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U.S. Commerce Secretary Faces a Wide Range of Issues in China

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-28 02:57

        Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce, who arrived in Beijing on Sunday, is the latest Biden administration emissary seeking to stabilize ties between the world’s two largest economies.        作为拜登政府为稳定全球最大两个经济体之间的关系而派出的最新特使,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多于上周日抵达北京。
        The fourth senior U.S. official to travel to China in less than three months, Ms. Raimondo is taking her trip at a critical juncture. Relations between the countries are strained, partly because the United States has clamped down on China’s access to technology that could aid its military. China’s economy also appears to be slowing, and Beijing has been trying to woo more foreign investment, while tightening its scrutiny of foreign businesses.        雷蒙多是不到三个月的时间里第四位访华美国高官,此行正值一个关键节点。中美两国关系紧张,部分原因是美国对中国获取可能有助于军事的技术设限。中国经济似乎也在放缓,北京方面在努力吸引更多外资的同时,也在加强对外国企业的审查。
        Ms. Raimondo’s agenda is varied, including economic diplomacy, getting to know China’s new economic team and defending the interests of American companies and their employees. Both U.S. and Chinese officials have hinted that while many of the large issues probably can’t be resolved in these meetings, there are perhaps a few areas where the two sides might move closer to agreement.        雷蒙多此行议程繁多,包括经济外交、认识中国政府的新经济班子、维护美企及其员工的利益等等。美中官员皆暗示,这些会晤可能并无法解决许多重大议题,但双方仍可能在某些领域朝着达成协议更进一步。
        Here’s a look at the issues that are expected to dominate the trip.        以下是预计将主导此次访问的议题。
        U.S.-China tech war        美中科技战
        One major topic for both sides will be the mounting restrictions on trade in advanced technology between the countries, particularly those imposed by the United States. Ms. Raimondo’s department oversees the export controls and other restrictions that the Biden administration has put in place, many of which have angered Chinese officials and prompted retaliation.        双方的一个主要议题将是两国——特别是美国——对先进技术贸易不断加码的限制。雷蒙多代表的商务部负责监督拜登政府出台的出口管制和其他限制措施,其中许多措施惹怒了中国官员,并引发了报复措施。
        This month, the Biden administration announced plans to bar private equity and venture capital firms from making investments in China in quantum computing and advanced semiconductors. Though those restrictions weren’t as sweeping as some had expected, Chinese officials are still smarting at the administration’s decision last October to place significant limitations on the kinds of advanced semiconductors and chip-making machinery that can be sent to China.        本月,拜登政府宣布了禁止私募股权和风险投资公司在中国投资量子计算和先进半导体的计划。尽管这些限制不如一些人预期的那么全面,但中国官员仍对拜登政府去年10月的决策十分不满,当时美国对可能运往中国的先进半导体和芯片制造设备施加了严格限制。
        A new bipartisan law aimed at strengthening the U.S. semiconductor industry has also rankled Chinese officials, especially because it bars companies that accept federal money from making new, high-tech investments in China.        由两党通过的旨在加强美国半导体产业实力的一项新法律也激怒了中国官员,特别是因为该法律禁止接受联邦资金的企业在中国进行新的高科技投资。
        China has had its own, much broader limits since 2016 on most overseas investments by Chinese companies and households. Chinese officials recently began regulating exports of metals used to make chips, scuttled a planned merger between Intel and an Israeli chip-maker and banned some sales by the U.S. chip-maker Micron, which Micron has estimated could cost the company roughly an eighth of its global revenue. The moves against Micron and Intel were seen by some China experts as retaliation for the Biden administration’s tougher treatment of China’s tech sector.        自2016年以来,中国已对本国企业及家庭的大多数海外投资施加了更广泛的限制。最近,中国官员开始对用于制造芯片的金属实施出口管制,破坏了英特尔与一家以色列芯片制造商的合并计划,并禁止了美国芯片制造商美光的部分销售,美光估计这可能导致该公司损失约八分之一的全球收入。有中国问题专家认为,针对美光和英特尔的举措是对拜登政府强硬制裁中国科技行业的报复。
