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U.S. and China Agree to Broaden Talks in Bid to Ease Tensions

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-29 02:21

        The United States and China agreed on Monday to hold regular conversations about commercial issues and restrictions on access to advanced technology, the latest step this summer toward reducing tensions between the world’s two largest economies.        周一,美中两国同意就商业问题以及对先进技术的获取限制定期举行磋商,这是今年夏天双方为缓解全球最大的两个经济体之间的紧张关系而迈出的最新一步。
        The announcement came during a visit to Beijing by Gina Raimondo, the U.S. commerce secretary, who is meeting with senior Chinese officials in Beijing and Shanghai this week.        这一消息是在商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多访问北京期间宣布的,她本周将在北京和上海会见中方高官。
        The agreement to hold regular discussions is the latest move toward rebuilding frayed links between the two countries, a process that had already begun during three trips in the past 10 weeks by senior American officials: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and John Kerry, the president’s climate envoy.        举行定期磋商的协议是重建两国受损关系的最新举措,在过去10周内,这一重建进程已随着国务卿布林肯、财长耶伦和总统气候特使克里这三位美国高官的出访展开。
        “I think it’s a very good sign that we agreed to concrete dialogue, and I would say, more than just kind of nebulous commitments to continue to talk, this is an official channel,” Ms. Raimondo said in an interview after four hours of negotiations with China’s commerce minister, Wang Wentao.        “我认为这是个非常积极的信号,我们同意进行实质性对话,我相信这不仅仅是保持沟通的模糊承诺,而是敞开了一个官方渠道,”在结束与中国商务部长王文涛长达四小时的会谈后,雷蒙多在接受采访时说道。
        Ms. Raimondo said on Monday night in Beijing that she’d had an “open” and “pragmatic” discussion with Mr. Wang and had raised the American business community’s concerns about China’s recent actions against Intel and Micron Technology, two semiconductor companies in the United States. The Chinese government has scuttled a large acquisition planned by Intel and has blocked some sales in China by Micron this year.        周一晚间,雷蒙多在北京表示,她与王文涛进行了“开放”且“务实”的讨论,她还提到了美国商界对英特尔和美光科技这两家美国半导体公司近来遭到中国制裁的关切。中国政府今年已经破坏了英特尔的一项大型并购计划,还对美光在中国的部分销售下了禁令。
        She said two separate dialogues would be established. One would be a working group that included business representatives and would focus on commercial issues. The other would be a governmental information exchange on export control issues.        她表示,双方将建立两种不同的对话机制。一种是由商业代表构成的工作组,重点讨论商业问题。另一种则是围绕出口管制问题展开的政府信息交流。
        Bilateral talks about trade, technology and other economic issues were once the norm between the United States and China, but those discussions have atrophied in recent years. China halted eight bilateral discussion groups a year ago in retaliation for a visit to Taiwan by Representative Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat who was House speaker at the time.        关于贸易、技术和其他经济问题的双边会谈曾是美中关系的常态,但这些交流在近年来几乎停止了。一年前,中国叫停了八个双边讨论组,以作为对时任众议院议长、加州民主党众议员南希·佩洛西访台的报复。
        The flight of a Chinese spy balloon that traveled across the United States last winter and was then shot down over the Atlantic Ocean only deepened divisions between China and the United States, and resulted in Mr. Blinken’s initially canceling a trip to Beijing.        今年年初,中国间谍气球飞越美国,随后在大西洋上空被击落,此事进一步加深了中美分歧,导致布林肯一度取消访华。
        But relations have begun to thaw as both nations, whose economies are tied to each other, have opened the door to resuming diplomatic ties.        但随着经济关联密切的两国关系开始解冻,恢复外交联系的大门也已经打开。
        After the meeting, the Chinese ministry of commerce said in a statement that Mr. Wang had expressed serious concerns about U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports, as well as the Biden administration’s efforts to bolster the U.S. semiconductor industry by providing government subsidies. Mr. Wang criticized those new subsidy programs, which are designed to lure manufacturing to the United States, as “discriminatory,” and he expressed concerns about U.S. sanctions on Chinese companies.        中国商务部在会后发布的纪要中宣称,王文涛就美国对华进口关税和拜登政府补贴扶持美国半导体产业的努力提出严正关切。王文涛批评这些旨在吸引制造业前往美国的新补贴计划具有“歧视性”,他也就美国对中国企业的制裁表达了不满。
        China is willing to work with the United States to create a sound policy environment for business cooperation between the countries, he told the U.S. side, according to the readout.
        Even before Ms. Raimondo traveled to China, Republican lawmakers criticized her for planning a “working group” of U.S. and Chinese officials to discuss American export controls. Four senior Republicans contended in a letter last week that it was “deeply inappropriate for our foremost adversary to have any influence over controls on sensitive U.S. national security technologies that the American people charged her to protect.”        甚至在雷蒙多访华之前,共和党议员就已对她要成立美中官员“工作组”讨论美国出口管制问题的计划提出批评。上周,四名资深共和党人在一封联名信中表示,“让我们最大的对手得以向美国敏感国家安全技术控制权施加任何影响,都是极为不妥的,这是美国人民委任她保护的东西。”
