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China’s Nickel Plants in Indonesia Created Needed Jobs, Plus Pollution

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-18 03:48

        For most of his 57 years on the island of Sulawesi, Jamal was accustomed to scarcity, modest expectations and a grim shortage of jobs. People mined sand, caught fish and coaxed crops from the soil. Chickens frequently disappeared from front yards, stolen by hungry neighbors.        贾马尔在苏拉威西岛生活了57年,大部分时间里,他已经习惯了物资匮乏、低期望值和极端稀少的就业机会。人们挖沙子、捕鱼、耕种庄稼。前院的鸡经常失踪,被饥饿的邻居偷走。
        Mr. Jamal, who like many Indonesians goes by one name, regularly rode his motorbike to construction jobs in the city of Kendari, a half-hour away.        贾马尔和许多印尼人一样只有一个名字,他经常骑着摩托车去半小时车程外的肯达里市的建筑工地干活。
        Then, six years ago, a towering smelter rose next to his home. The factory was built by a company called PT Dragon Virtue Nickel Industry, a subsidiary of a Chinese mining giant, Jiangsu Delong Nickel.        六年前,他家附近建起了一座高耸的冶炼厂。这家工厂由一家名为PT Dragon Virtue Nickel Industry的公司建造,它是中国矿业巨头江苏德龙镍业的子公司。
        Indonesia had recently banned exports of raw nickel to attract investment into processing plants. Chinese companies arrived in force, erecting scores of smelters. They were eager to secure nickel for factories at home that needed the mineral to make batteries for electric vehicles. They were intent on moving the pollution involved in the nickel industry away from Chinese cities.        印尼最近禁止镍原料出口,以吸引对加工厂的投资。中国企业大批进驻,建起了数十座冶炼厂。他们急于为国内需要这种矿物来制造电动汽车电池的工厂获得镍。他们打算将镍工业造成的污染从中国城市转移出去。
        Mr. Jamal got a job building dormitory blocks for laborers who were arriving from other parts of Sulawesi. He increased his income by constructing seven rental units at his own home, where he was born and raised. His son-in-law got hired at the smelter.        贾马尔找到了一份工作,为从苏拉威西岛其他地区来的劳工修建宿舍楼。他在自己出生和长大的家里建造了七套出租屋,从而增加了收入。他的女婿也被冶炼厂雇用了。
        Inside Mr. Jamal’s home, a new air-conditioner eases the muggy tropical air. Formerly bare concrete floors now glisten with ceramic tiles.        在贾马尔家里,一台新空调缓解了闷热的热带空气。昔日光秃秃的水泥地板现在铺上了闪闪发光的瓷砖。
        He and his family complain about the dust pouring off piles of waste, the belching smokestacks, and trucks rumbling past at all hours bearing fresh ore. On the worst days, residents don masks and struggle to breathe. People go to clinics with lung problems.        他和他的家人抱怨着从成堆的废物中倾泻而出的灰尘、冒着烟的烟囱,载着新矿石的卡车日夜隆隆驶过。情况最糟的时候,居民们要戴口罩,呼吸困难。人们因为肺部问题去诊所。
        “What can we do?” Mr. Jamal said. “The air is not good, but we have better living standards.”        “能有什么办法?”贾马尔说。“空气不好,但我们的生活水平提高了。”
        Here is the crux of the deal that Indonesian officials have cut with deep-pocketed Chinese companies now dominating the nickel industry: pollution and social strife in exchange for upward mobility.        这就是印尼官员与目前在镍产业中占主导地位、财力雄厚的中国公司达成交易的关键:以污染和社会冲突换取向上流动的空间。
        At the heart of the trade-off are Indonesia’s unrivaled stocks of nickel.        交易的核心是印尼无与伦比的镍存量。
        On a recent morning at the Cinta Jaya mine on Sulawesi’s southeast coast, dozens of excavators tore at the reddish soil, loading the earth onto dump trucks that carried it down to the edge of the Banda Sea. There, they dropped the ore onto barges that ferried it to smelters up and down the island.        最近的一个早晨,在苏拉威西岛东南海岸的辛塔贾亚矿区,数十台挖掘机在红色的土壤上挖掘,把泥土装上自卸卡车,运到班达海边。在那里,他们把矿石放到驳船上,然后运往岛上各地的冶炼厂。
        Much of the nickel was headed north to the Morowali Industrial Park, an empire of 50 factories sprawling across nearly 10,000 acres that operates like a gated city, complete with a private airport, a dedicated seaport and a central kitchen that churns out 70,000 meals a day.        大部分的镍被运往北部的莫罗瓦利工业园,那是一个由50家工厂组成的帝国,占地近4000公顷,运作起来就像一座封闭的城市,拥有一个私人机场、一个专用海港和一个每天能做7万份伙食的中央厨房。
