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Japan to start releasing Fukushima wastewater as soon as Thursday

来源:中国日报    2023-08-22 17:21

        Japanese government announced Tuesday it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on Thursday, weather conditions permitting.        日本政府22日宣布,决定在天气条件允许的情况下,于24日开始将受地震破坏的福岛第一核电站的核污染水排入大海。
        Despite raging opposition from both home and abroad, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the controversial decision following a ministerial meeting held on Tuesday morning.        尽管核污染水排海计划遭到国内外强烈反对,日本首相岸田文雄仍在22日上午召开阁僚会议后宣布了这一有争议的决定。
        Representatives of the country's fishing industry on Monday reiterated their firm opposition to the ocean discharge plan during Kishida's meeting with the head of Japan's national fisheries federation in hopes of gaining understanding.        21日,岸田文雄与日本全国渔业联合会会长举行会谈,就核污染水排海计划向日本渔业从业者寻求理解。日本渔业代表重申了他们对该计划的坚决反对。
        Hit by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and an ensuing tsunami on March 11, 2011, the plant suffered core meltdowns that released radiation, resulting in a level-7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale.        2011年3月11日,受9.0级地震和海啸双重影响,福岛第一核电站发生堆芯熔毁,导致放射性物质泄漏。福岛核泄漏事故属于7级,这是国际核事件分级表中分类为最严重的等级。
        The plant has been generating a massive amount of water tainted with radioactive substances from cooling down the nuclear fuel in the reactor buildings, which are now being stored in about 1,000 storage tanks.        为冷却反应堆建筑中的核燃料,产生了大量被放射性物质污染的水,这些核污染水目前储存在大约1000个存储罐中。
        In 2015, the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the plant, made an agreement with fisheries cooperative associations of both Fukushima prefecture and the nation that they will not proceed with any wastewater disposal "without the understanding of relevant parties."        2015年,日本政府和福岛第一核电站运营商东京电力公司与福岛县渔业协会联合会和日本全国渔业协会联合会达成共识,在没有得到利益攸关方的理解前,不会对核污染水采取任何处置措施。
        A total of 88.1 percent surveyed expressed concerns over the government's plan to discharge treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean, as the disapproval rate of the Kishida-led cabinet rose to an eight-month high, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the national news agency Kyodo.        日本共同社最新民调显示,岸田文雄领导的内阁反对率升至八个月来新高,88.1%的受访者对日本政府的放射性核污染水排海计划表示担忧。

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