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Outrage as Chinese Real Estate Giant Wobbles and Its Stock Dives

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-14 12:31

        It was considered the gold standard in China’s increasingly shaky housing market. Now investors are treating Country Garden, the giant developer, as if it were a ticking time bomb.        在中国日益动荡的房地产市场上,碧桂园曾被视为黄金标准。现在,投资者把这家巨型开发商当成定时炸弹一般对待。
        The company, China’s last major real estate giant to avoid default, has hinted at its financial troubles for weeks. On Thursday night, it was more direct: Country Garden said it expected a loss of up to $7.6 billion over the first six months of this year.        作为中国最后一家避免了违约的大型房地产巨头,该公司几周来一直在暗示其财务问题。周四晚上,碧桂园的表态更为直接:预计今年前六个月的亏损将高达550亿元。
        The company’s shares, which trade in Hong Kong, took a dive on Friday, dragging its value to new depths. The stock is trading around one Hong Kong dollar, or about 13 cents U.S.        周五,该公司在港交所上市的股票大幅下挫,股价跌至新低。该股目前的交易价约为1港元,约合0.92元人民币。
        The pessimism was not limited to the markets.        悲观情绪并不局限于市场。
        Commenters on Chinese social media expressed their shock — and anger — at the drumbeat of bad news about China’s housing market. Many invoked the memory of another real estate giant, China Evergrande, which landed in default two years ago, setting off a wave chain of real estate flameouts.        中国社交媒体上的留言者对中国房地产市场的坏消息不断表示震惊和愤怒。许多人想起了另一家房地产巨头——中国恒大,该公司两年前陷入违约,引发了房地产行业的一连串倒闭潮。
        “Another real estate giant is going to fall,” Guo Guosong, an author and a former journalist, wrote in a comment. “Evergrande collapsed. Will Country Garden be next?”        “又一个房地产巨头大厦将倾的节奏,”前记者郭国松在评论中写道。“恒大倒了,下一个会是碧桂园吗?”
        Others piled on, and the conversation online lit up by early afternoon, when more than 100 million people had viewed the comments under the hashtag “Evergrande is insolvent.”        其他人也纷纷发表评论,到下午早些时候,网上的讨论就已升温,“恒大地产已资不抵债”标签下这些评论的浏览量超过1亿。
        For years, Chinese developers took on huge piles of debt to expand into cities around the country, selling apartments before they were completed. Along the way, their top executives joined the ranks of Asia’s richest tycoons. Evergrande’s failure in 2021 put a spotlight on the industry’s practices when it set off a cascade of similar collapses in real estate, and millions of people were left with unfinished apartments.        多年来,中国的开发商大肆举债向全国各地的城市扩张,销售期房。在此过程中,它们的高管加入了亚洲最富有大亨的行列。恒大地产在2021年爆发危机,引发了一系列类似的房地产崩盘,数百万人只得到未完工的公寓,这使该行业的做法备受关注。
        “These real estate tycoons are making a lot of money, but the company is in a mess, the money goes into their pockets and the mess is the government’s,” wrote Sun Guoyu, whose verified social media account said he was the chairman of a company called Shenzhen Neteye Holdings.        “这些地产豪强,个人都赚得盆满钵肥,公司则亏得一塌糊涂,钱袋子是自己的,烂摊子是政府的!”孙国瑜写道。他的社交媒体认证账户称,他是深圳一家名为网眼控股有限公司的董事长。
        “Systemic problems, ordinary people pay the bill,” he added.        “系统性问题,老百姓买单,”他还写道。
        The pent-up public anger over China’s housing sector has been years in the making and has spilled onto the streets at times. But the fate of Country Garden, one of the country’s last standing giants and a company that had been seen as a more responsible player, appears to have been behind the torrent of frustration on Friday. Some wondered: What happened to the money that home buyers gave to the developers, since there are so few finished apartments to show for it?        公众对中国房地产行业压抑的愤怒酝酿已久,有时还会变为街头抗议。然而碧桂园的命运似乎引发了周五的这场愤懑洪流。该公司是中国最后几家屹立不倒的巨头之一,曾被视为更负责任的企业。一些人不禁发问:房子几乎都没完工,购房者给开发商的钱都去哪儿了?
        That Country Garden is on the brink of collapse has alarmed economists and market watchers, who fret that China’s policymakers, even after pledging to bolster the housing market, have lost control. Some weighed in on the conversation online on Friday.        碧桂园濒临倒闭的消息让经济学家和市场观察人士感到震惊,他们担心即使中国的政策制定者承诺提振房市,事态也已经失去控制。周五,一些人在网上参与了这场讨论。
        “The severe winter of the real estate industry has come,” wrote An Guanglu, an author in Shaanxi Province.        “地产行业的严冬已经来临,”陕西的安广禄写道。
        “Let’s see who can survive.”        “就看谁能熬过这个夏天里的冬天。”

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