        The park was officially created in 2013 through an agreement announced by Indonesia’s then-president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and President Xi Jinping of China. China Development Bank provided a loan of more than $1.2 billion.        中国国家开发银行提供了超过12亿美元的贷款。
        Roughly 6,000 workers from China live in dormitory blocks, their laundry drying from railings. Visiting Chinese executives sleep at a five-star hotel run by Tsingshan, a Chinese company invested in a smelter that makes elements for electric vehicle batteries. Its restaurant, which serves dim sum and rice porridge, looks out over trucks disgorging cargo on the pier.        大约6000名来自中国的工人住在宿舍楼里,他们的衣服晾在栏杆上。来访的中国高管们睡在青山集团经营的五星级酒店里。青山集团是一家中国企业,投资一家生产电动汽车电池原料的冶炼厂。它的餐厅供应点心和米粥,可以看到码头上堆满货物的卡车。
        Five million metric tons of nickel ore is spread on a hillside above the port — a stockpile on a cosmic scale. A structure the size of several airplane hangars holds mountains of coal waiting to be fed into the park’s power plant to generate electricity.        500万吨镍矿分布在港口上方的山坡上——这是一个巨大的储备。一栋足有几个飞机库大小的建筑中堆放了大量的煤炭,等待被送入园区的发电厂发电。
        Some of the barges leaving the nickel mine were destined south, to the district of Morosi, where Mr. Jamal lives, and where two Chinese-invested smelters have — for better and worse — comprehensively altered local life.        一些离开镍矿区的驳船驶向南方的莫罗西区,贾马尔就住在那里,且不论是好是坏,总之,那里的两家中国投资的冶炼厂彻底改变了当地人的生活。
        The Obsidian Stainless Steel factory, another subsidiary of the Delong group, looms over the surrounding rice paddies. As a recent afternoon shift ended, workers poured out of the gates on motorbikes, headed to surrounding dormitories. Many of those from mainland China stopped at a strip of shops and restaurants festooned with signs displaying Chinese characters.        德龙集团的另一家子公司——黑曜石不锈钢厂——在周围的稻田中森然而立。最近一次下午的轮班结束后,工人们骑着摩托车涌出大门,前往周围的宿舍。许多来自中国大陆的工人在一排挂挂着中文招牌的商店和餐馆前停下来。
        Wang Lidan stood vigil over a charcoal grill in front of her shop, fanning skewers of squid while hawking her other wares — scallion pancakes, fried dumplings, ice cream bars and jars of pickled radishes.        王丽丹(音)站在店门口的木炭烤架后面,一边扇动着鱿鱼串,一边兜售其他商品——葱花煎饼、煎饺、雪糕和罐装腌萝卜。
        Raised in the southern Chinese city of Xiamen, she had been in Indonesia for nearly 30 years, selling jewelry imported from China to tourists on the resort island of Bali, and operating a modest restaurant in Jakarta, the capital.        她在中国南方城市厦门长大,在印度尼西亚生活了近30年,在度假胜地巴厘岛向游客出售从中国进口的珠宝,并在首都雅加达经营着一家不起眼的餐馆。
        She had arrived in Sulawesi five years earlier, having heard that thousands of Chinese laborers were on their way to a lonely stretch of Sulawesi to work in the new smelters. She rented a shack topped by plastic tarps and sheets of corrugated aluminum, setting up a restaurant. She slept on a wooden bench in front of the kitchen.        五年前,她听说数以千计的中国劳工正前往苏拉威西岛一个偏僻的地方,在新建的冶炼厂工作,于是就来到苏拉威西岛。她租了一间顶上铺着塑料布和波纹板的棚屋,开了一家餐馆。她睡在厨房前的木凳上。
        She hired a local cook, Eno Priyanto, who recently opened his own restaurant, preparing seafood and satay.        她雇用本地厨师伊诺·普里扬托,他最近开了一家自己的餐馆,主要经营海鲜和沙嗲串。
        “This used to be an empty swamp,” he said. “It’s way better now.”        “这里曾经是一片空旷的沼泽,”他说。“现在好多了。”
        On the other side of the road, a smelter worker from the central Chinese province of Henan examined crabs and fish arrayed at a makeshift stall set on the edge of the road.        在路的另一边,来自中国中部河南省的一名冶炼厂工人正在看路边临时摊位上摆放的螃蟹和鱼。
        Another from Liaoning Province, in China’s northeast, enjoyed a bowl of noodles inside a rare air-conditioned restaurant. Then he stopped at a produce stand, buying corn on the cob and a pineapple to bring back to his dorm.        另一位来自中国东北辽宁省的工人在一家难得一见的空调餐厅里享用了一碗面条。然后,他在一个菜摊前停了下来,买了玉米棒子和一个菠萝带回宿舍。
