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Spreading State Restrictions on China Show Depths of Distrust in the U.S.

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-22 02:59

        At a moment when Washington is trying to reset its tense relationship with China, states across the country are leaning into anti-Chinese sentiment and crafting or enacting sweeping rules aimed at severing economic ties with Beijing.        就在华盛顿试图重启与中国的紧张关系之际,美国各州走向反中情绪,制定或颁布旨在切断与北京经济联系的全面规定。
        The measures, in places like Florida, Utah and South Carolina, are part of a growing political push to make the United States less economically dependent on China and to limit Chinese investment over concerns that it poses a national security risk. Those concerns are shared by the Biden administration, which has been trying to reduce America’s reliance on China by increasing domestic manufacturing and strengthening trade ties with allies.        佛罗里达州、犹他州和南卡罗来纳州等地出现的这些措施是日益增长的政治努力的一部分,目的是减少美国在经济上对中国的依赖,并出于国家安全方面的担忧而限制中国投资。拜登政府也有同样的担忧,它一直试图通过加强国内的制造业以及加强与盟友的贸易关系,以减少对华依赖。
        But the state efforts have the potential to be far more expansive than what the administration is orchestrating. They have drawn backlash from business groups over concerns that state governments are veering toward protectionism and retreating from a longstanding tradition of welcoming foreign investment into the United States.        但各州的努力有可能比拜登政府正在策划的范围要广泛得多。它们引起了商业团体的强烈反对,这些团体担心州政府正在转向保护主义,背离欢迎外国投资进入美国的长期传统。
        Nearly two dozen mostly right-leaning states — including Florida, Texas, Utah and South Dakota — have proposed or enacted legislation that would restrict Chinese purchases of land, buildings and houses. Some of the laws could potentially be more onerous than what occurs at the federal level, where a committee led by the Treasury secretary is authorized to review and block transactions if foreigners could gain control of American businesses or real estate near military installations.        包括佛罗里达州、得克萨斯州、犹他州和南达科他州在内的近24个以右翼为主的州提出或颁布了限制中国人购买土地、建筑和房屋的立法。其中一些法律可能会比联邦层面的法律更加苛刻,在联邦层面,由财政部长领导的委员会有权审查和阻止外国人可能获得美国企业或军事设施附近房地产控制权的交易。
        The laws being proposed or enacted by states would go far beyond that, preventing China — and in some cases other “countries of concern” — from buying farmland or property near what is broadly defined as “critical infrastructure.”        各州提出或颁布的法律将远远超出这一范围,禁止中国——在某些情况下还有其他“受关注的国家”——购买广义上的“关键基础设施”附近的农田或财产。
        The restrictions coincide with a resurgence of anti-China sentiment, inflamed in part by a Chinese spy balloon that traveled across the United States this year and by heated political rhetoric ahead of the 2024 election. They are likely to pose another challenge for the administration, which has dispatched several top officials to China in recent weeks to try to stabilize economic ties. But while Washington may see a relationship with China as a necessary evil, officials at the state and local levels appear determined to try to sever their economic relationship with America’s third-largest trading partner.        这些限制措施出台之际,反中情绪再度抬头,部分原因是今年中国的一个间谍气球飞过美国,以及2024年大选前激烈的政治言论。它们可能会给政府带来另一个挑战。最近几周,政府派遣了几名高级官员前往中国,试图稳定两国的经济关系。但是,尽管华盛顿可能将美中关系视为一种“必要之恶”(指虽然不受欢迎却是必要的事物或行为——译注),但州和地方各级官员似乎决心切断与美国第三大贸易伙伴的经济关系。
        “The federal government in the United States, across branches with strong bipartisan support, has been quite forceful in sharpening its China strategy, and regulating investments is only one piece,” said Mario Mancuso, a lawyer at Kirkland & Ellis focusing on international trade and national security issues. “The shift that we have seen to the states is relatively recent, but it’s gaining strength.”        “在两党的大力支持下,美国联邦政府各部门一直在大力强化其中国战略,而对投资的监管只是其中的一个方面,”凯易律师事务所专注于国际贸易和国家安全问题的律师马里奥·曼库索说。“我们在各州看到的这种转变是相对较新的,但它正在增强。”
        One of the biggest targets has been Chinese landownership, despite the fact that China owns less than 400,000 acres in the United States, according to the Agriculture Department. That is less than 1 percent of all foreign-owned land.        最大的目标之一是中国的土地所有权,尽管据农业部,中国在美国拥有的土地面积不到16万公顷,还不到所有外资拥有土地的1%。
