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Intelligence Agencies Warn Foreign Spies Are Targeting U.S. Space Companies

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-21 02:45

        Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies are targeting American private space companies, attempting to steal critical technologies and preparing cyberattacks aimed at degrading U.S. satellite capabilities during a conflict or emergency, according to a new warning by American intelligence agencies.        据美国情报部门发出的最新警告,中国和俄罗斯情报部门正在瞄准私营航天公司,意在窃取关键技术,并为冲突或紧急情况下的网络攻击做好准备,这些攻击的目的是降低美国卫星的能力。
        The National Counterintelligence and Security Center, the F.B.I. and the Air Force issued a new advisory to American companies Friday morning. The broad warning to industry said that foreign intelligence services could be targeting space firms, their employees and the contractors that serve those companies.        周五上午,国家反情报和安全中心、联邦调查局和空军向美国企业发出了一项建议。这是一个面向行业的全面警告,称外国情报机构可能在针对航天企业、它们的雇员以及为它们服务的承包商。
        Space companies’ data and intellectual property could be at risk from attempts to break into computer networks, moles placed inside companies and foreign infiltration of the supply chain, officials said.        官员称,对电脑网络的侵入、安插在公司内部的间谍以及供应链的外国渗透可能会让航天公司的数据和知识产权面临风险。
        “Foreign intelligence entities recognize the importance of the commercial space industry to the U.S. economy and national security, including the growing dependence of critical infrastructure on space-based assets,” the Counterintelligence Center warning said. “They see U.S. space-related innovation and assets as potential threats as well as valuable opportunities to acquire vital technologies and expertise.”        “外国情报实体清楚民用航天产业对美国经济和国家安全的重要性,包括关键基础设施对天基资产的日益依赖,”反情报中心警告。“在他们看来,美国的太空相关创新和资产是潜在的威胁,同时也是获取重要技术和专业技能的宝贵机会。”
        While the United States still builds and launches multimillion dollar reconnaissance and communications satellite, much of American innovation in space is being done by commercial companies, including those that conduct launches and others that build and field satellites.        尽管美国仍在继续建造和发射耗资数以百万计的侦察和通讯卫星,但在太空领域的许多创新是由商业公司进行的,这包括了从事发射业务的公司,还有一些建造和应用卫星的公司。
        Intelligence agencies are increasingly dependent on the private-sector space industry, and U.S. officials are worried about the interest Chinese and Russian spy services have shown in those companies, based on recent F.B.I. investigations and intelligence collection on foreign intelligence plans. American officials believe innovations by SpaceX, Blue Origin and other private companies have given the United States a huge advantage in space, one that is envied by foreign adversaries.        情报部门越来越依赖私营太空产业,从联邦调查局最近的调查以及对外国情报计划的情报收集来看,美国官员担心,中国和俄罗斯间谍机构对这些公司表现出了兴趣。美国官员相信,SpaceX、蓝色起源(Blue Origin)等等私人企业的创新,让美国在太空领域占据了极大优势,并引起敌对的外国势力的艳羡。
        Security measures vary greatly from company to company, and some U.S. officials believe the space industry needs to tighten protections against attempts by Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies to infiltrate them.        各企业的安全措施有很大不同,一些美国官员相信,太空产业需要加强防备,以应对中国和俄罗斯情报部门的渗透。
        Since 2017, the Justice Department has charged Chinese, Russian and Iranian nationals in various schemes to steal space-related technology. Last October, five Russian nationals were accused in an indictment of trying to illicitly acquire “semiconductors and microprocessors used in satellites, missiles, and other space-based military applications” from American companies. In 2019, a Chinese national was sentenced to federal prison for trying to acquire a radiation-hardened power amplifier used in space applications.        自2017年以来,司法部已经就多起窃取太空相关技术的案件对中国、俄罗斯和伊朗公民发起指控。去年十月的一份起诉书指控五名俄罗斯公民试图用不正当手段从美国公司获取“用于卫星、导弹和其他天基军事应用的半导体和微芯片”。2019年,一名中国公民因试图获取一种用于太空的抗辐射加固功率放大器而被判联邦监禁。
        And some companies have disclosed infiltration attempts. In 2020, United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin which puts many national security satellites into orbit, suggested a Chinese firm had tried to infiltrate its supply chain. The supplier did not succeed in extracting critical intelligence.        一些公司公开了对它们的渗透企图。2020年,波音与洛克希德马丁的合营企业联合发射联盟表示,一家中国公司试图渗透其供应链,但没能取得关键情报。该联盟发射了多枚国家安全卫星。
        American officials also believe rendering ineffective space-based communications and imaging satellites is likely to be the opening move of any future conflict. As Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine in February last year, hackers linked to the Russian government conducted a cyberattack against Viasat, a U.S.-based communications firm, in an attempt to disrupt Ukraine’s ability to command its troops.        美国官员还认为,在未来的冲突中,可能会在一开始就着手令天基通讯和成像卫星失效。去年2月莫斯科入侵乌克兰时,与俄罗斯政府有关联的黑客对总部位于美国的通讯公司Viasat发起网络攻击,试图对乌克兰的军事指令传达进行干扰。
        As the war has gone on, Russians have focused on jamming satellites. SpaceX’s low-earth orbit satellite network Starlink has also proved critical to Ukraine’s war effort.        随着战争的进行,俄罗斯将重点放在了对卫星的干扰阻塞上,事实证明SpaceX的近地轨道卫星网络“星链”对乌克兰的战争行动也起到了关键作用。
        The warning issued Friday advises companies to track anomalous incidents on their computer networks to look for potential breaches, develop protocols to identify potential foreign agents inside the business, conduct due diligence on potential investors and prioritize the protection of the most important intellectual properties.        周五的警告建议企业追踪其计算机网络中的反常状况,从而寻找潜在的入侵,开发用于识别企业内潜在外国代理人的规约,对潜在投资人进行尽职调查,并优先保护最重要的知识产权。

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