        In an effort to prevent an economically damaging tit-for-tat, Ms. Raimondo is expected to talk about the U.S. rationale and make clear its efforts are aimed at protecting domestic security.        为防止针锋相对的政策给经济造成损害,雷蒙多预计将阐释美方动机,并明确美方目的在于保护国内安全。
        Ms. Raimondo said in a briefing with reporters ahead of the trip that one main goal of the visit will be to “explain and bring further transparency” to the national security strategy of protecting critical technologies.”        雷蒙多在出访前的吹风会上向记者表示,她此行的一个主要目的是向中方就“美国保护关键技术的国家安全战略进行解释说明,并进一步提高透明度”。
        Still, she said, enforcement of these rules is “not up for debate, not up for compromise, not up even really for discussion. But it is important that we have transparency with the Chinese and that our national security policies are understood by our P.R.C. counterparts to avoid misunderstanding, to avoid unnecessary escalation, to avoid miscalculation,” she said, referring to the People’s Republic of China.        不过,她说这些法规的执行“没有讨价还价的余地,没有妥协的空间,甚至不容讨论。但重要的是,对中方要有透明度,我们的国家安全政策能得到中方同行的理解,以避免误解,避免不必要的升级,避免误判”,她说道。
        A deteriorating business environment for foreign firms        外企营商环境恶化
        In addition to raising concerns about China’s treatment of Micron, Ms. Raimondo is expected to air complaints from other Western businesses who say they are increasingly worried about accidentally triggering China’s expansive national security laws.        除了对中国的美光禁令提出关切,预计雷蒙多还将转达其他西方企业的不满,这些企业表示越来越担心会意外触犯中国广泛的国家安全法。
        In March, the Chinese authorities detained five Chinese nationals working in Beijing for the Mintz Group, an American consulting company, and in April, the authorities questioned employees in the Shanghai office of Bain & Company, the U.S. management consulting firm. The Chinese government imposed a $1.5 million fine this month on Mintz for doing unapproved statistical work.        3月,中国当局拘留了美国咨询公司美思明智集团在北京的五名中国籍员工;4月,当局又对美国管理咨询公司贝恩公司上海办事处的员工进行问话。本月,中国政府以从事未经批准的统计工作为由,对美思明智处以1068万元人民币的罚款。
        International executives now regularly express worries about carrying out routine business activities, like performing due diligence on acquisition targets or transferring data between subsidiaries. American multinationals have begun preparing contingency plans in case their employees are detained in China, and have sent back very few of the expatriates who had evacuated the country during the pandemic.        国际高管们现在经常对日常业务活动表示担忧,比如对收购目标进行尽职调查,或在子公司之间转移数据。美国跨国公司已开始准备应急计划,以防员工在中国被拘留,此外疫情期间撤离的外籍人士只有极少数被派回中国。
        Those anxieties, along with technology controls, tariffs and other barriers to trade, have most likely contributed to a trend of declining foreign investment in China.        这些担忧,再加上技术控制、关税和其他贸易壁垒,很可能导致了外国在华投资下降的趋势。
        “People are scared to go to China,” said Susan Shirk, a research professor at the 21st Century China Center at the University of California, San Diego, and the author of “Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise.”        “人们害怕去中国,”加州大学圣地亚哥分校21世纪中国中心研究教授谢淑丽(Susan Shirk)说,她著有《伸手太长——中国如何偏离和平崛起》(Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise)一书。
        “This worry about physical security is really putting a damper on interactions at the commercial as well as the academic level,” she added.        “对人身安全的担忧确实阻碍了商业和学术层面的互动,”她还说。
        Promoting commercial ties in other areas        促进其他领域的商业联系
        Despite a chillier atmosphere, Ms. Raimondo and other officials insist that there is still plenty of potential for trade between the world’s two largest economies. China remains America’s third-largest export market, buying more than $150 billion of products from U.S. farms and businesses.        尽管气氛有所降温,雷蒙多和其他官员坚持认为,世界上最大的两个经济体之间仍有很大的贸易潜力。中国仍然是美国的第三大出口市场,从美国农场和企业购买超过1500亿美元的产品。
