美国总统大选,手法是传播虚假新闻、散布支持特朗普的信息。
        In 2016, the United States imposed financial sanctions on Mr. Prigozhin and several of his businesses in relation to those activities. Two years later, he was one of 13 Russian citizens indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on charges of meddling in the election. He denied his involvement with the agency for years, just as he had denied his affiliation with Wagner, but after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, he went public about his activities.        2016年,美国对普里戈任以及他的几家从事上述活动的公司实施了金融制裁。两年后,一个美国联邦大陪审团起诉13名俄罗斯公民干涉选举,他是其中之一。多年来,他一直否认自己与该互联网研究机构有关,就像他一直否认自己与瓦格纳的关系一样,但在俄罗斯2022年2月入侵乌克兰后,他公开了自己的活动。
        “I’ve never just been the financier of the Internet Research Agency,” he wrote in a statement to a consortium of Western journalists in February. “I invented it, I created it, I managed it for a long time. It was created to protect the Russian information space from boorish aggressive propaganda of anti-Russian theses from the West.”        “我从来都不只是互联网研究机构的出资人,”他今年2月在发给一个西方记者联合体的声明中写道。“我创造了它,我成立了它,我管理它已有很长一段时间。它的创建是为了保护俄罗斯信息空间不受来自西方的反俄野蛮宣传的影响。”
        Similarly, he acknowledged founding and running Wagner only in September 2022. Mr. Prigozhin’s paramilitary force took on an increasingly public role after the Russian Army’s plan to capture Kyiv immediately in the initial days of the war had failed. He was seen in videos personally recruiting inmates from prison to serve in Wagner.        同样,他承认了瓦格纳是他创建和管理的,但他表示2022年9月后已不再管理该集团。俄罗斯军队在战争初期曾有马上拿下基辅的计划,但失败了,那之后,普里戈任的准军事部队在俄乌战争中的角色越来越公开。有视频显示,普里戈任亲自去监狱招募囚犯去瓦格纳当兵。
        “If you serve six months, you are free,” Mr. Prigozhin told a group of uniformed inmates in one video published in September. But he was also blunt about their fate should they prove disloyal. “If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it’s not for you, we will execute you,” he said.        “你们当兵六个月后就自由了,”普里戈任在去年9月发布的一段视频中对一群穿着制服的囚犯说。但他也直言不讳地指出,如果他们被发现不忠的话,命运将会如何。“如果你们去了乌克兰后,认为那里不适合你们,我们会将你们就地处决,”他说。
        He was able to recruit many thousands of prisoners before announcing in February that he would stop the practice.        在今年2月宣布停止这个做法前,他已经招募了数千名囚犯。
        As his soldiers were thrown into brutal battles for control of cities in eastern Ukraine, including Bakhmut, Mr. Prigozhin regularly recorded videos near the front lines, seeking credit for battlefield victories, praising his troops as “probably the most experienced army in the world today,” and lambasting the Russian military leadership. In domestic polls, he became one of the best-recognized political figures in Russia.        随着瓦格纳士兵们为控制包括巴赫穆特在内的乌克兰东部城市陷入残酷战斗,普里戈任经常在前线附近录制视频,为战场上的胜利邀功,称赞他的部队“可能是当今世界上最有经验的军队” ,并痛斥俄军领导层。在国内的民意调查中,他已成为最容易认出的俄罗斯政治人物之一。
        On his social media channels, and on a media outlet he controlled, RIA FAN, he regularly published videos that struck populist themes and drew implicit contrasts with the Russian defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, who had never served as a soldier. Mr. Prigozhin frequently traveled to Wagner encampments, and his criticism of the military leadership and Moscow’s “elite” became blistering as the war continued.        在他的社交媒体频道以及他控制的媒体机构RIA FAN上,他经常发布涉及民粹主义主题的视频,与从未当过兵的俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古做不直接言明的对比。普里戈任经常去瓦格纳的营地,随着战争的继续,他对俄军领导层和莫斯科“精英”的批评也更加强烈。
        He also embraced ruthless violence against perceived enemies. When a video surfaced of a man who had defected after agreeing to fight for Wagner being killed with a sledgehammer, Mr. Prigozhin appeared to endorse the action.        他还欣然接受用残忍的暴力对待敌人。一名同意当瓦格纳士兵后叛逃的男子被乱锤砸死的视频出现后,普里戈任似乎认可这种暴行。
        “A dog’s death for a dog,” he wrote.-        “狗一样的人也死得像狗,”他写道。
        Recently, he called for the imposition of martial law and the cessation of normal government activities in Russia, claiming such steps were needed to win the war.        最近,他呼吁在俄罗斯实施戒严令,停止正常的政府活动,声称为赢得战争,需要采取这些步骤。
        “We must stop building new roads and infrastructure facilities and work only for the war, to live for a few years in the image of North Korea,” he said in an interview published on the Telegram messaging platform in May. “If we win, we can build anything.”        “我们必须停止修建新道路和新基础设施,只为战争工作,像朝鲜那样生活几年,”他在今年5月发在Telegram平台上的采访中说。“如果我们打赢了,我们能想建什么就建什么。”
        Mr. Prigozhin was often seen as a creation of Mr. Putin, who analysts say watched and even enabled his public feud with Mr. Shoigu to spur competition for results. But many wondered how long it could continue before escalating into something violent.        普里戈任经常被认为是普京一手制造出来的。分析人士称,普京对普里戈任与绍伊古的公开不和视而不见,甚至促成了这种不和,这是普京为了得到结果刺激竞争的做法。但许多人想知道,这种竞争在升级为暴力之前能持续多久。
        In the Telegram interview, Mr. Prigozhin forecast political violence caused by relatives of dead and wounded soldiers increasingly disillusioned by what he described as a coddled elite.        普里戈任在那个发在Telegram上的采访中预测,由于死伤士兵的家属对被他描述为娇生惯养的精英越来越失望,将会发生政治暴力事件。
        “Society always demands justice,” he said, “and if there is no justice, then revolutionary sentiments arise.”        “社会总是要求正义的,”他说,“如果没有正义,革命情绪就会出现。”

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