        Such restrictions have been gathering momentum since 2021 after Fufeng USA, the American subsidiary of a Chinese company that makes components for animal feed, faced backlash over plans to build a corn mill in Grand Forks, N.D. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a powerful interagency group known as CFIUS that can halt international business transactions, reviewed the proposal but ultimately decided that it did not have the jurisdiction to block the plan. However, the Air Force, citing the mill’s proximity to a U.S. military base, said this year that China’s involvement was a national security risk, and local officials scuttled the project.        自2021年以来,这种限制的势头一直在增强。此前,一家生产动物饲料主要成分的中国公司的美国子公司阜丰美国在北达科他州大福克斯建造一家玉米加工厂的计划遭到强烈反对。美国外国投资委员会审查了该提案,但最终决定,它没有阻止该计划的管辖权。该委员会是一个强大的跨部门组织,被称为CFIUS,可以阻止国际商业交易。然而,美国空军今年以该工厂靠近美国军事基地为由,表示中国的参与对国家安全构成威胁,当地官员因此取消了该项目。
        Since then, states have been developing or trying to bolster their restrictions on foreign investment, in some cases blocking land acquisitions from a broad set of countries, including Iran and North Korea. In other instances, they have targeted China specifically.        从那以后,各州一直在制定或试图加强对外国投资的限制,在某些情况下,阻止了来自伊朗和朝鲜等一系列国家的土地收购。在其他情况下,它们专门针对中国。
        The state moves, some of which also include investments coming from Russia, Iran and North Korea, have raised the ire of business groups that fear the rules will be too onerous or opponents who view them as discriminatory. Some of the proposals wound up being watered down amid the backlash.        这些州的举措——其中一些还将来自俄罗斯、伊朗和朝鲜的投资包括在内——引发了商业团体的愤怒,它们担心这些规定过于严厉,另外一些反对者则认为这些规定具有歧视性。在强烈反对的声音中,一些提议最终做了淡化处理。
        This year, Texas lawmakers proposed expanding a ban that was enacted in 2021 on the development of infrastructure projects funded by investors with direct ties to China and blocking Chinese citizens and companies from buying land, homes or any other real estate. Despite the support of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, a Republican, the proposal was scaled back to prohibit purchases of just agricultural land, quarries and mines by individuals or companies with ties to China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. The bill ultimately expired in the Texas Legislature in May.        今年,得克萨斯州议员提议扩大2021年颁布的一项禁令,它禁止由与中国有直接关系的投资者出资开发基础设施项目,并禁止中国公民和公司购买土地、房屋或任何其他房地产。尽管得到得克萨斯州共和党州长格雷格·阿博特的支持,但该提案被缩减为只禁止与中国、伊朗、朝鲜和俄罗斯有联系的个人或公司购买农业用地、采石场和矿山。该法案最终于5月在得克萨斯州议会期满失效。
        In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem, a Republican, has been pushing for legislation that would create a state version of CFIUS to review and investigate agricultural land purchases, leases and land transfers by foreign investors. Ms. Noem has argued that the federal government does not have sufficient reach to keep South Dakota safe from bad actors at the state level.        在南达科他州,共和党州长克里斯蒂·诺姆一直在推动立法,在该州建立一个类似CFIUS的机构,以审核和调查外国投资者购买、租赁和转让农业用地的情况。诺姆认为,联邦政府没有足够的影响力在州层面上保护南达科他州免受不良行为者的侵害。
        The legislation failed amid pushback from farming groups that were concerned about restrictions on who could buy or rent their land, along with lawmakers who said it would hand too much power to the governor.        但该立法未能成功,因为农业团体担心购买或租赁土地受到限制,以及立法者认为该法案将会授予州长过多权力。
        One of the most provocative restrictions has been championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a Republican who is running for president. In May, Mr. DeSantis signed a law prohibiting Chinese companies or citizens from purchasing or investing in properties that are within 10 miles of military bases and critical infrastructure such as refineries, liquid natural gas terminals and electrical power plants.        其中一项最具挑衅性的限制措施得到了正在竞选总统的共和党人、佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯的支持。今年5月,德桑蒂斯签署了一项法律,禁止中国公司或公民购买或投资距离军事基地和炼油厂、液化天然气码头和发电厂等关键基础设施10英里范围内的房产。
        “Florida is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat — the Chinese Communist Party,” Mr. DeSantis said when he signed the law, adding, “We are following through on our commitment to crack down on Communist China.”        “佛罗里达州正在采取行动对抗美国最大的地缘政治威胁——中国共产党,”德桑蒂斯在签署该法律时表示,还说,“我们正在履行打击共产主义中国的承诺。”
