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North Koreans Under ‘Reign of Fear,’ Starved and Forced to Work, U.N. Hears

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-18 02:46

        The United Nations Security Council on Thursday took up North Korea’s human rights record for the first time in six years, with officials painting a grim picture of extreme hunger, forced labor and medicine shortages in the country.        周四,联合国安理会讨论了朝鲜的人权记录,这是六年来的首次,官员们描绘了该国极端饥饿、强迫劳动和药品短缺的严峻情况。
        The United States, which holds the rotating monthly presidency of the council, had sought the meeting along with Albania and Japan.        担任安理会本月轮值主席的美国与阿尔巴尼亚、日本一起寻求召开这次会议。
        In addition to reports from U.N. officials, delegates at the meeting heard testimony from Ilhyeok Kim, a North Korean who had fled with his family to South Korea. He described being forced to work as a child and growing up under a “reign of fear.”        除了联合国官员的报告外,与会代表还听取了随家人逃往韩国的朝鲜人金日赫(Ilhyeok Kim,音)的证词。他描述了小时候被迫劳动并在“恐惧统治”下的成长经历。
        “The government turns our blood and sweat into a luxurious life for the leadership and missiles that blast our hard work into the sky,” he said.        他说:“政府把我们的血汗变成了领导层的奢侈生活,把我们的辛勤劳动用于在空中爆炸的导弹。”
        Predictably, news of the U.N. meeting did not go down well in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, where the government on Tuesday criticized the American-led discussion as “despicable,” saying that the only purpose of the meeting was to help Washington achieve its geopolitical goals.        不难预料,联合国会议的消息在朝鲜首都平壤不受欢迎,朝鲜政府周二批评美国主导的讨论“卑鄙”,称这次会议的唯一目的是帮助华盛顿实现其地缘政治目标。
        The discussion also emphasized the current divides among world powers. The Russian delegate denounced the meeting, calling it “propaganda,” and China’s representative accused the council of overstepping its purview.        这次讨论还凸显出世界大国之间的分歧。俄罗斯代表谴责这次会议,称其为“宣传”,中国代表则指责该理事会滥用权力。
        Those comments contrasted with the dire situation outlined by U.N. officials. Volker Türk, the bloc’s high commissioner for human rights, said that policies introduced by Pyongyang ostensibly to contain the spread of Covid-19 had grown ever more extensive and repressive, even as cases had waned.        这些评论与联合国官员概述的严峻形势形成鲜明对比。联合国人权事务高级专员福尔克尔·蒂尔克表示,平壤出台的政策表面上是为了遏制新冠病毒传播,实际上变得越来越广泛和压制,尽管病例已经减少。
        Rarely had North Korea “been more painfully closed to the outside world than it is today,” Mr. Türk said, adding that North Koreans were becoming “increasingly desperate,” and that fears of state surveillance, arrest and interrogation had increased.        蒂尔克说,朝鲜“与外界的隔绝很少像今天这般令人痛苦”。他还说,朝鲜人变得“越来越绝望”,对国家监视、逮捕和审讯的恐惧也与日俱增。
        As economic conditions worsened, Mr. Türk said, forced labor for little or no pay — including putting children to work in some cases — was used to maintain key sectors of the economy. He said that many rights violations stemmed directly from the country’s militarization.        蒂尔克表示,随着经济状况恶化,人们利用低报酬甚至无报酬的强迫劳动来维持关键经济部门的运转,包括在某些情况下使用童工。他说,许多侵犯人权的行为直接源于该国的军事化。
        “The widespread use of forced labor — including labor in political prison camps, forced use of schoolchildren to collect harvests, the requirement for families to undertake labor and provide a quota of goods to the government, and confiscation of wages from overseas workers — all support the military apparatus of the state and its ability to build weapons,” he said.        “广泛使用强迫劳动,包括政治犯集中营的劳动、强迫学龄儿童收割庄稼、要求家庭承担劳动并向政府提供一定数量的货物,以及没收海外劳动者的工资。所有这些都在支持国家的军事机构及其制造武器的能力,”他说。
        He noted that while North Koreans had suffered poverty and repression before, “currently they appear to be suffering both.”        他指出,虽然朝鲜人以前曾遭受过贫困和镇压,但“目前他们似乎同时遭受着这两种苦难”。
        “Given the limits of state-run economic institutions,” he added, “many people appear to be facing extreme hunger as well as acute shortages of medication.”        “鉴于国营经济机构的局限性,”他还说,“许多人似乎面临着极度饥饿和药品的严重短缺。”
        Elizabeth Salmón, a Peruvian legal scholar and the U.N.’s special rapporteur on rights in North Korea, said women and girls in the country had been detained in inhumane conditions and subjected to torture, forced labor and gender-based violence. Female escapees who have been forcibly repatriated were subjected to invasive body searches, she said.        秘鲁法律学者、联合国朝鲜权利问题特别报告员伊丽莎白·萨尔蒙表示,该国的妇女和女童被拘禁在不人道的条件下,并遭受酷刑、强迫劳动和性别暴力。她说,被强行遣返的女性逃亡者会受到侵入性搜身。
        “The preparation for any possible peacemaking process needs to include women as decision makers, and this process needs to start now,” she added.        “任何可能的和平进程的准备工作都离不开女性决策者的参与,这个过程需要从现在开始,”她还说。
        While many Western countries at the meeting said that they were appalled by the allegations of abuse, Russia and China took aim at the council instead.        与会的许多西方国家表示对虐待指控感到震惊,但俄罗斯和中国却将矛头指向了安理会。
        Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia’s deputy U.N. ambassador, called the meeting a “provocation” and “a shameless attempt” by the United States and other Western countries “to use the council to advance their own self-serving politicized agenda.”        俄罗斯驻联合国副大使德米特里·波利扬斯基称这次会议是美国和其他西方国家的“挑衅”,带有“无耻的企图”,“目的是利用安理会来推进他们自己自私的政治化议程”。
        Geng Shuang, the Chinese ambassador to the U.N., took a different tack, arguing that human rights issues were beyond the scope of the council’s mission because the conditions in North Korea did not “pose a threat to international peace and security.”        中国驻联合国大使耿爽采取了另一种策略,他认为人权问题超出了安理会的使命范围,因为朝鲜的情况“并未对国际和平与安全构成威胁”。
        But Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy, said that she was inspired by Mr. Kim’s bravery and that Thursday’s meeting was long overdue.        但美国常驻联合国代表琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德表示,金日赫的勇敢使她受到鼓舞,并且周四的会议早就该举行了。
        “We must give voice to the voiceless,” she said.        “我们必须让无声者发声,”她说。
        Despite the vivid portrayals of the suffering in North Korea, there was no agreement to take any action and no mention of Pvt. Travis T. King, the American soldier who fled across the inter-Korean border into North Korea in July.        尽管会议生动地描绘了朝鲜的苦难,但没有达成采取任何行动的协议,也没有提及列兵特拉维斯·T·金——7月越过朝韩边境进入朝鲜的美国士兵。

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