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Biden to Restrict Investments in China, Citing National Security Threats

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-09 03:26

        The Biden administration plans on Wednesday to issue new restrictions on American investments in certain advanced industries in China, according to people familiar with the deliberations, a move that supporters have described as necessary to protect national security but that will undoubtedly rankle Beijing.        据知情人士透露,拜登政府计划周三对美国在中国某些先进行业的投资实施新的限制,支持者称这是保护国家安全的必要行动,但无疑会激怒北京。
        The measure would be one of the first significant steps the United States has taken in its economic clash with China to clamp down on financial flows. It could set the stage for more restrictions on investments between the two countries in the years to come.        该措施将是美国在与中国的经济冲突中为遏制金融流动而采取的首批重要措施之一。这可能为未来几年两国之间的更多投资限制奠定基础。
        The restrictions would bar private equity and venture capital firms from making investments in certain high-tech sectors, like quantum computing, artificial intelligence and advanced semiconductors, the people said, in a bid to stop the transfer of American dollars and expertise to China.        知情人士表示,这些限制将禁止私募股权和风险投资公司投资量子计算、人工智能和先进半导体等高科技领域,以阻止美国的资金和专业知识向中国转移。
        It would also require firms making investments in a broader range of Chinese industries to report that activity, giving the government better visibility into financial exchanges between the United States and China.        该措施还要求在中国其他行业进行投资的公司报告此类投资活动,从而使政府更好地了解中美之间的金融往来。
        The White House declined to comment. But Biden officials have emphasized that outright restrictions on investment would narrowly target a few sectors that could aid the Chinese military or surveillance state as they seek to combat security threats but not disrupt legitimate business with China.        白宫拒绝发表评论。但拜登政府官员强调,因为他们寻求应对安全威胁,对投资的绝对限制将仅针对少数有可能帮助中国军事或监视力量的部门,但不会破坏这些公司与中国的合法业务。
        “There is mounting evidence that U.S. capital is being used to advance Chinese military capabilities and that the U.S. lacks a sufficient means of combating this activity,” said Emily Benson, the director of project on trade and technology at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.        华盛顿智囊团战略与国际研究中心贸易和技术项目主任艾米丽·本森表示:“越来越多的证据表明,美国资本正在被用来提升中国的军事能力,而美国缺乏足够的手段来打击这一活动。”
        The Biden administration has recently sought to calm relations with China, dispatching Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and other top officials to talk with Chinese counterparts.        拜登政府最近寻求缓和与中国的关系,派遣财政部长珍妮特·耶伦和其他高级官员与中国对等官员进行对话。
        But the Biden administration has continued to push to “de-risk” critical supply chains by developing suppliers outside China, and it has steadily ramped up its restrictions on selling certain technologies to China, including semiconductors for advanced computing.        但拜登政府继续通过发展中国以外的供应商来推动关键供应链“去风险”,并稳步加大对向中国出售某些技术的限制,包括用于先进计算的半导体。
        The Chinese government has long restricted certain foreign investments by individuals and firms. Other governments, such as those of Taiwan and South Korea, also have restrictions on outgoing investments.        中国政府长期以来一直对个人和企业限制某些外国投资。其他政府,例如台湾和韩国的政府,也就对外投资设有限制。
        But until now, the U.S. government had left financial flows between the world’s two largest economies largely untouched. Just a few years ago, American policymakers were working to open up Chinese financial markets for U.S. firms.        但到目前为止,美国政府基本上未触及世界两大经济体之间的资金流动。就在几年前,美国政策制定者还在努力为美国公司开放中国金融市场。
        In the past few years, investments between the United States and China have fallen sharply as the countries severed other economic ties. But venture capital and private equity firms have continued to seek out lucrative opportunities for partnerships, as a way to gain access to China’s vibrant tech industry.        过去几年,随着中美切断其他经济联系,两国之间的投资急剧下降。但风险投资和私募股权公司仍在继续寻找利润丰厚的合作机会,希望藉此进入生机勃勃的中国科技产业。
        The planned measure has already faced criticism from congressional Republicans and others who say it has taken too long and does not go far enough to limit U.S. funding of Chinese technology. In July, a House committee on China sent letters to four U.S. venture capital firms expressing “serious concern” about their investments in Chinese companies in areas including artificial intelligence and semiconductors.        这项计划中的措施已经遭到国会共和党人和其他人士的批评,他们称其耗时太长,而且不足以限制美国对中国技术的资助。7月,众议院中国委员会致函四家美国风险投资公司,对它们在人工智能和半导体等领域对中国公司的投资表示“严重关切”。
        Others have argued that the restriction would mainly put the U.S. economy at a disadvantage, because other countries continue to forge technology partnerships with China, and China has no shortage of capital.        还有人认为,这一限制主要会让美国经济处于不利地位,因为其他国家将继续与中国建立科技伙伴关系,而中国并不缺乏资本。
        Nicholas R. Lardy, a nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said the United States was the source of less than 5 percent of China’s inbound direct investment in 2021 and 2022.        彼得森国际经济研究所非常驻高级研究员尼古拉斯·R·拉迪表示,2021年和2022年,在对中国的直接投资中,美国占不到5%。
        “Unless other major investors in China adopt similar restrictions, I think this is a waste of time,” Mr. Lardy said. “Pushing this policy now simply plays into the hands of those in Beijing who believe that the U.S. seeks to contain China and are not interested in renewed dialogue or a ‘thaw.’”        “除非中国的其他主要投资者采取类似的限制,否则我认为这是浪费时间,”拉迪表示。“现在推行这项政策,对北京那些认为美国寻求遏制中国并且对重新对话或‘解冻’不感兴趣的人来说,是正中下怀。”
        Biden officials have talked with allies in recent months to explain the measure and encourage other governments to adopt similar restrictions, including at the Group of 7 meetings in Japan in May. Since then, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, has urged the European Union to introduce its own measure.        近几个月,包括在5月于日本举行的七国集团会议上,拜登政府官员与盟友沟通,解释这项措施,并鼓励其他政府采取类似的限制措施。此后,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩一直敦促欧盟出台自己的措施。
        The administration is expected to give businesses and other organizations a chance to comment on the new rules before they are finalized in the months to come.        预计政府将在未来几个月新规最终确定之前让企业和其他组织有机会对该规定发表评论。
        Claire Chu, a senior China analyst at Janes, a defense intelligence company, said that communicating and enforcing the measure would be difficult, and that officials would need to engage closely with Silicon Valley and Wall Street.        国防情报公司简氏信息集团的高级中国分析师朱怀安表示,沟通和执行该措施将很困难,官员们需要与硅谷和华尔街密切接触。
        “For a long time, the U.S. national security community has been reticent to recognize the international financial system as a potential warfighting domain,” she said. “And the business community has pushed back against what it considers to be the politicization of private markets. And so this is not only an interagency effort, but an exercise in intersectoral coordination.”        “长期以来,美国国家安全界一直不愿承认国际金融体系是一片潜在的战场,”她说。“商界也反对其认为的私人市场政治化。因此,这不仅是跨政府部门的努力,也是不同经济部门间协调的一次演练。”

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