        But the legislation is written so broadly that an investment fund or a company that has even a small ownership stake from a Chinese company or a Chinese investor and buys a property would be violating the law. Business groups and the Biden administration have criticized the law as overreach, while Republican attorneys general around the country have sided with Mr. DeSantis.        但该立法的内容过于宽泛,以至于即使少量拥有中国公司或中国投资者股权的投资基金或公司购买房产也将违反法律。商业团体和拜登政府批评该法律越权,而全国各地的共和党总检察长都站在德桑蒂斯一边。
        The Florida legislation, which targets “countries of concern” and imposes special restrictions on China, is being challenged in federal court. A group of Chinese citizens and a real estate brokerage firm in Florida that are represented by the American Civil Liberties Union sued the state in May, arguing that the law codifies and expands housing discrimination. The Justice Department filed a “statement of interest” arguing that Florida’s landownership policy is unlawful.        佛罗里达州的这一立法针对“令人关注的国家”,并对中国施加特殊限制,目前它在联邦法院受到质疑。5月,由美国公民自由联盟代表的一群中国公民和佛罗里达州的一家房地产经纪公司起诉该州,称其将住房歧视写入法律并予以扩大。司法部提交了一份“利益声明”,认为佛罗里达州的土地所有权政策非法。
        A U.S. district judge, who heard arguments about the case in July, said last week that the law could continue to be enforced while it was being challenged in court.        一位美国地区法官在7月听取了有关此案的辩论后于上周表示,该法在法庭上受到质疑期间可以继续执行。
        The restrictions are creating uncertainty for investors and fund managers that want to invest in Florida and now must decide whether to back away from those plans or cut out their Chinese investors.        这些限制给想要在佛罗里达州投资的投资者和基金经理带来了不确定性,他们现在必须决定是放弃这些投资项目,还是排除中国投资者。
        “It creates a lot of thorny issues not just for the foreign investors but for the funds as well, because some of these laws try to make them choose between keeping investors and being able to invest in those states,” said J. Philip Ludvigson, a partner at King & Spalding. “It’s really a gamble for the states that are passing some of these very broad laws.”        “这不仅给外国投资者带来了很多棘手的问题,也给基金带来了很多棘手的问题,因为其中一些法律试图让他们二选一,要保留投资者,还是要在这些州投资,”金与斯伯丁律师事务所合伙人J·菲利普·路德维森说。“一些州正在通过这些非常广泛的法律,对于这些州来说确实是一场赌博。”
        Mr. Ludvigson, a former Treasury official who helped lead the office that chairs CFIUS, added: “You might want to get tough on China, but if you don’t really think through what the second- and third-order effects might be, you could just end up hurting your state revenues and your property market while also failing to solve an actual national security problem.”        前财政部官员路德维格森曾帮助领导主持CFIUS事务的办公室,他还说:“你可能想对中国采取强硬态度,但如果你没有真正考虑到可能的二阶和三阶效应,你最终可能会损害州收入和房地产市场,同时也无法实际解决国家安全问题。”
        The state investment restrictions also coincide with efforts in Congress to block businesses based in China from purchasing farmland in the United States and place new mandates on Americans investing in the country’s national security industries. The Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of the measures in July, which still need to clear the House to become law.        国会的行动与这些州投资限制并行,即阻止中国企业购买美国农田并对美国人投资中国国家安全行业实施新规。参议院于7月以压倒性多数投票支持了这些措施,但该措施仍需众议院通过才能成为法律。
        The combination of measures is likely to complicate diplomacy with China and could draw retaliation.        这些措施的结合可能会使对华外交复杂化,并可能招致报复。
        “Officials in Beijing are quite concerned about the hostility to Chinese investments at both the national and state levels in the U.S., viewing these as another sign of rising antipathy toward China,” said Eswar Prasad, a former head of the International Monetary Fund’s China division. “The Chinese government is especially concerned about a proliferation of state-level restrictions on top of federal limitations on investments from China.”        “北京官员对美国国家和州层面对中国投资抱有敌意感到非常担忧,认为这是反华情绪上升的又一个迹象,”国际货币基金组织中国部前负责人埃斯瓦尔·普拉萨德说。“除了联邦政府限制对华投资,中国政府尤其担心州级限制也将激增。”
        He added, “Their fear is that such actions would not just deprive Chinese investors of good investment opportunities in the U.S., including in real estate, but could eventually limit Chinese companies’ direct access to American markets and inhibit technology transfers.”        他还说:“他们担心此类行为不仅会剥夺中国投资者在美国的良好投资机会,包括房地产投资机会,而且最终可能会限制中国企业直接进入美国市场并抑制技术转让。”

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