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In Warning to Taiwan, China Announces Military Patrols

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-21 02:26

        China’s military said it would stage “joint combat readiness” patrols around Taiwan on Saturday, sending a warning gesture to the island democracy soon after a leading candidate in Taiwan’s presidential election finished an overseas trip that Beijing had denounced.        中国军方表示于上周六在台湾周边进行“联合战备”警巡,这是在向台湾民主政府发出警告。不久前,台湾总统大选的一名目前领先的候选人刚结束了一次遭到北京谴责的海外访问。
        Vice President Lai Ching-te, the candidate, had flown to Paraguay — one of 13 states that keeps diplomatic relations with Taipei, and not Beijing — making stops in the United States on his way there and back. The Chinese government is trying to curtail the international activities of Taiwan, which it claims as its own territory. It especially objects to Taiwanese leaders’ visits to the United States, the island’s most important political and military supporter.        该候选人,也就是现任副总统赖清德对巴拉圭进行了访问,并在往返途中经停美国。巴拉圭是与台北而非北京保持外交关系的13个国家之一。中国政府声称对台湾拥有主权,努力限制台湾的国际活动。它尤其反对台湾领导人访美,也就是该岛最重要的政治和军事支持者。
        Before and during Mr. Lai’s six-day trip, Chinese officials and media criticized him. He is the presidential candidate of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party, which favors asserting Taiwan’s distinctive identity and sovereignty — a position that Beijing condemns as threatening its claim to the island.        赖清德此次访问为期六天,在出访之前和出访期间,他均遭到中国官方和媒体的批评。他是台湾执政党民进党的总统候选人,该党主张维护台湾独特的身份和主权——北京谴责这一立场,称其威胁到它对台湾主权的主张。
        Mr. Lai returned to Taipei early Friday. The following morning, Senior Col. Shi Yi, a spokesman for the Eastern Theater of the People’s Liberation Army, announced the joint air and sea exercises for that day.        赖清德上周五早些时候返回台北。次日上午,解放军东部战区新闻发言人施毅陆军大校宣布当天举行海空联合演训。
        “This is a serious warning against provocations by the separatist forces of ‘Taiwan independence’ in collusion with external forces,” Colonel Shi said, according to the announcement issued by the official Xinhua news agency.        据官方新华社发布的公告,施毅大校表示,“这是对‘台独’分裂势力与外部势力勾连挑衅的严重警告。”
        What is China’s aim with these military activities?        中国进行这些军事活动的目的是什么?
        The patrols do not mean that China is about to launch a conflict but are a way of threatening Taiwan and wearing away its military forces.        这些警巡并不意味着中国要发起冲突,而是威胁台湾、消耗台湾军事力量的一种方式。
        The Chinese military announcement provided no details about the scale and location of the patrols, but they appeared to be relatively limited. On Saturday afternoon, the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense said it had detected 42 Chinese military aircraft and eight naval vessels around Taiwan that morning.        中国军方的公告没有提供有关警巡规模和地点的细节,但其规模似乎有限。上周六下午,台湾国防部表示,当天上午在台湾周边发现了42架中国军机和八艘海军舰艇。
        The ministry condemned the Chinese military patrols. “This military exercise launched on a pretext will be of no help to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and it highlights its militaristic and bellicose mentality,” it said of the Chinese Communist Party leadership.        台湾国防部谴责中国军队的警巡。它在谈到中国共产党领导层时表示:“这次军演实为借题发挥,无助于台海和平稳定,凸显其军国主义好战心态。”
        Since then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan last August, China has intensified its military incursions around Taiwan. In April, after President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan met with Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California, China launched large-scale military drills near Taiwan by sending record numbers of military aircraft and ships.        自去年8月时任议长佩洛西访台以来,中国加强了对台湾周边的军事侵扰。4月,台湾总统蔡英文在加州会见议长麦卡锡后,中国在台湾附近发起了大规模军事演习,派出了数量创纪录的军机和舰艇。
        Who is Mr. Lai, and why does Beijing oppose him?        赖清德是谁?北京为何反对他?
        Since 2000, the Taiwanese vice presidents have made 11 transits through the United States, but none of the trips has been as strongly condemned by China as Mr. Lai’s this time.        自2000年以来,台湾的副总统已11次过境美国,但没有一次像赖清德这样受到中国的强烈谴责。
        Mr. Lai, 63, a former doctor and the Democratic Progressive Party’s chairman, is leading in polls for the presidential election, which takes place in January. He emerged from a wing of his party that has pressed Taiwan’s aspirations for sovereignty, and he has previously called himself a “pragmatic worker for Taiwanese independence.”        63岁的赖清德曾是一名医生,现为民进党主席,在明年1月总统大选民调中处于领先地位。他来自民进党一个推动台湾主权抱负的派系,曾把自己称为一名“务实的台独工作者”。
        But as Mr. Lai vies to succeed President Tsai, who must step down after two terms, he is seeking to assure voters that he will maintain continuity. He has said that his comments about being a “pragmatic worker” meant that he wanted to more fully exercise Taiwan’s current sovereignty.        赖清德正在力争接替即将在两届任期后离任的蔡英文总统,同时也正在设法向选民保证他将继续自己的使命。他曾表示,他称自己为“务实工作者”意味着他希望更充分地行使台湾目前的主权。
        What is likely to happen next?        接下来可能会发生什么?
        So far, China’s response after Mr. Lai’s visit appears more muted than it was in April, when President Tsai passed through the United States, or last August, when Ms. Pelosi visited Taiwan.        到目前为止,与蔡英文总统4月过境美国或去年8月佩洛西访台相比,中国对赖清德出访的反应似乎没有那么激烈。
        Chinese leaders may grasp that menacing, large-scale maneuvers around Taiwan could work in Mr. Lai’s favor by pushing more support to his party and away from the opposition Nationalist Party, which favors broader ties and dialogue with Beijing. In Taiwan, neither military officials nor the public seemed especially worried about the latest Chinese military announcement.        中国领导人可能认识到,在台湾周围进行大规模的威胁性行动可能会对赖清德有利,促使人们更多支持其政党,而远离反对党国民党,后者主张与北京建立更广泛的关系和对话。在台湾,军方官员和公众似乎都没有对中国最新的军事声明感到特别担忧。

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