        Ms. Raimondo announced the new dialogue not as a working group but as an “information exchange.” She said that it had been set up to share more information about U.S. export restrictions on advanced technology, but that the group’s creation did not mean the United States would be compromising on issues of national security. The first meeting of the export control group was scheduled to take place in Beijing on Tuesday.        雷蒙多宣称,新的对话机制不是工作组,而是一种“信息交换”。她说,设立这一机制的目的是分享更多有关美国对先进技术出口限制的信息,但该小组的成立并不意味着美国将在国家安全问题上妥协。该出口管制工作组的第一次会议定于周二在北京举行。
        A senior Commerce Department official who was not authorized to speak publicly said that American officials in the export enforcement group would discuss with their Chinese counterparts how regulations are enforced, but not which products are covered or how the policies are made. Enforcement has been a difficult issue for the two countries, partly because it involves having American officials conduct inspections in China.        一位未获授权公开发表言论的商务部高级官员表示,出口执法团队中的美国官员将与中国同行讨论如何执行法规,但不会讨论法规涵盖哪些产品,或如何制定政策。对于两国来说,执法一直是一个难题,部分原因是这涉及到让美国官员在中国进行检查。
        China had halted such inspections for roughly two years, but in the past eight months has allowed over 100 such checks to proceed, the official said. The inspections of facilities in China are aimed at ensuring that the most advanced American technologies aren’t being diverted to the Chinese military or security services. Last week, the Commerce Department announced that 27 Chinese companies had passed such checks and were again allowed to import advanced technology.        这位官员表示,中国已暂停此类检查大约两年的时间,但在过去的八个月中,中方允许美国进行了100多次此类检查。在中国对相关设施进行检查旨在确保最先进的美国技术不会被转移到中国军队或安全部门。上周,商务部宣布27家中国公司已通过此类检查,再次获准进口先进技术。
        Ms. Raimondo also said she and the Chinese commerce minister had agreed to meet with each other at least annually.        雷蒙多还表示,她与中国商务部长已同意每年至少举行一次会晤。
        He Weiwen, a former Chinese commerce ministry official who is now a trade specialist at the Center for China and Globalization, a Beijing research group, said the bilateral agreement to have more discussions showed a mutual commitment to pragmatism.        前中国商务部官员、现任北京研究机构中国与全球化智库贸易专家的何伟文表示,两国同意开展更多讨论,表明了双方对务实主义的认可。
        “It means that both sides share the approach to solve practical issues,” he said.        “这意味着双方对实际问题有共同的解决思路,”他说。
        But in a sign of how politically fraught relations with China remain, plans for a formal dialogue structure between the two countries drew criticism from some China hawks in the United States.        但两国建立正式对话架构的计划仍招致美国一些对华鹰派的批评,说明美中政治关系依然剑拔弩张。
        Matt Turpin, visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and former China director of the National Security Council, described the move as a “real head scratcher.” He pointed to China’s unwillingness to take action to stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States, its alliance with Russia and its hacking of Ms. Raimondo’s email account before the trip as reasons China did not deserve such outreach.        曾在国家安全委员会担任中国事务主任的胡佛研究所客座研究员马特·特宾认为此举“当真令人费解”。他指出,中国不愿采取行动阻止芬太尼流入美国,与俄罗斯结盟,还在雷蒙多访华之前入侵了她的电子邮件帐户,这都是中国不值得让美国如此主动接触的原因。
        “It seems that Raimondo gave a significant concession to Beijing and got nothing in return,” Mr. Turpin said.        “看起来是雷蒙多向北京做出了重大让步,却没有得到任何回报,”特宾说。
        A senior Commerce Department official said the Chinese had raised concerns during the meetings Monday about a trend toward declining trade and investment between the two countries, as well as issues around government subsidies.        商务部一名高级官员表示,中方在周一的会谈中就两国贸易与投资下降的趋势和政府补贴问题提出关切。
        U.S. officials conveyed the concerns of American businesses and investors, including unfair requirements faced by foreign businesses and a declining transparency in China’s economic statistics. China suspended the release of youth unemployment data this month after the figure reached a record high this summer.        美国官员则转达了美国企业和投资者的担忧,包括外企面临的不公正要求,以及中国经济统计数据透明度的下降。在今夏青年失业率达到历史新高后,中国本月暂停了这一数据的发布。
        Ms. Raimondo said that she had spoken to nearly 150 business leaders in preparation for her trip and that they had given her a common message: We need more channels of communication.        雷蒙多表示,为了准备此次访问,她与近150名商界领袖进行了交谈,他们给出的一致意见是:我们需要更多的沟通渠道。
        “A growing Chinese economy that plays by the rules is in all of our interests,” she said.        “遵守规则、持续增长的中国经济符合我们所有人的利益,”她说。
        As the Chinese economy has faltered this summer, Chinese officials have begun softening their stance on some issues. In the latest measure, the foreign ministry announced on Monday that starting on Wednesday, travelers to China would no longer need to test themselves first for Covid.        今年夏天,随着经济出现衰退,中国官员在某些议题上的立场开始软化。在最新一项举措中,外交部周一宣布,从周三开始,旅客入境中国前无需再接受新冠病毒检测。
        Michael Hart, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said there had been a change in direction from Chinese officials this summer, with an increased willingness to hold discussions.        中国美国商会总裁何迈可(Michael Hart)表示,中国官员的立场在这个夏天发生转变,开展讨论的意愿变得更强了。
        “It used to be at every meeting I went to, the first five minutes were ‘Everything is America’s fault,’” Mr. Hart said. “It’s definitely toned down now. Government officials understand the importance of U.S.-China trade.”        “以前我参加的所有会议,开场五分钟的讨论都是‘责任全在美方’,”何迈可说。“现在肯定没那么激烈了。政府官员懂得了美中贸易的重要性。”

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