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U.S. Does Not Want to ‘Decouple’ From China, Commerce Chief Says

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-30 11:36

        Gina Raimondo, the U.S. secretary of commerce, told Chinese officials on Tuesday that the United States was not seeking to sever economic ties with China, but she expressed a litany of concerns that were prompting the business community to describe China as “uninvestable.”        周二,美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多告诉中国官员,美国并不寻求切断与中国的经济联系,但她表达了一连串的担忧,这些担忧促使商界将中国描述为“不适合投资”。
        Ms. Raimondo, who oversees both trade promotion and U.S. limits on China’s access to advanced technology, spoke with several of China’s top officials on Tuesday. That included meeting with Premier Li Qiang, China’s second-highest official, and Vice Premier He Lifeng, who oversees many economic issues, at the Great Hall of the People, next to Tiananmen Square in the heart of Beijing.        雷蒙多既负责促进贸易,也负责美国对中国获得先进技术的限制,她在周二与几位中国高级官员举行了会谈。其中包括在北京市中心天安门广场旁的人民大会堂会晤中国第二号人物总理李强,以及主管多项经济事务的副总理何立峰。
        Ms. Raimondo said she had pressed Chinese officials on a variety of challenges facing American businesses operating in China. Companies have expressed concerns about long-running issues like intellectual property theft as well as a raft of newer developments, like raids on businesses, a new counterespionage law and exorbitant fines that come without explanations, she said during an extended interview with reporters on a high-speed train from Beijing to Shanghai on Tuesday evening.        雷蒙多表示,她就在华经营的美国企业面临的各种挑战向中方提出交涉。周二晚,她在北京开往上海的高铁上接受了记者的长时间采访。她说,企业对知识产权盗窃等长期存在的问题,以及企业遭突击搜查、新的反间谍法和没有解释的高额罚款等一系列新进展表示担忧。
        “Increasingly, I hear from businesses China is uninvestable because it has become too risky,” she said.        “我越来越多地听到企业说,中国不适合投资,因为风险太大了,”她说。
        Ms. Raimondo said after the meetings that she had raised the various concerns of U.S. companies like Intel, Micron and Boeing, but that she “didn’t receive any commitments.” Beijing scuttled Intel’s acquisition of another semiconductor company this month by not giving the deal antitrust approval. It has also severely restricted some of Micron’s semiconductor sales in China since May and has halted almost all purchases of Boeing jets over the last several years, mainly choosing Airbus aircraft from Europe instead.        雷蒙多在会议结束后表示,她提出了英特尔、美光和波音等美国公司的各种担忧,但“没有得到任何承诺”。本月,中国政府未通过英特尔收购另一家半导体公司的反垄断审查,从而破坏了该交易。自5月以来,中国还严格限制了美光在中国的部分半导体销售,并在过去几年停止了几乎所有波音飞机的采购,主要选择来自欧洲的空客飞机。
        “I was very firm in our expectations. I think I was heard,” she added. “We’ll have to see if they take any action.”        “我非常坚定地强调我们的期望。我想他们听到了,”她补充道。“他们是否会采取行动还得观望。”
        Ms. Raimondo also asked for China’s cooperation on broader threats like climate change, fentanyl and artificial intelligence. The Chinese in turn asked for the United States to reduce export controls on advanced technology and retract a recent executive order that bans new investments in certain advanced technologies, Ms. Raimondo said.        雷蒙多还敦促中国在气候变化、芬太尼和人工智能等更广泛的威胁方面进行合作。雷蒙多说,中国反过来要求美国减少对先进技术的出口管制,并撤销最近一项禁止对某些先进技术进行新投资的行政命令。
        The commerce secretary said she had refused those requests. “We don’t negotiate on matters of national security,” she said.        商务部长说,她拒绝了这些要求。“我们不就国家安全问题进行谈判,”她说。
        Still, Ms. Raimondo tried to assure the Chinese that export controls applied only to a small proportion of U.S.-China trade, and that other economic opportunities between the countries should be embraced.        不过,雷蒙多试图向中方保证,出口管制只适用于美中贸易的一小部分,两国之间的其他经济机会应该不受影响。
        “This isn’t about decoupling,” she said. “This is about maintaining our very consequential trade relationship, which is good for America, good for China and good for the world. An unstable economic relationship between China and the United States is bad for the world.”        “这与脱钩无关,”她说。“这是为了维持我们非常重要的贸易关系,这对美国有利,对中国有利,对世界有利。中美之间不稳定的经济关系对世界不利。”
        The official Xinhua news agency said late Tuesday that Premier Li had told Ms. Raimondo that economic relations between China and the United States were “mutually beneficial.” But he also warned that “politicizing economic and trade issues and overstretching the concept of security will not only seriously affect bilateral relations and mutual trust, but also undermine the interests of enterprises and people of the two countries, and will have a disastrous impact on the global economy.”        官方的新华社星期二晚些时候说,李强总理告诉雷蒙多,中美之间的经济关系是“互利共赢”的。但他也警告,“把经贸问题泛政治化、泛安全化,不仅严重影响两国关系与互信,也损害两国企业和人民的利益,将给全球经济带来灾难性影响。”
        Ms. Raimondo’s visit is part of an effort by the Biden administration to stop a long deterioration in the U.S. relationship with China and restore communications. She is the fourth senior Biden administration official to travel to China in three months.        雷蒙多的访问是拜登政府为阻止美中关系长期恶化、恢复沟通所做努力的一部分。她是三个月来访问中国的第四位拜登政府高级官员。