        He chatted in Mandarin with the woman behind the counter, Ernianti Salim, 20, the daughter of the proprietor. She has been studying Chinese in a nearby classroom — first, to help her mother sell fruits and vegetables, and then to burnish her chances of landing a job at a nearby factory. She was earning about 150,000 rupiah per month (about $10) doing laundry, but hoped to multiply her pay 25-fold with an entry-level factory job.        他用普通话和柜台后的店老板女儿、现年20岁的厄尔尼安迪·萨利姆聊了几句。她在附近一个学习班学中文——一开始是为了帮她妈妈卖水果蔬菜,后来是为了增加进入附近一家工厂上班的机会。她靠给人洗衣服一个月可以挣到大约15万卢比(约合人民币70元),不过如果能进工厂做个初级工人,收入会是原来的25倍。
        “I have more hope now,” Ms. Ernianti said.        “我现在更有希望了,”厄尔尼安迪说。
        But behind the smelter, farmers complained that their hopes had been extinguished.        不过住在冶炼厂后面的农民却不满地说,他们越来越看不到希望。
        Rosmini Bado, 43, a mother of four, lives in a stilt house that looks directly down on her rice paddies. Her view is now dominated by smokestacks and a concrete wall that abuts her land — the only barrier separating her livelihood from piles of steaming waste dumped there after the smelting process.        43岁的罗丝米尼·巴多是四个孩子的妈,住在一座高脚屋里,屋外就是她的稻田。她的窗外现在满是烟囱,还有一道紧贴着她的田地的水泥墙——那是她赖以生存的土地和一堆堆冒着热气的冶炼废料之间的唯一屏障。
        Early this year, just after she planted her crop, her land was swamped by a major storm. Before the factory was built, she could have drained the water. Not anymore. The concrete wall directed the flow back to her parcel, destroying a crop worth 18 million rupiah (about $1,200).        今年初刚刚种下庄稼不久,一场特大暴风雨把她的地给淹了。以前没有工厂的时候,她还可以排水。现在不行了。水泥墙把水流重新引回了她的稻田,毁了价值1800万卢比(约合人民币8600元)的庄稼。
        The fish she and her family raise in pools no longer grow large, she said, as local people speculate about toxins washing into everything.        她说,她和家人在池塘里养的鱼也长不大了,当地人猜测是因为有毒物质在四处渗透。
        Her husband and son have been unable to secure work at the factory.        她的丈夫和儿子一直无法进入工厂工作。
        Throughout the nickel belt of Sulawesi, local employees are aware that they earn far less than their Chinese counterparts, many of them supervisors.        在苏拉威西镍带,本地工人知道自己挣的比中国同事少很多,后者许多是他们的上司。
        As workers course through surrounding roads on their motorbikes, they wear construction helmets whose colors denote their rank — yellow for entry level, red for the next tier, followed by blue and white. It does not escape notice that Indonesians are almost wholly clad in yellow, while blue and white are the preserve of Chinese workers.        在四周围的道路上可以看到骑着摩托车的工人,通过他们头上的安全帽的颜色可以识别他们的级别高低——黄色是初级,红色高一级,再往上是蓝色和白色。很容易可以看出,印尼人几乎全是黄色,而蓝色和白色是专属于中国工人的。
        “It’s unfair,” said Mr. Jamal. “Indonesian workers work harder, while Chinese workers just point and tell them what to do.”        “不公平,”贾马尔说。“印尼工人干活更卖力,中国工人只需要指指点点,告诉他们去做什么。”
        Sometimes-violent protests mounted by local workers have prompted crackdowns by the police and an Indonesian military unit.        本地工人发起的抗议活动时有暴力发生,促使警察和一个印尼军方单位前来镇压。
        At the Morowali industrial park, Chinese workers are now confined to the premises, barred by their employers from venturing out into surrounding communities for fear of encountering hostility.        在莫罗瓦利工业园,中国工人现在只能待在园区里,由于担心发生冲突,他们的雇主禁止他们到周边社区活动。
        In the Morosi district, Chinese workers continue to frequent local shops and restaurants, but proprietors fret that their business may not last.        在莫罗西区,中国工人仍然会光顾当地的商铺和餐馆,不过店主们担心生意恐怕不会长久。
        “I’m afraid,” said Mr. Eno, the restaurant operator. “The more that Indonesian workers protest, the less Chinese workers will come out.”        “我是怕的,”经营餐馆恩诺说。“印尼工人越是抗议,中国工人就越少出来。”

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