        Ms. Raimondo noted that U.S. export controls affect only 1 percent of bilateral trade between the countries. Exports to China support more than 80,000 jobs in the United States, and benefit small as well as large firms, she said. The United States also continues to import hundreds of billions of dollars of products from China each year.        雷蒙多指出,美国的出口管制只影响到两国间1%的双边贸易。她说,对中国的出口为美国提供了8万多个就业岗位,无论是小型企业还是大型企业都从中受益。美国每年还继续从中国进口数千亿美元的产品。
        Ms. Raimondo said that one key goal for the trip would be promoting commercial ties where they align with U.S. interests, naming tourism and “people-to-people exchanges.” As an example, she pointed to the recent U.S. move to restore group travel from China to the United States, saying that a return to 2019 levels of Chinese visitors would generate $30 billion for the American economy.        雷蒙多说,此行的一个关键目标是促进符合美国利益的商业关系,她提到了旅游业和“民间交流”。她举例说,美国最近恢复了从中国到美国的团体旅游,她说,如果中国游客恢复到2019年的水平,将为美国经济带来300亿美元的收入。
        Government communication        政府沟通
        A more basic, but still fundamental, component of the trip is promoting communication between the United States and China. Those channels badly atrophied following the fallout over a Chinese surveillance balloon that flew across the United States early this year, and the Chinese defense minister still refuses to speak with the U.S. defense secretary, Lloyd J. Austin III.        此行的一个更为基本但仍然重要的部分是促进美中两国之间的沟通。今年早些时候,中国的一个侦察气球飞越美国后,双方的沟通渠道严重萎缩,中国国防部长仍然拒绝与美国国防部长奥斯汀通话。
        Ms. Raimondo said she had spoken to President Biden on Thursday, and that he had asked her to carry a message to Chinese leaders that “we need to communicate to avoid conflict.”        雷蒙多说,她上周四与拜登总统通话,拜登让她向中国领导人传达一个信息,即“我们需要沟通以避免冲突”。
        This will be the first trip to China by a U.S. commerce secretary in seven years, Ms. Raimondo said. She is expected to have the opportunity to meet several members of a new economic team that has taken office since the Communist Party held its once-in-five-years national congress last autumn.        雷蒙多说,这将是七年来美国商务部长首次访华。预计她将有机会会见新经济班子的几位成员,他们是在去年秋天中国共产党五年一次的全国代表大会之后上任的。
        “There is benefit to communicating to reduce tension,” she said. “That does not mean compromise, that means communicate.”        “通过沟通来缓解紧张是有益的,”她说。“这并不意味着妥协,而是意味着交流。”
        Economic slowdown and transparency        经济放缓和透明度
        Looming over the visit are concerns about China’s recent economic slowdown, and how that could influence the global economy and bilateral relations going forward.        中国最近的经济放缓,以及这将如何影响全球经济和双边关系的发展,是围绕此次访问的一个隐忧。
        Economists and observers have expressed concern over a decision by the Chinese Bureau of National Statistics this month to stop publishing monthly unemployment information “for youth and other age groups,” which recently reached a record high.        经济学家和观察人士对中国国家统计局本月决定停止发布“全国青年人等分年龄段”的月度失业信息表示担忧,该数据最近创下了历史新高。
        The agency said that it needed to optimize its surveys. But the decision, together with the suspension of tens of thousands of other data series in recent years, led to suggestions that China was trying to hide negative economic data.        该机构表示需要对调查做出优化。但这一决定,加上近年来数以万计暂停发布的其他数据,让人认为中国在试图掩盖负面的经济数据。
        Jake Sullivan, the White House’s national security adviser, said that Ms. Raimondo was expected to discuss China’s economic data during her trip.        白宫国家安全顾问沙利文表示,预计雷蒙多将在访华期间讨论中国的经济数据。
        “We believe in openness and transparency and reporting,” Mr. Sullivan said on Tuesday. “And we think, for global confidence, predictability and the capacity of the rest of the world to make sound economic decisions, it’s important for China to maintain a level of transparency in the publication of its data as well.”        “我们相信公开、透明和报告制度,”沙利文上周二说。“我们认为,为了全球信心、可预测性以及世界其他国家做出合理经济决策的能力,中国在公布数据时保持一定程度的透明度也很重要。”

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