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Here are the latest developments in the election interference case.

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-25 02:44

        Former President Donald J. Trump was booked at an Atlanta jail on Thursday in his fourth criminal arrest this year, this time in a sweeping racketeering case accusing him and his allies of conspiring to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia.        周四,前总统特朗普在亚特兰大一家监狱登记入册,这是他今年第四次因刑事案件被捕,这一次是因一起牵涉广泛的舞弊案,指控他和盟友密谋扭转2020年他在佐治亚州的选举失利。
        Mr. Trump flew to Atlanta in a private plane from Newark, N.J., and was whisked to the Fulton County Jail in a motorcade with a police escort, arriving at 7:35 p.m. He was then fingerprinted and photographed like other people accused of state crimes and released on bond.        特朗普从新泽西州纽瓦克乘坐私人飞机前往亚特兰大,随后乘车由警方开道向富尔顿县监狱疾驶,于晚上7点35分抵达。然后,他像其他被指控犯有州罪行的人一样,采集指纹并拍照,然后得到保释。
        About 20 minutes later, he returned directly to the Atlanta airport, where he briefly spoke to reporters on the tarmac before boarding his plane. Saying he had done nothing wrong, he called the charges a “travesty of justice” and added “we have every right to challenge an election we think is dishonest.”        大约20分钟后,他直接返回亚特兰大机场。在登机前,他在停机坪上对记者做了简短的讲话。他说自己没有做错任何事,称这些指控是“对司法的践踏”,并说,“我们完全有权挑战我们认为不诚实的选举。”
        His visit to the jail — a notorious facility often name-checked in rap lyrics and the subject of a Justice Department investigation into unsafe and unsanitary conditions — was a startling position for the former president to find himself in.        他所去的监狱是一个臭名昭著的设施,经常在说唱歌词中被提到,司法部也曾对该监狱不安全和不卫生的条件进行调查,一名前总统前往那里令人震惊。
        Mr. Trump was indicted last week, along with 18 political allies, as part of a sprawling racketeering case accusing them of engaging in a “criminal enterprise” whose goal was to “unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.” The indictment includes 40 other violations of state law.        上周,特朗普与18名政治盟友一起被起诉,这是一起牵涉广泛的舞弊案的一部分,他们被指控进行了一项“犯罪合谋”,其目标是“非法改变选举结果,使之有利于特朗普”。起诉书还包括其他40项违反州法律的行为。
        Here’s what to know:        以下是你需要了解的内容:
        • Mr. Trump’s bond was set at $200,000 on Monday, part of a whirlwind of post-indictment activity in Atlanta this week that saw more than half of the defendants show up at the jail to be booked by Thursday afternoon. Among them was Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, who declared the case to be “an attack on the American people.” Mark Meadows, Mr. Trump’s former White House chief of staff, was booked at the jail on Thursday.        • 周一,特朗普的保释金被定为20万美元,他的取保是本周亚特兰大起诉后的一系列活动的一部分,超过一半的被告周四下午之前抵达监狱登记。其中包括特朗普的前私人律师鲁道夫·朱利安尼,他宣称此案是“对美国人民的攻击”。周四,特朗普的前白宫幕僚长马克·梅多斯在该监狱登记入册。
        • Mr. Trump was listed in the Fulton County booking system as having “blonde or strawberry” hair, a height of 6 foot 3 inches and weight of 215 pounds. That weight is 24 pounds less than the White House doctor reported Trump weighed in 2018.        • 特朗普在富尔顿县系统中登记在案的发色是“金色或草莓色”,身高6英尺3英寸(合1.9米),体重215磅(合97.5公斤)。这个体重比白宫医生报告的特朗普2018年的体重少了24磅(10.9公斤)。
        • Also on Thursday, Mr. Trump shook up his Georgia legal defense team, adding Steven Sadow, a veteran criminal defense lawyer who has taken on a number of high-profile cases.        • 同样在周四,特朗普改组了他在佐治亚州的法律辩护团队,经验丰富的刑事辩护律师史蒂文·萨多加入团队,他曾接手多起备受瞩目的案件。
        • Three defendants are seeking to have their cases removed to federal court: Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official; Mr. Meadows; and David Shafer, the former head of the state Republican Party. If those efforts succeed, a federal judge could move all 19 defendants to federal court, mooting trial dates set in state court. A few weeks of legal wrangling remain before that is decided.        • 三名被告正在寻求将其案件移交联邦法院:前司法部官员杰弗里·克拉克;梅多斯;以及前共和党领袖大卫·谢弗。如果这些努力成功,联邦法官可能会将所有19名被告移送联邦法院,从而使州法院确定的审判日期失效。在做出决定之前,还需要几周的法律争论。
        • Mr. Trump’s allies in Congress are working to protect him. Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, began an inquiry on Thursday into Ms. Willis, an elected Democrat — questioning whether she collaborated with Biden administration officials and targeting any federal funding her office receives.        • 特朗普在国会的盟友正在努力保护他。周四,俄亥俄州共和党众议员、众议院司法委员会主席吉姆·乔丹开始对民主党民选官员、富尔顿县地区检察官法尼·T·威利斯(Fani T. Willis)进行调查,质疑她是否与拜登政府官员合作,并针对她的办公室收到的任何联邦资金进行调查。
        • The defendants may soon make court appearances for their arraignments, in which they would enter pleas. But all of the defendants have the right to waive their arraignments.        • 被告可能很快就会出庭接受传讯,他们会在传讯中提出抗辩。但所有被告都有权放弃传讯。

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