        Her conversations with Chinese officials — which ranged from issues of national security to commercial opportunities for tourism — attested to both the economic potential of the trading relationship and its immense challenges.        她与中国官员的谈话内容广泛,从国家安全问题到旅游业商机,既证明了两国贸易关系的经济潜力,也证明了面临的巨大挑战。
        Chinese officials have welcomed her visit as an opportunity to reduce tensions and air their concerns. Seated in a red-carpeted reception room on the second floor of the Great Hall, Mr. He said at the start of their meeting that he was ready to work with Ms. Raimondo, and hoped the United States would adopt rational and practical policies. She responded by laying out what the Biden administration sees as its priorities.        中方官员对她的到访表示欢迎,认为这是一个缓解紧张局势、表达关切的机会。在人民大会堂二楼铺设了红毯的会客厅里,何立峰在会晤开场时表示,他已准备好与雷蒙多合作,并希望美方拿出理性务实的政策。作为回应,雷蒙多介绍了拜登政府的优先事项。
        “The U.S.-China commercial relationship is one of the most globally consequential, and managing that relationship responsibly is critical to both our nations and indeed to the whole world,” Ms. Raimondo said. “And while we will never of course compromise in protecting our national security, I want to be clear that we do not seek to decouple or to hold China’s economy back.”        “美中商业关系的全球意义极为重大,负责任地处理这一关系对我们两国乃至整个世界都至关重要,”雷蒙多表示。“虽然在保护国家安全的问题上我们决不妥协,但我想明确一点,我们并不寻求脱钩或阻碍中国经济发展。”
        On Monday, Ms. Raimondo and China’s commerce minister, Wang Wentao, met and agreed to hold regular discussions between the two countries on commercial issues. Those talks are set to include business leaders as well as government officials. The two governments also agreed to exchange information, starting with a meeting by their senior aides on Tuesday morning in Beijing, about how the United States enforces its export controls.        雷蒙多在周一与中国商务部长王文涛会面,并同意就商业问题开展定期对话。预计商界领袖和政府官员都将参与这些对话。两国政府还同意就美国如何实施出口管制交换信息,双方高级助手于周二上午在北京会面。
        Earlier on Tuesday, Ms. Raimondo met with China’s minister of culture and tourism, Hu Heping. That meeting came less than three weeks after Beijing lifted a ban on group tours to the United States that it had imposed during the pandemic, when China closed its borders almost completely for nearly three years.        周二早间,雷蒙多会见了中国文旅部长胡和平。在近三周前,北京取消了在疫情期间实施的赴美团游禁令,中国在近三年时间里几乎完全封闭了边境。
        The two ministers agreed at the meeting that the United States and China would host a gathering in China early next year to promote the travel industry, the latest in a series of business promotion activities that Ms. Raimondo has been organizing.        两位部长会上达成一致,两国将于明年初在中国举办一次旅游发展促进会议,这是雷蒙多筹办的一系列商业推广活动中的最新一项。
        Travel from China to the United States remains at less than a third of prepandemic levels, the United States Travel Association, an industry group, said on Saturday.        行业组织美国旅游协会周六表示,从中国前往美国的旅客人数仍不到疫情前的三分之一。
        The number of nonstop flights between the two countries is still less than a tenth of its level before the pandemic. Chinese airlines carried most of the passengers between the two countries before the pandemic. But after Beijing frequently blocked American carriers’ flights to China during the pandemic because of Covid cases aboard — while allowing Chinese carriers’ flights to continue — the Biden administration began insisting on strict reciprocity.        两国间直飞航班数量还不到疫情前的十分之一。疫情前,中国航司运送了两国的大部分往来旅客。但在疫情期间,北京因担忧新冠感染者入境,频繁禁止美国航班飞往中国,但同时还允许中国航班继续运行,拜登政府因而开始坚持严格的对等措施。
        After the retirement of many pilots and flight attendants during the pandemic, American carriers have struggled to meet travel demand within the United States. They have been slow to restore long-haul services to China, which require many crews to operate, although United Airlines announced recently that this autumn it would increase the frequency of flights from San Francisco to Shanghai, and would resume flights from San Francisco to Beijing.        由于许多飞行员和空乘在疫情期间退出,美国航司一直难以满足国内的出行需求。飞往中国的长途航线恢复进展缓慢,因为这需要大量机组成员才能运行,不过联合航空近日宣布,今年秋天将增加从旧金山到上海的航班数量,并恢复从旧金山到北京的航线。
        Senior American officials previously tended to fly between Beijing and Shanghai during visits to China, but the Commerce Department decided to move its sizable delegation by train on this trip. Huge Chevrolet Suburban sport utility vehicles carrying Ms. Raimondo and her aides pulled straight up onto the train platform to unload them into one of China’s high-speed electric trains, which travel for long stretches at 217 miles per hour, or 350 kilometers an hour.        此前的美国高官访华时往往乘飞机穿行于京沪间,但商务部决定在此次访问中让其规模庞大的代表团改乘火车。雷蒙多和助手乘坐的雪弗兰大型SUV直接驶进火车站台,她们下车后就登上了中国的一列高铁,这架列车将以每小时350公里的速度长途奔驰。
        The trains travel from Beijing to Shanghai, a distance comparable to the journey from New York to Atlanta or Chicago, in as little as four and a half hours, depending on how many stops they make. The trains, usually with 16 or more passenger cars, depart several times an hour in each direction.        从北京到上海这段相当于纽约到亚特兰大或芝加哥的旅程最快仅需四个半小时,具体时间取决于停靠站的数量。高铁列车通常有至少16节车厢,每小时两地都有多列班次发车。

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